Chapter Seventeen

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter J.K. Rowling does.

The next two weeks passed, and Sebastian, although not looking forward to having to oppose his mother in court, was prepared, and as ready as he could be. It still didn't mean that he liked when he received a letter from his father with the court date. It did mean that he had just shy of three weeks until then, and tried to think of it as little as possible. So, to distract himself, Cedric, the Twins, and him did their first big prank against the school. He had asked the house elves to put a potion in the food for dinner one evening to turn everyone's hair different colours. The four friends had to contain their laughter as shrieks ran throughout the Great Hall. Professor Snape's hair was a bright pink, and the Headmasters was neon green, neither colour suited the men, but it was fun to watch them try and find a countercurse. Sebastian then subtly cast their sign into the sky. A bright dragon of lights shone across the Great Hall with 'The Dragons' written in nice calligraphy below it. Sebastian has only managed to finish adjusting the spell the day prior and was happy it worked the way he wanted.
Everyone's hair only stayed coloured for about twenty minutes before wearing off. But, it had the right effect, to show everyone that 'The Dragons' were pranksters and ready to prank.

The night before the divorce trial Sebastian was really nervous. He had floo'd home in the evening so his father could talk him through everything, but he was really nervous about talking in front of everyone. Even though he knew exactly what he had to say at the trial and knew he would have his father standing next to him we was still worried. What if his mother and father couldn't get a divorce and his father was stuck unhappy forever? Or what if the judge said he was lying about his mother being an unfit parent? Or what if Draco was mad at him for his parents divorce?
A million thoughts ran through Sebastian's head, to the point of being overwhelming, and needing to drink a calming draught. His father was amazing though, and helped put his fears to rest. His father explained that there was a very high chance that the divorce would be finalized by the end of the day tomorrow, due to all the facts and evidence they had against Narcissa. His father also explained that because he was high up in the Ministry everything would go according to plan, and he had already talked to the Minister, who would make the divorce as easy as possible. So with his fears calmed Sebastian went to get ready for bed.
Sebastian had a shower and brushed his teeth, and got into his Pajamas. He walked down to the room where his father slept, as he no longer shared a room with Narcissa, and knocked on the door.
"Come in." His father's voice said from within the room. Sebastian opened the door, and quietly shut it behind him. His father, who was dressed in silk blue Pajamas, opened his arms for Sebastian to come hug him.
Sebastian went into his arms and held tightly to his father. "Can I sleep with you tonight, Papa? I don't think I'll ever be able to fall asleep alone." Sebastian said quietly.
"Of course, Bast. Let's go check and make sure your brother is asleep, and then we will go to bed, as we have a big day tomorrow." His father said with a smile.
The pair walked down the hall to where Draco's room was. Lucius opened the door quietly to see that Draco was still up and reading a book. "Hey Dray, would you like to come sleep with Bast and I tonight?" Lucius asked.
"Yeah, it'll be a sleepover with the three of us, let's go." Draco said, putting down his book about dragons.
When the trio got back to Lucius' room Draco climbed in first, followed by Sebastian and finally Lucius climbed on as well. Draco fell asleep quickly while cuddled into Sebastian's chest. Sebastian struggled to fall asleep, but listening to Draco's steady breathing, and having his father's comforting presence behind him, he slowly drifted off to sleep.
Lucius watched over his sons while thinking that he couldn't be happier, and with those thoughts, he too fell asleep.

