Chapter Two

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

The next morning Harry awoke at quarter to seven, and went to get a book off the bookshelf. He quickly skim read a book on magical history, then read the first few chapters in books about magical abilities, charms, transfiguration, and potion theory.
     When Narcissa came into his room at nine, she found him wrapped up in a potions book, she hoped he hadn't been awake too long. "Good morning Harry, did you sleep well?" She asked, putting on her motherly facade. She truly loved Draco, but couldn't think to love some halfblood.
     "I slept well, thank you ma'am. Would it be okay if I asked you some questions later? My head is sorting through lots of information and some answers would help declutter my mind."
     "Ofcourse, come down for breakfast and I will introduce you to my son and we will answer your questions. I have some of my sons clothing that I will enlarge to fit you, go change in the bathroom and then we will go."
     After getting changed the duo made their way down to the dining room for breakfast. When they arrived, Lucius was sitting at the head of the table, and a boy with blond hair and grey eyes was sitting to his right. Narcissa introduced the boy as Draco and they ate their meal quietly while Draco and Lucius talked about the latest Quidditch game, a sport apparently, if them talking about stats and scores was anything to go by. Once they were finished they went to the lounge to start answering all of Harry's questions about the wizarding world.
     "Am I allowed to ask questions?" Was the first thing Harry said as they all sat down.
     "Of course deary, ask all the questions you want." Narcissa replied, in a sickly sweet voice.
     "Thank you, last night you said that I was famous in the wizarding world, could you tell me why?" Was Harry's first question, a few things didn't exactly make sense, and this was the first thing he wanted to know.
     "Do you not know how your parents died?" Lucius asked, surely his relatives would have told him.
     "I am unaware how they properly died, I was told they died in a car, a muggle form of transportation, crash. Although I doubt that is true, with all the other lies they have told me over the years."
     "That is not how they died, they were killed by the dark lord named Voldemort. There was a prophecy that claimed you could defeat him, and he didn't like that you would be able to defeat him so he went to your home, he first killed your father, then your mother, he tried to kill you with the killing curse. It is impossible to conjure a shield to protect yourself from the curse, but somehow you, as a baby were able to deflect it back at him, supposedly killing him. You were named the-boy-who-lived and everyone celebrated with the death of Voldemort and hailed you the hero." Lucius replied.
     "You followed Voldemort." Harry said, he didn't ask, he already could tell that Lucius was on the dark side of the war, he had to be very observant if one wanted to live with the Dursleys.
     "I was, he had lost most of his sanity be the end of give war, it was most unfortunate as he had good ideals but got lost in dark magic."
     "Interesting, did either of you know anything of my parents? My aunt and uncle refused to mention their names in their house." Harry asked.
     "Well, they were three years younger than me, but their names were Lily and James, and James was big on pranking with his friends, they called themselves 'The Marauders.' Lily was very smart and excelled in potions and charms, where your father excelled in transfiguration. Lily finally agreed to date James in their sixth year and you were born after their seventh and final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They hid from The Dark Lord when you were a little over a year old, and named Sirius Black their secret keeper, but he betrayed them to The Dark Lord, and told them where they were. He also killed 13 other people afterwards and was sent to Azkaban prison." Narcissa said, she knew a little about James and Lily and thought it was best that the boy got to know about his parents. She wanted him to trust her, after all.
     Harry then turned towards the little blond boy sitting in a chair across from him, "Draco, do you think you could go find your favourite toy in your room so you can show me later? I need to talk with your mum and dad, okay? I'll come find you after." Harry watched as Draco nodded enthusiastically and jumped from his chair leaving the room.
     "Why did you send my son to his room?" Asked Lucius, he was now very confused about Harry. Draco never listened to anybody, but apparently Harry was the exception.
     "What are you going to do with me?" Harry asked, ignoring Lucius' question.
     "We have a few options for you, the first option is we send you back to your relatives, and wait three years until you go to Hogwarts to go into our world again." Harry grimaced at the thought of his relatives. "Your next option is we bring you to the Ministry of Magic and they deal with you. And your final option is we adopt you, we would treat you as a second son and blood adopt you so you would look more like us. Also, you would have to learn etiquette, as we are pure-blood and you are a half-blood and won't have you ruin our reputation. The option is yours, the faster you pick the better." Lucius said. He watched as Harry's face stayed the same but his eyes betrayed his mask and you could see the hope in them.
     "Alright, no matter what, I don't want to go back to the Dursleys, could you tell me more about blood adoption, and also why I should trust you. I came from an abusive household, how do I know you won't do the same as them." Harry replied, he always wanted a family, and maybe this was his chance.
     "I could swear on my magic that I wouldn't abuse you, I couldn't say I would never punish you with a spanking because we have found that works well with Draco, and you are still a child. A blood adoption requires a potion in which both Narcissa and I add our blood and your physical features would change slightly. It still keeps both your mother and father's DNA within you, but our blood would overpower it so you would look more like us than them." Lucius said. Narcissa then added in a sweet voice.
