Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     The next two weeks of Sebastian's summer vacation flew by, and by then, he finally got his supplies list for his second year at Hogwarts. Along with his supplies list came his grades, and his father was very proud of how well he did. He had managed to get O's in every subject, and his professors had made comments about how good his practical skills were, and the amount of extra details he'd put into his essays, while still keeping them at the required length.

     A few days after Sebastian had gotten his supplies list, he was able to go to Diagon Alley with his father, brother, Viktor, and Arthur. He also was to meet up with Fred, George, and Cedric to get their books together. He did invite Adrian too, but he went to Italy for the week with his family.

     The four made their way through Diagon Alley, heading towards the bookstore to meet up with Sebastian's friends. They had floo'd into The Leaky Cauldron, and got Sebastian fitted for new robes, as his ones from last year were getting a little snug.

     Sebastian greeted his friends and the four twelve year olds were all allowed to go off and wander the Alley by themselves. Viktor went to find a friend of his that he was meeting as well, and the three groups agreed to meet at The Leaky Cauldron for lunch at one.

     Cedric, Fred, George and Sebastian walked down the road chatting about pranks and their marks from last year. They decided to go to Quality Quidditch supplies first, as all of them were in need of broom servicing kits if they were going to try out for Quidditch that year.

     Next, they all went to the Apothecary to buy potion ingredients, both for potion lessons, and pranks. This was the four boys' least favourite place to shop. The place smelled horrible, and the shelves were filled with disgusting things that only looking at them caused you to feel nauseous. Fortunately, they were able to get out of the store quickly, and went to the bookstore, their final destination before lunch.

     The bookstore was jam packed with people. It appeared there was someone there signing books, and when Sebastian looked around he saw a sign. Apparently a man named Gildroy Lockhart was signing copies of his books, and giving autographs. It was bizarre, Sebastian thought, he had never read a book by the man before, and Sebastian had read lots of books. Letting curiosity get the better of him he wandered up to the front of the bookstore to get a look at the man and what his books were about.

     Sebastian really regretted ever leaving his place at the back of the shop, because as soon as he neared the front of the store lockhart spotted him, and called him up to the stage.

     "Harry Potter, or should I say Sebastian Malfoy. Almost as famous as me, boy, well let's get a picture for the press, we should make the front page at this rate." Lockhart said in a chipper voice.

     Sebastian just stood there not knowing what to do. No one had really ever called him out on being Harry Potter like this. He was almost certain his father had made threats when he was first adopted that he was to be addressed as nothing but Sebastian Malfoy-Potter.

     Lockhart finally released his arm from around his shoulder and Sebastian almost sighed in relief. He just hoped he'd never have to deal with the man again. As Sebastian went back to his friends, very ready to leave the bookstore, with or without his books, he heard Lockhart speak again.

     "Today, I have the best news to share with you all. I will be teaching defence against the dark art this year at Hogwarts, so all you children will get the privilege of having me as a professor, isn't that great?" The man said with a smile, it seemed it was all the man could do with his face. Maybe he had so many face lifts, that that was all he could do.

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