Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     As soon as exams started Sebastian was anxious. Not necessarily a new feeling for him, but one he certainly didn't like, and he knew nothing would help him, and it would go away once he was done with the exams.

     His first exam was potions. And then after that was transfiguration. Two exams in one day was not Sebastian's idea of fun. After he finished his exams for the day he went to the library to study with all his friends, and he was practically asleep with his face in his book. Sam and Jacob glanced at each other, normally Adrian would drag him back to the dorm to sleep, but Adrian was back at the common room, not as worried about studying more. This left two options, one let Sebastian sleep here, or wake him up and take a gumpy Sebastian down to the Slytherin dorms.

     Sam, after losing a game of rock, paper, scissors, was the one who had to wake Sebastian up. His tactic of shaking his shoulder worked and he woke up rather quickly.

     "Wha?" Sebastian said groggily.

     "C'mon 'Bast, let's go down to the dorms so you can sleep." Jacob said as he grabbed Sebastian's bag.

     "But I need to study." Whined Sebastian, as he tried to pick up his reading again.

     "Nope. You'll fail if you're too tired to stay awake for the exams. We'll go down to the dorms where your boy is and you can sleep, sleep in his bed if you want, but sleep. No more studying tonight." Sam said as he pulled Sebastian out of his chair and guided him out of the library.

     "Not my boy." Sebastian said tiredly as he leaned against Sam. "Sounds nice though, my Adrian." He whispered.

     "Soon, Sebastian, soon." Sam said while glancing at Jacob. They wished the boys would stop their games and admit their feelings for each other.

     The trio almost fell down the steps twice because even though Sebastian was pretty light he had zero balance, and almost pulled the other two boys down the stairs. When they finally made it down to the common room Sam and Jacob spotted Adrian sitting on the couch chatting with some of his Quidditch friends and pushed Sebastian off to him.

     "Here, you lost something." Sam said before heading off.

     Adrian laughed softly as Sebastian curled into him. "Didn't I tell you not to overwork yourself? Let's get you up to bed."

     Adrian looked towards his friends, "Well, I'll see you all in the morning. Goodnight."

     Sebastian protested standing up, but allowed Adrian to guide him up to the dorm and helped him pull off his shoes.

     When Adrian tried to guide Sebastian to his own bed he shook his head and went over to Adrian's bed instead. He got under the covers and promptly fell asleep. Adrian shook his head, while smiling fondly.

     Even though it wasn't that late yet Adrian figured he might as well go to sleep for the night as well, especially if it meant more time to sleep next to Sebastian. He quickly went through his nightly rituals of brushing his teeth and changing into pajamas. And joined Sebastian in his bed. He sighed contently as he breathed into Sebastian's hair, everything was so much calmer like this.

     The next few days went by in a blur of exams, and their final warding club meeting of the year. The warding club had a few meetings before the term ended, and everyone who joined really enjoyed the club. Sebastian planned to continue the club next year, and knew most members of the club would join next year.

     On the last days of school Sebastian spent his days enjoying the sun and doing some exploring around the castle with Fred and George. The pair had found a map of the school in Filch's office called the marauders map, and were now taking all the new passageways the map showed. Sebastian was more determined to figure out how the map worked and how to add new passages and secrets of the castle to it.

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