Chapter Twenty-Four

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     The next morning Sebastian woke up early and went to take a shower before putting on a nice pair of robes, he knew he would be returning to Hogwarts after breakfast, and wanted to look nice. After he was dressed he made his way to the informal dining room where he knew he would find his father, godfather, and his brother if he was awake.

      When Sebastian arrived he noticed his brother wasn't awake yet, so he took a seat next to his father, and across from Marvolo. The three chatted while they ate, but spoke about nothing important. Nearing the end of breakfast though, Marvolo did ask Sebastian to join him in Lucius' office after breakfast, which Sebastian thought was weird, but agreed nonetheless.


     After breakfast Sebastian followed his father and godfather to his father's study, and took a seat on the sofa with his father, while his godfather sat in the chair across from them. Once they were all comfortable, Marvolo was the first to speak.

     "Sebastian, I know that you will be going back to school after our chat and I would like you to do me a few favours. The first thing, I don't want many people to know that I'm back yet, so I only want you to tell your most trusted, or no one. Don't tell anyone, friend or not, who you know is on Dumbledore's side. I plan on calling some of my closest followers soon, and I don't want any of my follower's kids knowing I'm back before my actual followers. Also, I don't have any totally concrete plans yet, but in the future I may need your help getting some of the kids from Hogwarts on my side.

     "My best plan right now is to take your ideas to heart, and will try and become Minister of Magic next fall when the next election is. I will run under the name Marvolo Slytherin, and my campaign will have the types of things I was trying to do before I went insane. Like equal rights for different creatures, and opening magical orphanages. Also I will be adding a spell to cover my followers dark marks, and will most likely not mark many people ever again. My followers now do not have to show anything to pledge their loyalty, all they will do is vote me in for Minister, although I might try and sway some of the wizengamot on my views, so my new laws get put in place more swiftly. Right now, all I'd like you to do is keep everything a secret, and I'll let you know when that changes, alright?" Marvolo said.

     "Okay, I think that's smart. I know that you will get a lot of votes, and the good thing is, our current Minister, Fudge, is a nightmare, so you won't have tough competition. So I can tell my friend Adrian? I'll tell him not to tell anyone else. He's my only friend that I know would be completely loyal to me no matter what. Fred, George, and Cedric are my best friends, but they're supporters of Dumbledore, and I don't know how they'd react to everything." Sebastian replied. He loved Fred, George, and Cedric, but he knew they were from 'light' families, and wanted to wait a while to tell them, no matter how much he hated keeping things from them.

     "I think that's okay. What's Adrian's last name? Is he in Slytherin with you?" Marvolo asked.

     "Yes, his last name is Pucey, his father is one of your followers, I'll tell him not to tell his father though." Sebastian replied.

     "Ah yes, I believe I met the lad when he was a baby. It's time for you to head back to Hogwarts now, is it not?"

     "Yeah, bye uncle Marvolo, send me a letter when you can give me more information." Sebastian said, then turned to look at his father. "I'm going to go say goodbye to Draco, I will floo back to Hogwarts after."

     "Sounds good, Bast." Lucius replied.

     Sebastian then walked out of the room, and headed towards his brother's room.

     When he entered he noticed Draco was still asleep, so he gently shook him, and carded his fingers through his hair while softly calling his name. Draco's eyes fluttered open and smiled at the sight of his brother. "Good morning, Dray."

     "Morning." Draco replied, his voice slightly groggy.

     "I'm leaving to go back to Hogwarts now, so I thought I'd come say goodbye." Sebastian said with a smile.

     "You have to go back already?" Draco pouted.

     "Afraid so, Dray. I'll come back soon though, the school year's almost done." Sebastian said as he ruffled Draco's hair. "I've gotta go now, bye Dray."

     Draco stood up on his bed, so he towered over Sebastian, and climbed on him, and wrapped his arms around his brother. "Bye, I'll miss you." Draco said quietly.

     "I'll miss you, too. Now get off me before I tickle you." Sebastian said with a laugh, as he watched Draco quickly scramble to get off him.

     Sebastian walked out of the room, and went to find his father before flooing back to Hogwarts.

     When he found his father they briefly spoke about Arthur and Viktor coming over for summer break, which Sebastian was excited about because he definitely liked the pair. After their talk Sebastian finally floo'd to Hogwarts. He politely greeted the Headmaster, and headed down to the Great Hall, where he knew he would find Adrian.

     When he walked into the Great Hall he quickly went over to where Fred, George, and Cedric were sitting to let them know he was back, then went and sat down at the Slytherin table with Adrian, Sam, and Jacob.

     When he sat down he was asked many questions about where he was, and what happened, but when he said he couldn't share, the Slytherin's backed off. They all knew they wouldn't get anything out of him.

     Due to it being a Saturday, he didn't have to attend classes, so after spending a while chatting with his Slytherin friends in the common room, he pulled Adrian away to their dorm, and put up a few wards around his bed so people couldn't listen to their conversation. He even put up a few parsel wards that he had recently learned from Marvolo, that would be impossible for anyone but a parselmouth to take down.

     When he and Adrian were comfortable leaning up against his headboard, with their shoulders lightly touching, Sebastian explained everything that had happened over the past few days. He spoke about how he learned that Voldemort, now Marvolo, was his godfather, as well he learned his other godfather, a man named Sirius Black was probably falsely imprisoned. And Mavolo was going to get him out as soon as he was able. He talked about Marvolo's new ideas of how to gain control, and he even spoke about Arthur and Viktor staying at their house over the summer, even if it did seem really out of place in such a serious discussion.

     Adrian just patiently listened the entire time, speaking when necessary, but mainly staying quiet. Sebastian was sure that was one of his favourite things about Adrian, he knew exactly when to talk, and when to just listen.

     When the boys were done talking about anything serious, Sebastain took down the wards around his bed, and opened the curtains. The pair stayed where they were though, and continued talking until dinner, when they had to leave to go to the Great Hall.


     What Sebastian realized as he walked to the Great Hall with into the Great Hall, was that he didn't know what he would do without Adrian. He was his support, and the person he cared for the most in the world, with the exception of maybe his father and brother. It almost scared him when he thought about how much he liked Adrain, he figured it could be worse though, there were much worse things to be afraid of.

A/N: Is this spacing between each paragraph better? Thanks for all the advice, and supportive comments! I hope everyone is doing well!

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