     "If you could trust us, could you tell us anything about the Dursleys, we promise not to tell anyone anything you say. We only want to help you."
     Harry sighed and looked at his hands for a moment before squaring his shoulders, looking off into the distance and replying. "They were my mother's sister and her family, they obviously knew about magic, and that would be their reason for calling me a freak. My uncle Vernon was a very large man and constantly tried to beat the freakishness out of me. I have been their personal slave since I was 3. I slept in a cupboard under the stairs because I didn't deserve a bedroom, even though my whale of a cousin had two. My cousin and his friends would chase my and play 'Harry hunting' and beat me up when they found me. My favourite place was the library because they never went there and I love to learn. I really like science and math, although most things I have read in science are invalid in the wizarding world." Harry wasn't entirely sure it was a good idea to tell them, but he would give them a chance, maybe he wouldn't get hurt again.
     As Lucius listened to Harry it hurt his heart thinking about what had happened to him. He really just wanted to pick him up and make sure nobody hurt him again, but he knew he wouldn't like to be hugged by them right now.
     "Do you have and injuries you need healed? I can heal them quickly as I am a certified healer, they are like muggle doctors." Narcissa asked
     Harry slowly nodded, he carefully took his shirt off while avoiding eye contact with either of them. He heard Narcissa gasp and Lucius breath hitched. He kept his head down, he felt really embarrassed showing them his injuries. Lucius slowly walked over to Harry and put a hand on his shoulder, he pretended not to notice the small flinch Harry gave. He then pushed a finger under his chin making him look up, when his eyes met Harry's he spoke. "My wife and I can help you, we can heal your injuries, we can give you a family and a younger brother, we have a full library full of books you can read, and you will never have to see the Dursleys ever again. Just say you will become our son and we will protect you and love you forever." Lucius said.
     "Really? You promise?" Harry asked quietly, worry all over his face, mask long gone.
     "I promise Harry." Lucius replied and bent down and opened his arms for a hug. Harry immediately went into his arms and welcomed the first hug he could remember.
     They stayed like that for a minute before Lucius carefully picked Harry up avoiding his bruises and welts on his back and sat on the couch and placed Harry on his lap. He then had Narcissa heal the bruises and welts. After that they discussed the adoption and decided to do it tomorrow so that no one could interfere with it. They discussed the idea of a name change and Harry decided he would like to change his name, and would let Lucius and Narcissa choose after the ceremony.
     They then led Harry to Draco's room where Draco proceeded to show Harry all of his toys and make Harry play with him. The adults left them playing after explaining that Harry was going to be Draco's new brother, Draco loved the idea of a brother, which made Harry smile.
     Narcissa and Lucius went to Lucius' study to fire call their friend Severus Snape, who was a potions master that they met in school and could brew the adoption potion for them. When Severus answered the fire call he was not expecting the couple needing an adoption potion and wished to meet Harry for himself.
     Severus was bullied by Harry's father when they were kids and planned on ignoring Harry when he arrived at Hogwarts. But from what Lucius and Narcissa had told him about Harry when he floo'd over to their manor it seemed Harry was unlike James.
     When Severus arrived at their manor the couple led him to Draco's room. When they entered they found Draco in Harry's lap fast asleep. Harry turned his head to face them when they entered, he shrugged when they looked down at Draco. Harry then carefully picked Draco up and laid him down on his bed and tucked him in before walking over to the adults.
     "He fell asleep a few minutes ago, after we played with his miniature Hogwarts express, he kept chasing it around the tracks until he was tired then he sat in my lap and fell asleep." Harry said.
     "Wow, I haven't seen Draco have a nap since he was three. I'm Severus Snape, potions master." Severus said, Harry definitely surprised him by being able to get Draco to sleep.
     Harry looked up at the man in front of him, he had pale skin, black greasy hair that fell two inches above his shoulders, and wore entirely black robes. "It's a pleasure to meet you Potion Master Snape." Harry said, he needed to be polite, he didn't want his family mad at him. He also thought potions was awesome after reading the potions book in the morning, and thought maybe he will help him with potions sometime.
     "It's a pleasure to meet you as well." He then turned to Lucius and Narcissa, "I will be back tomorrow at ten with the potion. I will see you then." He then walked out of the room to Floo home and brew the adoption potion.
     "Why don't we go pick a bedroom for you, and then we will have some lunch?" Narcissa asked. "We will go shopping tomorrow to get you knew clothing, because I would like to wait until after the adoption potion changes your appearance in case you grow." They then walked to a bedroom nearby and showed Harry, he immediately liked it. The room was a soft blue with silver accents, it had a large bed on one wall with a chest at it's foot. There was also a dresser, a connected bathroom, and a window that overlooked the manor gardens.
     After lunch Harry was shown the library and spent his time curled up in an armchair reading as quickly as possible, while absorbing the most information. He didn't have a photographic memory, but he used what he would consider Occlumency to sort his thoughts into muggle filing cabinets for easy access, so accessing his memories were easy. He didn't know it was called this in the muggle world but would always sort out his thoughts before he went to bed, and had been doing it since he was five.

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