Chapter Twenty-One

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     The next two days passed very quickly and then it was Christmas Eve. Sebastian was looking forward to Christmas day, and was hoping everyone liked what he had gotten them. The manor was completely decked out in holiday decorations which the five had put up the day before.
     In the sitting room was their Christmas tree, which was decorated with many lights and baubles, specifically in the colours of white and gold.
     The five people in the house were all wearing festive sweaters as per Draco's request, and the kids all had mugs of hot chocolate.

     In the afternoon Draco, Sebastian, and Viktor were all playing an intense game of exploding snap in the sitting room, when Lucius and Arthur walked in. "Boys, can we talk to you for a moment?" Lucius asked.
     The boys all looked worried, and their faces apparently showed it as Arthur said "Don't worry it's nothing bad."
     The boys nodded and went to sit on the couch, while Lucius and Arthur sat on the loveseat across from them. "Alright, so you boys all know that Arthur and I were together during our time at Hogwarts, but were separated due to my forced marriage with Narcissa. Correct?" Lucius said. To which the boys all nodded their heads. "We have decided that we are going to try and be together again. It won't change much yet, but it will mean that during breaks we will see a lot more of each other."
     "Alright, sounds good." Sebastian said casually. "I have no doubt you make each other happy." Sebastian then turned to face Arthur, "But if you hurt my father I will show you just how many hexes I know."
     "Sebastian!" Lucius hissed.
     "Don't worry, Lucius." Arthur said to Lucius, before addressing Sebastian. "Bast, if I hurt your father feel free to hurt me as much as you like, because I will never do anything to hurt him and I will be just as mad at myself as you will be if I do."
     "Alright, fair enough." Sebastian said, silently very happy at the use of his nickname, something Narcissa would never use. He was pretty sure he liked Arthur more than Narcissa at this point.
     "You two are good for each other, I'm glad you two are together now. Although I will join my brother if you hurt my papa, Arthur." Draco said.
     "Thanks, Draco." Arthur replied. "Vik, how do you feel about this?"
     "Honestly, I am worried that I will lose you too, I just lost my mother, and now Lucius will take up all your time. So forgive me if I am not thrilled with this development." Viktor said sarcastically before leaving the room.
     Arthur looked a little bit lost after hearing what his son had to say. "Hey, don't worry, Love, I'll go talk to him. Bast, want to join me?" Lucius asked.
     "Okay. Be good for Arthur, Dray." Sebastian said as he stood up. The pair left the room to go find Viktor.
     When they reached his room Lucius knocked on the door, before slowly opening it. Viktor was lying on his stomach on top of his blankets, with his head resting on his arms. "Vik? Can we talk?" Lucius asked softly.
     When he didn't receive a reply, the pair went and sat on the end of his bed. "I know it might seem like it, but I promise I won't take your dad away from you. If anything, I want to be there for you, and get to spend more time with both you and your father. I really like your dad, but I want you to be happy too. If you let me I would love to be a part of your life, and I know both of my sons really like you, and I think you are a brilliant young man.
     "I can leave and let you think about it if you would like some space, but I just want you to know that I will do everything in my power to keep both you and your father happy."
     "Really? You promise? You will care about me too, not just my father." Viktor said quietly.
     "I absolutely promise you that." Lucius replied with a smile.
     "When I first moved in here before I was adopted by Papa, I was worried he would never treat me the same as Draco, but he really does. If Draco got birthday parties, I got them too, and if Draco got ice cream I got ice cream as well. Trust me when I tell you that if you let him, he will treat you just like Draco and I, and I know from experience it's the best feeling ever." Sebastian said.
     "I think I'd like that." Viktor replied.
     "Thank you, Vik. I think some cookies are in order, don't you two agree?" Lucius asked with a smile.
     "Yes please. I'll go tell Arthur and Draco." Sebastian said before running out of the room.
     "Sebastian's right, I will treat you just like I treat Bast and Dray, but you gotta let me, it's a two way street. Okay?" Lucius asked, as he held out his arms for a hug.
     "Okay." Said Viktor before climbing into Lucius' arms, and sighing contently.
     After a moment Lucius pulled away and said. "Let's go get some cookies before the other three eat them all." Viktor nodded and the pair went down the stairs to find the others.

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