The next morning Draco was dropped off at the Greengrass', and Sebastian and Lucius got themselves ready for the trial. Lucius braided Sebastian's hair into dutch braids, and then the pair dressed in black formal dress robes with the Malfoy crest. They then went to the living room where the floo was, and Sebastian and Lucius went through the floo to the Ministry of Magic.
When they arrived, they quickly had their wands checked, and then went to the elevators near the back of the room. The room itself was very large and had witches and wizards running about. Unfortunately, amongst them was a reporter named Rita skeeter, and she managed to catch up to the pair before they got in the elevator.
"Lord Malfoy, Mr. Potter-Malfoy, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school young Mr. Potter-Malfoy? Isn't it an odd day to bring your son to work Lord Malfoy?" Rita Skeeter asked, firing of questions rapidly.
"It is none of your business why we are here, Ms. Skeeter. But, we are heading to the courtroom, and maybe if you are lucky you will find out later today. Good day." Lucius said, his tone leaving no room for protests, and he carried on to the elevators with Sebastian by his side.

The trial itself was not very long. Few questions were asked, as it was quickly decided that the divorce would be allowed.
After hearing Lucius' reasoning behind the divorce, Madam Bones, the head of the DMLE and judge for the trial, was certain the divorce was necessary, but still had to hear from Sebastian for confirmation.
Sebastian looked to his father for reassurance, and after receiving a smile, -something no one in the courtroom had seen him do before,- he started talking. He explained about how Narcissa had favoured Draco over him, and had left him home alone with only the house elves. How she had not attended to him when he was sick, or would try to punish him when he had done nothing wrong. By the end of his explanation he had tears running down his face after trying and failing to maintain his composure for so long. Madam Bones thanked him and let him go to his papa, where he cried quietly into his papa's shoulder.
The verdict was decided quickly and Madam Bones dissolved the marriage contract. Luckily neither one of the people to create it were alive, so there could be no petitioning of it, and Narcissa was also charged with child neglect and was given a year long sentence in Azkaban in a low security cell. Madam Bones also said that there would be a trial once Narcissa was out of Azkaban about custody over Draco, but for now Lucius received full custody of both his sons.
Right before Madam Bones closed up the trial Narcissa started to yell that it wasn't fair, and she didn't deserve to go to Azkaban for neglecting Sebastian and yelled about how he deserved it after killing her Lord, Madam Bones quickly silenced her, and Narcissa was escorted out of the room by guards, to be put on a boat to Azkaban. A case would be opened once she was due to leave Azkaban to decide if she needed more time, after all the threats she spewed. Madam Bones closed the case and Sebastian and his father left the courtroom quickly before reporters could ask any questions.

On the way home, Sebastian and his father stopped for ice cream at a muggle ice cream parlour not too far from the Leaky Cauldron. The pair ate ice cream and talked about what was going to happen now that Narcissa was out of their lives. Lucius confessed he had been in correspondence with Arthur a lot, and explained that Arthur and his son Victor, who Arthur had only recently learnt about, would be coming over to spend Christmas with them. Lucius explained that Victor's mother never told Arthur about Victor, as they had broken up shortly after she found out she was pregnant, but after she died recently in a potions accident Victor was sent to live with his father. He also explained that Victor was currently in his second year at Durmstrang and was apparently a really good seeker.
Sebastian was excited to know his father was so happy to be in contact with Arthur, and he was sure Arthur and his father wouldn't only be friends for much longer. Sebastian liked the idea of the pair coming over for Christmas, as he would have someone else to hang out with, and their manor was way too large for just the three of them.

Once they arrived home Lucius floo called the Greengrass' to tell them the good news about Narcissa, and to pick up Draco. Draco had been surprisingly relaxed about the whole divorce and wasn't too sad about his mother not living with them anymore. His explanation as for why was adorable, he said that 'Mum always made Sebastian upset, and I don't like seeing Bast upset cause then I get upset, and Dad gets upset, and then everyone's upset. I like it better when Bast is happy cause then he tucks me into bed and plays with me more.' Both Sebastian and Lucius' hearts melted at his explanation and both pulled him into a hug.
That night Sebastian made sure to tuck Draco into bed and read him a chapter of his book. Sebastian figured Draco was getting a little old to be tucked in, but he loved doing it nonetheless. Sebastian went to bed not long after Draco as he had to be up early the next morning to get to Hogwarts before classes started.

A/N: I hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe during these difficult times.

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