Chapter Twelve

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

   A month later Remus floo called Severus the day after the full moon. "Severus, may I come through and talk?" Remus asked.
     "Yes." Severus replied. Remus then came through and Severus lead him to the sitting room. "How was the full moon last night? Did the potions work?"
     "They worked incredibly! I didn't feel any different than any other time of the month. And I woke up this morning well rested." Remus exclaimed. Sebastian's werewolf cure worked and he was so happy to not have to transform anymore, he could probably even find a job now.
     "That is good, I can floo call him now and see if he could come over to talk to you. I know you wanted to meet him."
     "That would be great." Remus replied, so Severus went and floo called Malfoy Manor. Lucius answered and agreed for Sebastian to go over to his house. A few minutes later Sebastian stepped through the fireplace into Severus' sitting room.
     "Hello, Severus. How are you?" Sebastian said being polite even though he didn't really like him.
     "I am fine. This is Remus Lupin, he is the person who tested your werewolf cure." Severus replied.
     "Really?! How did it go? Did it work?" Sebastian exclaimed.
     "It did work, do you need to run any tests or anything?" Remus replied.
     "If you would allow it, Mr. Lupin."
     "Of course you can, but please call me Remus."
     "Thank you, Remus. I will just be running a few diagnostic spells on you, and I also need a small blood sample to see if the werewolf virus is still in your blood."
     "Go ahead." Remus said, so Sebastian pulled out his wand and started running tests and took his blood. After the diagnostics were finished he smiled brightly.
     "It was a success there in no more of the werewolf virus in your blood. You are no longer a werewolf." Sebastian said happily.
     "You are the best, Sebastian. I owe you big time, anything you need I will do for you." Remus said as he engulfed Sebastian in a hug. Normally Sebastian would shy away from physical contact from most people, but he decided he liked Remus.
     "I have one thing I can think of but it's big."
     "Sure, anything."
     Sebastian took a deep breath before continuing. "I want you to be an adult in my life I can turn to. I have very few people in my life I trust and for some reason I already have some trust in you. You don't have to be, but I just maybe you would be willing to be."
      "I would love to be someone in your life, Sebastian. I used to know Lily and James and they were my best friends at Hogwarts. I was even named your second godfather and was there when you were born. I tried to get you to live with my after your parents died, but because I was a werewolf I couldn't."
     "Really? Could you tell me more about them too? I never really learned much about them before. What do you like to do? Do you have any hobbies? Do you like to read? Readings my favourite thing to do." Sebastian smiles sheepishly. "Sorry, I started rambling."
     "That's okay, I can definitely tell you more about James and Lily. And I love to read too. My friends always considered me a bookworm." Remus said with a grin.
     "What is your favourite thing to read?"
     "I like reading about history, and wizarding architecture. Severus tells me you like runes." Remis said. The duo talked for a while about everything while Severus left the room to give them some privacy.
     After a couple hours Sebastian had to floo home and said goodbye to Remus.

     One Wednesday morning Sebastian woke up with an awful headache and his nose stuffed up. He groaned as he rolled over to get his training wand which sat on his night stand. He cast tempus and found out it was a little past nine, 'Great,' Sebastian thought, 'Papa's already left for work.' He knew he caught the cold from his brother who was sick a few days ago, and Sebastian also knew he was out of pepper up potion. He decided his only option was to tell his mother he wasn't feeling well. He slowly climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom, he then went downstairs to the informal lounge where his mother normally sat. When he got there his mother was sitting on a chair drinking tea. She didn't look up at him until he spoke.
     "Mother, I am not feeling well. My head and stomach hurt."
     "There is nothing I can help you with, go take a pepper up potion and go back to sleep." His mother responded.
     "We're out of pepper up potion because Draco used the last vial when he was sick. I just wish sometimes you would treat Draco and I like equals. When he was sick, you looked after him, but won't even look at me for more than necessary. You don't know anything about me, and I have been living in this house for over two years."
     "I know plenty about you. I can't believe you would suggest anything else." His mother said angrily.
     "Okay then prove it. What's my favourite colour?" Sebastian figured this was easy.
     "Green, for Slytherin."
     "Wrong, it's actually purple and gold. Next question, what do I want for my birthday?"
     "A new broomstick, so you can try out for the quidditch team."
     "Nope. I want to get my hair coloured with purple streaks. Just admit it you know nothing about me, I am going back to my room." Sebastian left to go to his room, feeling even worse, his mother really didn't listen or know anything about him.
     Sebastian spent the rest of his day in his room either sleeping or reading. He just had to wait until his papa would be home at five. By the time five o'clock came around Sebastian felt horrible. He had a stuffy nose, headache, stomach ache, and had the chills. He just wanted his papa to make him feel better, so when he heard the floo go off he was very happy. He got up slowly and went to his papa's office, he opened the door and enveloped him in a hug.
     "Hey, Bast. What's up?" His papa asked, his words laced with worry.
     "I don't feel well. I caught Draco's cold, and I woke up too late to go to you, and Mother didn't help me, and I had to cancel my sword defense tutor because I couldn't do it today. And we didn't have any pepper up potion because Draco used the last vial." Sebastian ranted still hugging his papa.
     "Oh, Bast. I'm sorry you had to go through the day alone, I would have stayed home with you if I had known you were sick. I will call Severus and ask for a pepper up potion from him and we can go lie down in your room together, okay?" Sebastian just nodded. Lucius felt bad that Sebastian went through the day by himself sick, and that Narcissa didn't help him. That really frustrated him that she didn't even care enough to floo call Severus for some pepper up potion, or did anything to make him feel better. He made quick work of calling Severus and went to Sebastian's room and lay down with him. He found this worked best with Sebastian because he liked the comfort of someone being with him.

     The next few days were hard for both Sebastian and Lucius, both for different reasons though. As Sebastian was sick Lucius, stayed home with him, and his wife was driving him crazy. She couldn't care less that Sebastian was sick, and actually had the nerve to suggest Lucius shouldn't waste his time with him. Lucius almost divorced his wife in that moment, and that had been a recurring thought recently. He had never doubted his love for his wife in the many years they had been married, but he couldn't just stand aside and watch as she neglected Sebastian. He had never thought about divorce, as it was very uncommon in pureblood marriages as they were bound together unless either could prove the other wasn't a fit spouse. And at this point, Lucius has no doubt she would fall into that category.
     Sebastian, on the other hand felt absolutely horrible, as much as he loved having his father near him so much, he wished it were under better circumstances. It also irritated him that his mother couldn't care less. He thought back to the beginning when they first adopted him, had she been lying the entire time? Did she ever care about him? These thoughts constantly bounced around in his mind, and when he voiced them to his father, his father wasn't sure either.

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