Chapter One

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

Note: This story contains corporal punishment, if you don't like it, you don't have to read. Thanks!
On this note, this story takes place in the 1980's when this was a much more common. I don't think this was correct personally, but it is more realistic for the timeline.
Also, Harry is older than in canon, and is the same age as the Weasley twins.

A small boy sat in a cupboard under the stairs in his Aunt and Uncles home reading a science book geared towards highschool students. Said boy was only eight though and trying to understand the concept of the universe expanding and how the planets move. The boy was small for his age at slightly under four feet, but his intelligence certainly made of for his short stature. In school he had to adapt as his relatives weren't the nicest people, and he couldn't show his true intelligence, so in class he was just a slightly below average boy. He couldn't do any better than his cousin or he would feel his uncles wraith, he learned that lesson the hard way. It might be concerning to note that the boy was currently in quite a lot of pain from his uncle's last beating after burning the potatoes at dinner, and was sent to his cupboard without any food for the second day in a row.
His relatives, the Dursley's, wanted to be perfectly normal, and unfortunately for the boy, he was anything but. He knew he was different he just couldn't quite figure out why, he could sometimes make things float if he really wanted to or unlock his cupboard door to get food when his relatives weren't around. He had grown accustomed to this life, and even though he wasn't happy, he knew there was nothing he could do.
It came as a surprise to him when he put his book down for the night, and started wishing he had a family, as he closed his eyes he started to suddenly feel very cold, as if he was no longer inside. He opened his eyes and sat up quickly, wincing at the pain his back produced from the welts on his back from his uncles belt. He became aware he was sitting in the grass and it was fairly dark outside, he looked around and spotted a large manor not too far away, he quickly laid out the pros and cons and decided it would probably best to ask the people where he was.
He slowly walked up the path to the front door, and shivered as he felt something wash over him. Once he reached the front door he held up his hand to the door and hit the wood four times and waited for an answer. He waited for a minute and thirteen seconds before the door opened to reveal a tall, white man, with long white-blond hair and was wearing what looked like a fancy bathrobe.
The man sneered down at the small child, he didn't know who he was or how he got here, and didn't like to be disturbed. The boy looked small with shoulder length wavy black hair, slightly tan skin, and bright green eyes. Just as the man was about to tell him to leave the boy spoke up.
"Excuse me, Sir. I happen to find myself just down your driveway and I'm not sure where I am or how I got here, could you tell me where I am?"
"You are in Wiltshire, England. What is your name boy?" The blond man replied, a sneer present on his face.
"I am not supposed to give out my names to strangers, but seeing as I am a long way from Surrey I think I can indulge you with my name. Harry Potter, And may I ask for your name in return?" Lucius concealed his shocked expression when he learned the small boy in front of him was Harry Potter.
"Did you say Surrey, that's about 140km away from here, how did you get here, Mr. Potter?"
"I asked for your name Sir. I will need that before I can answer your questions."
"Do not disrespect me, my name is Lucius Malfoy. Now answer my question."
"I already told you I don't know how I got here, Sir, I probably would have to you that when you first answered the door if I did. I also wouldn't have had to ask where I was as I have a good sense of direction. I simply was at my aunt and uncle's house then appeared by your driveway."
"Do you not know about accidental magic, you probably somehow apparated here. I will contact your relatives in the morning, you may stay the night in one of our guest rooms." Lucius drawled.
"Magic?" Harry said as he tilted his head, a habit he developed when he was confused about something.
"Yes, didn't your relatives tell you you're a wizard? Even if you lived with muggles surely they would tell you."
"My relatives didn't tell me anything. So you're a wizard." he stated.
"Yes, come inside and I will tell you more."
"This could all be a scheme to lure me into your house to kidnap me, it does sound very suspicious. Could you do any magic to prove you aren't lying?" Harry wasn't stupid and wasn't going to walk into a strangers house that easily. The man pulled out a piece of wood, which Harry assumed to be a wand of some kind, and took a button out of his pocket and made it into a stuffed teddy bear. Harry had to consciously fight his jaw from dropping.
"There is your proof now come inside and we will go see my wife." The man said. Harry slowly followed the man inside and looked around at everything in awe, while on the outside his face didn't change, his brain was quickly mapping out every detail. The pair walked until the reached a small lounge where a woman with blond hair and a slim figure was sitting, looking through a clothing catalogue. The woman looked up at Lucius and smiled then turned down to Harry and a frown littered her features. "Who was at the door, Lucius?" The woman asked.
"It appears that Harry Potter has shown up at our doorstep, and has no knowledge about magic. He somehow apparated from Surrey." Lucius replied.
"Well then Harry, my name is Narcissa, who do you live with now?"
"I live with my aunt, uncle and cousin, ma'am." Harry replied.
"That's nice, why didn't you know about magic before, surely they would have been told, especially because you're a celebrity to the wizarding world for vanquishing the Dark Lord."
"That actually makes a lot of sense, they always call me a freak, and to them that is rather accurate." Harry said in a very calm tone considering what was being said.
"No, you're not a freak, what an awful thing for them to say. Do they ever do anything else, hit you or anything of the like." Narcissa asked in a concerned voice, her being a mother herself really didn't understand how people could call someone that.
"Yes, they did worse, and no, I don't feel like sharing tonight as I would rather not think about it. I can tell and show you tomorrow, right now I would either like you to ship me out the door so I can find something else to do, or a snack and a bed from you would be most appreciated." Harry said, he wasn't trying to seem rude, he had just been hurt too many times before to be able to rely on people. The only reason he was going to give these people a chance to help him was because they could tell him more about magic.
"Of course deary, I will get a house elf to prepare a snack and I will take you to a guest room. I have a son who is five and I am sure he would love to meet you tomorrow, I will come and get you in the morning around nine, and if you wake up before then there is a bookshelf with some books. Follow me then." Narcissa said, she then stood up and guided Harry through the very large four story manor to the east wing and showed him to a very basic room with a bookshelf, desk, and four poster bed.
"Goodnight, Harry. I hope you sleep well." Narcissa said as she shut the door behind herself leaving Harry alone. Harry figured it would be best to quickly have a shower then go to sleep so he could be the most prepared for tomorrow.

When Narcissa went back to the lounge she could tell Lucius was thinking about what to do. "He doesn't even know about magic, Luc. And the Muggles have obviously hurt him, what will we do, we can't send him back to them." Narcissa said worriedly.
"I agree he should not go back there, but the question is where will he go? Dumbledore seems to not want him to have knowledge of our world if he hasn't already been told about it before." Lucius replied, he was very curious about the child, he was clearly smart, if his mannerisms and the way he talked were anything to go by. He could get things done if he really wanted and didn't seem to be manipulated easily.
"Couldn't he live with us, we always did want a second child, he is three years older than Draco, and Draco always wanted a sibling. We could teach him about our world and etiquette, so he would be prepared for Hogwarts in three years. We could do a blood adoption, and if he wishes to change his name he could."
"We can discuss it with him in the morning, I am not entirely against the idea, it would just be a problem when our Lord comes back. Let's go to bed, and worry about it tomorrow." The pair went up to their bed, both falling asleep thinking about the small black haired child sleeping in a guest room a few doors over. Lucius was thinking about how he could legally adopt Harry with as little hassle possible, and how nice it would be to have another son. Meanwhile Narcissa was thinking about how much it would increase her social status to raise the-boy-who-lived, and how much easier it would be to get him to kill Dumbledore when the time comes.

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