Chapter Four

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     The next day they all went shopping to buy Sebastian new clothes, and a few toys. They apparated to Diagon Alley and went to Twilfitt and Tattings to get robes and clothes. Sebastian was measured and picked out clothes and robes that he liked. Mainly in greens, blues and blacks, Narcissa also got him two pairs of dress robes, one black and one emerald green, to match the swirl in his eyes. After an hour of picking out clothes Lucius took him and a restless Draco to a toy shop, Sebastian picked out a few toys he liked. His papa said he could have anything he wanted today, and decided to indulge in a few toys, including a stuffed snake, a model of Hogwarts which he could build, and a few other things. Draco then started whining because he wanted a toy that his dad wouldn't let him get. He started to cry, Lucius gave him a warning to stop but he didn't so Draco was sent home with Narcissa and didn't get to shop with them anymore.
     "Is there anywhere else you would like to go Sebastian?" Lucius asked after Draco and Narcissa left.
     "Could we go to the bookstore?" Sebastian asked. Lucius nodded and they made their way to the bookstore. When they got there Sebastian quickly went to the section on runes and read through the titles, he found one he liked and brought it over to his Papa and he bought it. After they bought the book they went to get ice cream before heading home.
     When they got home Draco came to them and apologized for whining. They accepted his apology and Sebastian went to his room to build his Hogwarts model.

     The next two weeks went by quickly, Sebastian spent his time either in the library or playing with Draco, he also read Draco his bedtime stories now. Because of this Narcissa and Lucius decided tonight they would go out on a date and leave Severus to watch over the kids, now that Sebastian could get Draco to sleep, which Severus never could do.
     "Now boys, I need you to be good for Severus. Sebastian, I need you to put Draco to bed at eight, and for you lights out at eight forty-five. I don't want to hear anything about trouble from either of you. We should be back around eleven." Lucius said in a stern voice, meaning he wasn't messing around.
     "Okay, I will be good. Bye mum, papa." Replied Sebastian.
     "I'll be good too! Love you." Draco said as he hugged his parents. "Let's go play Bast!"
     "Bast? That's knew." Severus said, as he raised an eyebrow.
     "Apparently Sebastian is too long, so he calls me Bast. I would not let him call me Sebby, so we agreed on Bast, it's nice though, I never had a nickname before. I'll go chase after him and put him in his pajamas." Sebastian said, and walked off after his brother.
     "Have fun with them Severus, they should be good. Let me know how it goes." Lucius said as they walked to the edge of the wards and apparated away.
     Severus decided to go read in the library because Sebastian seemed to be able to handle Draco. He then sat down on the loveseat to read a potions book.
      At eight o'clock he was joined by Sebastian and he sat across from him in Sebastian's favourite armchair. Sebastian began to read a potions book as well and they sat silently for the next half hour until Sebastian stood up nodded towards Severus and went to go prepare for bed. On the way to his room he stopped to check on Draco, he found Draco awake so he went in.
     "Hey Dray, why are you up?" Sebastian asked as he sat on the edge of Draco's bed.
     "I had a bad dream." Draco said as he sniffled.
     "Don't cry, it was just a dream, come here." Sebastian said as he pulled Draco into his arms. Sebastian picked Draco up and carried him to his own room so he could get ready for bed. He placed Draco on his bed and tucked him in while he went to brush his teeth and change into his pajamas. He then went and laid down next to Draco and pulled him into his arms while rubbing his back and as soon as Draco's breathing evened out and Sebastian fell asleep as well.

    When Lucius and Narcissa returned home they were told everything went well and Sebastian and Draco both went to bed. The couple then walked to check on their sons, when they went to Draco's room and he wasn't there, they worried slightly. They then walked to Sebastian's room, they looked in the room and found Draco cuddled close to Sebastian and Sebastian had an arm around Draco, they were definitely taking a photo of that. They thought it was absolutely adorable, they both went to their room and shortly after were asleep.

     Two days later Sebastian started his lessons. He had tutors in potions, charms and transfiguration theory, herbology, astronomy, magical history, Latin, and to his request, runes. He thought runes were really awesome, and were helpful in many other things and was eager to learn about them.
     By the end of the day he was tired but really loved learning everything. He had four lessons a day and each lesson was only an hour, it wasn't a long day, but Sebastian thoroughly enjoyed each lesson. His tutors were all impressed with his knowledge and gave him homework which he quickly finished after his lessons were done.
     In Sebastian's spare time now he often would read through rune books trying to memorize them all, he wasn't allowed to draw them on his own but he could read them. He also had to read Draco his bedtime story or he wouldn't go to sleep, which he didn't mind as he liked calm Draco rather than crazy Draco.

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