Chapter Sixteen

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     The next morning Sebastian awoke to Adrian gently shaking his shoulder. He smiled up at him before climbing out of bed to take a shower and getting ready for the day. He used a spell to put his hair in his normal dutch braids, as his father wasn't there to do it for him, he brushed his teeth, and finally, put on his Slytherin robes. Then, the four Slytherin first year boys walked down to the common room, where they met with Marcus, who agreed to take them to the Great Hall for breakfast.
     Breakfast passed by in a flash, and before Sebastian knew it, he was walking into his first class of Hogwarts, transfiguration. Sebastian, who although had heard of Professor McGonagal, had never met her, quickly learned she was not someone to mess with. She gave out, and deducted points fairly, and was very stern, but seemed like a person who would help you if necessary. By the end of the class Sebastian had transformed his matchstick to a needle with ease, earned ten points, and even helped Sam, who seemed to struggle with the concept.
     In the afternoon after classes had finished, Sebastian met with Cedric, Fred, and George down by the lake, to discuss their first day. Fred and George had made a new friend named Lee Jordan, a boy in their year with dark skin, and dreadlocks; the twins didn't get along as well with their other two dorm mates though. Cedric, on the other hand, made friends with the girl, Julie, who he sat in the boat with. He also made friends with his dorm mates, but didn't particularly connect with them strongly. Sebastian talked to his friends about Samuel and Jacob, and how he had connected with them. The four boys made this a routine to meet each other everyday, whether it was to plan pranks, or just talk.
     It wasn't until Friday that Sebastian had his first potions lesson, something he was slightly dreading. It wasn't that he didn't like brewing potions, because he most certainly did, it was the fact that he and Severus had never seen eye to eye. After Sebastian had given Remus his werewolf cure-which he now brews and sells under the name Hades Johnson- Severus was slightly nicer, but he wasn't sure how he would be as a professor.
     Sebastian walked into the potions classroom with Adrian, Sam, Jacob, Fred, George, and Lee, and they all took a seat. Sebastian was going to work with Jacob, as Jacob had expressed that he had difficulties with potions, and Sebastian was practically an expert.
     Professor Snape came in dramatically with his robes billowing behind him. He gave a speech that Sebastian was sure he gave to all his first year classes, something about bewitching the mind and other rubbish. Sebastian thought it was to scare the class, and he was probably right, by the looks of fear across some of his classmates' faces. Then the professor put the instructions to make a boil cure on the board, and yelled at everyone to get started. For Sebastian, this potion was way too easy, but he helped explain everything to Jacob, and showed him better ways to brew it than what was on the board.
    By the end of the class half the class had successfully brewed the potion, and their samples were brought to the front of the class, before they left after being assigned homework on the properties of porcupine quills in a boil cure potion.

     By the end of the third week of school Sebastian was starting to fall into a very comfortable routine. He would be woken up by Adrian, then he would shower before heading to the Great Hall for breakfast, after breakfast he would attend his classes, then at lunch he would either sit with the Slytherins or Cedric and the twins, and after his afternoon classes he would hang out with Cedirc, Fred and George for a while before returning to his dorm before dinner. After dinner he would finish any left over homework, and afterwards would go to his dorm and chat with Adrian, Sam, and Jacob. Half the time he would fall asleep leaning against Adrian on the couch in their dorm, and the other half the time, Adrian would carry him to bed because he was too tired to get up.
     It was shortly into his fourth week at Hogwarts when he got an owl from his father, this was not unusual, as they had frequent correspondence, but the contents of the letter were what worried Sebastian. The letter was not brief, and Sebastian decided to wait until he was back in his dorm later to read it.
     The day felt unbearably long for Sebastian, as he longed to know what was in the letter, his brief scan of it at breakfast showed it was not good news. Finally, after he got back from hanging out with Fred, George, and Cedric he opened the letter. He took a breath before he started to read.
     Dear Bast,

