Chapter Fourteen

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

The final month before school started passed very quickly, and before Sebastian knew it it was August 31st, and he was off to Hogwarts the next day.
Dinner that night passed in a quiet affair, but at 8 o'clock when Draco was supposed to go to sleep, he threw a fit. He wouldn't let his mother read him a story or tuck him in, and Narcissa was getting very fed up. She left Draco in his pajamas in his room and shut the door. Sebastian, who has been listening to his brothers crying, went to see what was wrong.
When Sebastian walked into the room Draco didn't calm down, so Sebastian picked him up and held him super tight in his arms. Sebastian quietly shushed him and rocked him in his arms until Draco calmed down.
"What was this all about, Draco? Why are you so upset?" Sebastian asked, as he sat on his brother's bed with him in his lap.
"I don't want you to go to Hogwarts. I will miss you too much, and I won't get to see you for a long time. And what if you forget about me!" Draco exclaimed.
"I will never forget about you Draco, and I will miss you a lot too, but in a few years you will come to Hogwarts too. And I promise I will send you letters all the time." Sebastian said, as he gently carded his fingers through Draco's blond hair.
"You promise you won't forget about me? And you'll send lots of letters?" Draco said quietly.
"I promise, and I never break my promises."
"Okay. Can you read me a story? And tuck me in?" Draco asked.
"Of course, what story will it be tonight?" Sebastian asked with a smile.
"The chapter book about the dragon and her eggs!"
"Alright, come here, let's get you under the covers while I read." Sebastian said, as he tucked Draco in, and lay down next to him as he began to read.
After a chapter Sebastian put the book down, and rubbed Draco's back until he fell asleep.

The next morning Sebastian was up early and went down to eat breakfast with his father. They talked for a little while until they were both done, and then Lucius braided Sebastian's hair into two dutch braids.
Sebastian, who had his truck packed the day prior, was ready and very excited to go to Hogwarts. He raced around the house and said goodbye to all the portraits, then went to get dressed in his robes. They weren't going through the muggle side, so he could wear his favourite green robes. Sebastian then went to find his father and ask how he looked.
"Papa! How do I look?" Sebastian asked, as soon as he got into his father's study.
"Very handsome, Bast. Looking just like the heir of houses Black and Potter you are." Lucius said with a smile.
"Thanks Papa! I'm so excited to go, but I'm really going to miss you and Dray." Sebastian said.
"I'm going to miss you too, Bast." Lucius said as he pulled Sebastian in for a hug. His face suddenly turned serious when he remembered what he needed to talk to Sebastian about before he left. "Sebastian."
"Yes?" Sebastian asked, his words laced with worry.
"I... I don't think I can stay married with your mother anymore. It was an arranged marriage in the first place, but she was always respectful to me and Draco. But... she isn't the same woman I married, I'm done with her being so disrespectful to you. So I'm planning on filing for divorce. I work high enough in the ministry that I could probably pull it off by Christmas, and I will most likely get full custody of you and shared custody of Draco. The only problem I've found is that you might need to testify in court if she declares she doesn't want a divorce. Due to it being an arranged marriage, it's not supposed to be broken, so if she doesn't agree to the divorce, you will need to describe why she is an unfit mother to you. I hate to make you do it, but I only want the best for you and Draco." Lucius said, seemingly very tired.
"I don't want you to divorce her on my account, but I really don't get along with her and would be willing to testify against her. What brought this on though? Why now, when she's been like this for years?" Sebastian asked, his voice held curiosity, and a little worry.
"I have honestly been thinking about it for a while, but it really solidified in my mind when I went to lunch with my old friend Arthur. We used to date during our fifth and sixth year at Hogwarts, but my parents betrothed me to Narcissa, so we couldn't stay together. But seeing him again made me realize how much I've missed him, and how happy I was back then, and how unhappy I am with Narcissa. We talked over tea a few weeks ago and I talked everything out with him, and I decided divorcing Narcissa was the best option, I just needed to make sure you were okay with it before you left for Hogwarts." Lucius said. He knew Sebastian would prefer his total honesty rather than half truths, so he told him everything, even if it was a little much for an eleven year old.
Sebastian went over to his father and hugged him. "I'll love you no matter what, Papa. I just want you to be happy, and if divorcing Mother makes you happy you should do it. And if in the future you decide to get back with Arthur, I will be happy for you, and I'm sure Draco will too."
"Thank you, Sebastian, you don't know what it means to me to have you say that. I love you so much." Lucius said, he then stood up, picking Sebastian up in the process.
"Papa! Put me down. I'm too old to be carried!" Sebastian exclaimed, while wiggling to get out of his father's grasp.
"Entertain me, Bast, and let me carry you to the living room."
Sebastian gave up his struggles and put his head on his father's shoulder. "Only this once." He quietly muttered, but was very happy at the affection non the less.

It was a short time later that found Lucius apparating his two sons to Kings Cross Station. Narcissa wasn't interested in seeing Sebastian off to the train, but Draco certainly was. The little boy could hardly stand still, he was looking forward to seeing the Hogwarts Express, even if he wasn't old enough to ride it yet.
Sebastian let go of his father's arm when they landed on platform 9 ¾ and quickly led his father and brother closer to the train. Although Sebastian was nervous, he refused to show it. He was sad to leave his father and brother, as he knew he would miss them both terribly.
Before he knew it, it was five minutes until eleven, and he needed to say his goodbyes. He hugged his father super tightly and they exchanged "I love you's," before pulling away. He then pulled Draco into a hug, they were very close in height, even though there was a three year age gap. And whispered in his brother's ear, "I'll write as soon as I can, and I expect you to be good for Papa and Mother. I want you to keep doing well in your studies like I know you will. I will miss you loads little brother."
"I promise I'll be good. I'll miss you lots, Bast, I love you." Draco whispered back.
"I love you, too." Sebastian whispered back, before pulling away, ruffling Draco's hair, and boarding the train. Hoping to go find his three best friends, he quickly turned and waved to his brother and father, before going to go look for Fred, George, and Cedric.

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