Chapter Ten

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     On September thirteenth Sebastian went to Cedric's birthday party and thought it was so cool to see Cedric's Hogwarts acceptance letter. At his party they played some games and flew around on their brooms with Fred and George. They all ate cake and pranked Amos, by turning his hair blue, with a potion the put on his slice of cake. Amos didn't think it was funny but everyone else did.
     Sebastian got Cedric some sweets and a poster of the Puddlemere United Quidditch team for his present.
     Sebastian was so excited because next year he would get to start Hogwarts with his three best friends. Cedric was the oldest and he was the youngest as the twins were born on the first of April.
     Sebastian knew that he was very far ahead of the Hogwarts curriculum, he got all the way to fourth year in the core subjects and worked on arithmancy with his papa instead of hiring another tutor. He was already working on runes that were N.E.W.T level because they were his favourite. They decided to also hire a muggleborn wizard to teach him muggle science and math because he got to the point in the Hogwarts curriculum that he would be ready for O.W.L level subjects and his papa wanted him to wait to learn at Hogwarts. He already had his training wand and could do all the spells, they just weren't as powerful as they would be with a real wand. Sebastian also found a book in the library about wandless magic and got so excited and really wanted to try. About two weeks after finding the book he could cast Lumos without a wand or incantation. Even though the nonverbal part wasn't new to him because he could do all his spells nonverbally. He was so excited to show his papa because he knew only really powerful witches and wizards could do wandless manic and he was only ten. He ran to his papas study and knocked on the door, when his papa answered he told him to have a seat at his desk.
     "What do you need Sebastian?" Lucius asked.
     "May I show you something really cool?" Sebastian asked excitedly.
     "Sure Bast, What is it?"
     "Just watch." Sebastian said then held out one of his hands over the desk, his papa looked skeptically at him but looked at his hand. His papa gasped when a pale blue light started to shine above his hand, and Sebastian smiled with excitement. "I can do wandless magic, isn't that awesome!" Sebastian said with a grin as he put out his light.
     "That is impressive Bast, I don't know many people who can do wandless magic. You are going to be a force to be reckoned with at Hogwarts. How long have you been practicing that for?" Lucius was very impressed at his sons power, he'd never heard of a kid who could do wandless magic other than accidental magic.
     "Two weeks, it's difficult to control, it took a long time to get it to glow to the strength I wanted it to, before it was either too bright or too dim. But I got it now!"
     "That you did, I am very proud that you were able to do that, it takes a great deal of patience to learn a thing like that. Keep working on it and one day you will be able to do it easily and do more spells. Without a wand a wizard who can't do wandless magic is defenseless, if you can do magic without your wand you can always protect yourself."
     "I like that I wouldn't ever be completely defenseless. Now only if I knew how to properly yield a blade." Sebastian looked up to his papa with a smile. "Anyway we could add another course to my work load? I always wanted to be able to sword fight."
     "If you can manage the extra work than I can arrange it." Lucius said, Sebastian so rarely asked for things so he tried to get him most things he asked for. While Draco got new things almost weekly, Sebastian liked to get things every once in a while, and liked figurines of the Falmouth Falcons Quidditch team, and Lucius got him one when he did really well on a project or something similar.
     "Thanks Papa, I won't let you down." Sebastian said as he hugged his papa and ran out of his study towards the library to read about swords.
     Once Sebastian left his study Lucius whispered back, "No Sebastian, you never let me down."

     On April first Sebastian went over to the twins house to celebrate their birthdays, he got them both pranks from Zonko's Joke Shop as they loved to play pranks on everyone. Now that it was spring break and the rest of the family was home it would do them good to have.
     "Sebby-," George said
     "Our favourite of-," Fred continued.
     "The Malfoys-."
     "We finally-,"
     "Got to get-,"
     "Our wands after-,"
     "So long of-,"
     "Freddy! Georgie! That's awesome! I am so excited to go to Hogwarts. Only five more months then we can create chaos is the school." Sebastian said excitedly.
     "I am very glad I'm finished Hogwarts this year, you guys are going to create so much trouble." Bill, the oldest Weasley said.
     "Awe, but Will we aren't going to harm anyone, just a few harmless pranks. And with me being the brains of execution everything will be fine. They design the pranks, I either help figure out the spell or brew the potion and Cedric is good at strategy, everything will be fine. We'll never be caught." Sebastian insisted.
     "Sebastian, it's Bill, not Will." Bill moaned, Sebastian always called him Will rather than Bill, and it drove him nuts. No one quite knew why, but Sebastian wouldn't call him anything else.
     "Sorry, Will." Sebastian said cheekily.
     The rest of the time Sebastian spent at the Weasley's he was with the twins working on pranks and playing games with Cedric.
     The rest of the Weasley's didn't particularly like Sebastian except for Bill and Charlie, and tended to stay out of his way. They didn't like that he was a Malfoy, even though he used to be a Potter. Although Ginny, the youngest always blushed near him, which drove him insane, and Percy didn't care what he did as long as he wasn't bothered, and Ron was jealous that the twins got to be friends with 'Harry Potter,' even though he hasn't been Harry Potter since he was eight.
     Bill was pretty cool because he wanted to be a curse breaker and could talk with Sebastian about runes. And Charlie was pretty cool because he was Gryffindor Quidditch captain and was really good at Care of Magical Creatures, and specifically loved dragons.

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