Chapter Thirty

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

       The next while seemed a little hectic for Sebastian. With Quidditch practice several times a week, and planning pranks with his friends, it was easier to forget about what happened and just move on. What Sebastian didn't expect was for Dumbledore to send him a letter requesting him to his office. As confused as Sebastian was by Dumbledore requesting his presence, he knew it was going to happen at some point. He knew that Dumbledore was going to question why he left the Dursleys all those years ago, and was honestly surprised it hadn't happened the year before. He was also certain that Dumbledore was going to bring up the fact that he was destined to kill Voldemort or some made up story along those lines. He knew he would just have to put on a mask and pretend he knew nothing about what really happened that night. The fact that Dumbledore was essentially the one to kill his parents still hurt, and just looking at the man irritated him.

     The long walk to Dumbledore's office was slightly dreadful. Sebastian tried to think of comebacks to everything Dumbledore could say, and all it ended up doing to him was stress him out. He arrived at the gargoyle guarding his door and quietly said "jelly bean", and watched as the gargoyle let him pass up to the revolving staircase. Sebastian stepped onto the bottom step and was lifted the rest of the way to the door. The door swung open as soon as he arrived, and there, behind his desk, sat Albus Dumbledore.

     "There you are, my boy. I was starting to think you weren't going to show up at all. Never mind that, come have a seat. Lemon drop?" Dumbledore said, seemingly joyful.

     "Sorry, sir, I got held up with my friends at dinner. And no thanks on the lemon drop, I ate enough sweets at dinner." Sebastian replied as he moved to sit down, his eyes never meeting Dumbledore's, as he knew the headmaster was very proficient in legilimency.

     "Now, I haven't got to speak with you as much as I would have liked over the years. We've been quite fortunate to not have any big problems in the wizarding world since you defeated Voldemort when you were just a baby. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but from my sources I have learned that Voldemort is once again alive and is rising in power.

     "I had hoped you would have been older by the time he came back, but I must tell you now as he is getting stronger. I have a story to tell, one of which takes place shortly before you were born. As you must know divination is taught as a third year elective, and I was interviewing seer's to find one for the job of divination teacher. I was at the Hog's Head interviewing our own Sybill Trelawny for the post when she started to zone out, and she created a prophecy. Unfortunately, I was not the only one in the pub at the time, and word of the prophecy got back to Voldemort, and he started to find a target, to kill whoever it was in the prophecy." Dumbledore said, looking troubled.

     Sebastian playing the part well knew he had to ask. "Sir, but what did the prophecy say? And how does this involve me"

     "I shall not bore you with the specifics, but it claimed that the person who could defeat Voldemort would be born to those who had defied him three times, and be born at the end of July. You and just one other boy fit that description, so you were put into safe houses and then, on that tragic night your parents were killed. But no one quite knows what happened that night, except that you survived, and Voldemort was gone. Now though, I fear because Voldemort is back, you are no longer safe." Dumbledore said in his grandfatherly all knowing voice.

     "I thought Hogwarts was the safest place? I'm here currently, so I'm unsure of how this relates to me." Sebastian said. He knew if his father heard that, he wouldn't be too pleased with his attitude, but his father would never find out.

     Dumbledore's face however didn't change, and he seemed to ignore Sebastian. "Hogwarts is safe for you during the school year, but with you being a Slytherin there are many dangers. So many of Voldemort's followers are Slytherin's, and even your friend, Mr. Pucey's parents are his followers, so it is imperative that you not trust anybody. Voldemort will once again try to kill you and use any means to do so. I trust you will take my warning seriously."

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