     I hope you are enjoying Hogwarts, and are doing well. In your last letter you said Severus was treating you well and invited you for tea. That's good. I am happy that he is finally making an effort with you, I am just sad it took him so long to do so. I, unfortunately am not writing on a pleasant note, I went to Narcissa last week about a divorce and she freaked out. She claims to not understand why I would want a divorce, and told me that you weren't worth getting a divorce over. Which is definitely not true, because you are an amazing person, and deserve better. I told her off for saying that, and am going to keep the memory in a pensieve for the trial as the way she said it, was not very nice to say the least. The biggest problem with her being so against the divorce is it will delay the proceedings, and it means you most likely will need to testify against her. I hate to ask you to do so, even if she was never very kind to you, but it will be the most effective way. I have not confirmed a court date yet within the ministry, but I shall write to you as soon as I do. It should be soon though, as the minister does owe me a favour.
     On a happier note, I have been trading letters with Arthur Amell, and he has been a great help with guiding me through all the legal documentation for a divorce. I didn't expect him to know so much, but apparently his aunt and uncle divorced, and he learned a lot about arranged marriage divorces.
     I hope to hear back from you soon, to know you are doing well. If at any time you are feeling stressed or upset about any of this or anything in general, you can floo home through Severus' quarters.

     Lots of love,
P.S. Draco misses you a lot, and he says he will write you a letter and draw a picture for you tomorrow.

     Sebastian flopped down on his bed dramatically, while sighing heavily. He really would have prefered that his mother would have agreed to the divorce so he wouldn't have to testify against her. The worst feeling about the entire thing was going through his memories and having to think about how poorly his mother treated him. Somethings as little as not braiding his hair for him, or not tucking him into bed, or worse things like leaving him home with the house elves, while she took Draco to buy toys and ice cream, or not giving him potions when he was sick. The memories were flooding Sebastian's brain, and without his consent tears ran down his face. He didn't notice when Adrian came into the room, until his friend sat beside him and started running his hands through his hair, and whispering that it would be okay. Sebastian wrapped his arms around him, and cried softly into Adrian's shoulder.
     About fifteen minutes later Sebatian pulled away from his friends arms, and started to explain quietly what happened, and how he wished that his adoptive mother had been nicer to him. Adrian listened quietly, humming softly when it was needed, or nodding his head, knowing his friend just needed to talk it out.
     A little while later Adrian went to the Great Hall to eat dinner, while bringing back a plate for Sebastian, who didn't feel like leaving his bed. When Sam and Jacob came back, they all did their nightly ritual of talking before bed, they briefly touched upon why Sebastian was upset, but focused mainly on other topics. At almost midnight Adrian carried a very sleepy Sebastian to bed. Sebastian though, didn't want Adrian to leave him, "Stay, please Rian? I don't want to have bad dreams." Sebastian said, his voice hardly above a whisper.
     "Course, Bast, move over" Adrian replied, he wasn't going to deny his friend the comfort, and he was pretty sure he could never say no to Sebastian's silver-green eyes.

     The next morning Sebastian was feeling a lot better, and waking up in Adrian's arms put him in a good mood. When he arrived at the Great Hall his father's owl swooped down and dropped a letter on his plate, while grabbing a piece of bacon. He opened the letter to find a drawing and a letter in Draco's handwriting. The letter was short but adorable, and put a large smile on Sebastian's face.

     Dear Bast,
     I miss you lots, and I can't wait for you to come home for Cristmas Christmas. I have been really good for Mum and Papa, just like you asked, and I had a sleepover at Theo's house with him and Blaise and it was really fun. I also saw Pansy, Daphne, and Astoria last week. I can't wait to see you. I love you.

     Sebastian smiled at the picture Draco drew; it was the two of them riding a dragon, with a surprising amount of detail. Sebastian showed it to Adrian, Sam, and Jacob who all thought it was cute. Sebastian realized just how much support he really had, and it amazed him how he went from the boy in the cupboard under the stairs, to now, where he has friends and a family, who love him. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Sam asked him if he was okay.
     "Never better." Sebastian replied with a smile, and now that he thought about it, testifying against his mother wouldn't be so hard, because he had his friends and family behind him.

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