Chapter Thirty-Four

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

The holiday break passed by quickly for Sebastian and his family. His relationship with Arthur and Viktor grew, and he began to think of them more and more as family, and was certain they would really be family soon. He received many presents for Yule from his family and friends, he had given his friends their presents before the break because an owl carrying heavy presents over such great distances was not healthy for the owl.

He had exchanged letters with Adrian through the break, but by the time Adrian had received his Yule gift from Sebastian their way of correspondence changed. Sebastian had charmed two journals so that the pair could write to each other when they weren't with one another. It was a tricky piece of magic but after a month of sneaking to the library and charming his books so Adrian wouldn't guess what he was up to, he was finally able to finish the journals. Each journal had charms so it would never run out of pages, and so that no one but each other could read their journals. Adrian and Sebastian's communication definitely increased since the journals were brought into play, and the pair were writing to each other every night before bed.

When the Yule break finally came to an end Sebastian found himself sitting in a compartment on the Hogwarts express with his Slytherin friends. He would go find his Hufflepuff and Gryffindor friends later, but he promised his Slytherin friends he would sit with them first.

The four boys caught up with each other and it eventually led to Sam and Jacob playing chess together and Sebastian and Adrian chatting with each other. Since Adrian and Sebastian had stayed up late into the night talking through their journals Sebastian inevitably fell asleep against Adrian, which seemed like practically a tradition now.

It was only when the train was beginning to slow did Adrian wake Sebastian up, so he could change into his school robes. The four found a carriage to ride up to the castle in, and sat with Cedric and his friend Julie, and Sebastian noticed the Twins in a carriage with Lee Jordan and a couple other Gryffindors.

Once in the Great Hall Sebastian sat down with his friends and some other Slytherin's for the opening feast. Before the food was set out Dumbledore spoke a few words.

"As most of you know the new Minister, Marvolo Slytherin, was elected back in November, and has decided that the Hogwarts curriculum was not up to date, so a few members of the board will be sitting through a handful of your classes. Do not fret, they are only there to observe, and will not interfere with your classes. If any of them ask you any questions please answer them to your best abilities. That will be all, please tuck in." Dumbledore finished, as the food appeared on the table.

"Seems like something will finally be done about the lack of proper teachers and classes. Minister Slytherin really is making a difference since he was elected as Minister, the new werewolf and vampire laws alone, is more good than the last Minister did in his entire time in office." Marcus Flint said, as everyone began to put food onto their plates.

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to any new electives that are added next year. Hopefully they allow more clubs to be formed, because we really have no clubs beside Quidditch. I'd love to see study groups and chess clubs be added." Adrian put in.

"I hope so too. Attending a handful of clubs would make school so much more entertaining." A girl in their year said.

The rest of the feast was a joyous affair, and ended in the Slytherin's all full and heading down to their common room. The four Slytherin second year boys made it to their dormitory and unpacked their trunks slightly, only bothering with unpacking their important things.

Once the boys were unpacked and dressed in their pajamas they all sat on their beds and chatted, Sam and Jacob sitting on their own beds, while Sebastian sat on Adrian's, as he claimed his bed was too far away to be able to properly talk to them. The four continued talking into the night. Sam and Jacob drew their curtains closed before Sebastian and Adrain were done talking, so the pair set a silencing around themselves so they wouldn't bother their other two dorm mates.

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