Chapter Six

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

The next month or so went by with everyone having their own routine. Lucius would take Sebastian out for lunch every Thursday so that they spent enough time together, and braid his hair before he went to the ministry in the mornings. Draco's friends came over sometimes and liked to torture Sebastian into playing their games. Lucius was teaching Sebastian how to dance, and no matter how smart he was he couldn't dance at all. He was getting there but it was painful.
     Today was Sunday and Sebastian was walking around the grounds near the forest when he heard a voice, he realized it was coming from inside the forest. The voice kept talking about stupid humans and humans being too close to it's nest, curiosity got the better of him and he took a few steps into the forest, the voice was louder and appeared to be coming from a hole in the ground, he bent down and said hello. Suddenly a snake came out of the hole, "Get away from my nest, stupid human" the snake said. Sebastian was shocked, the snake just talked to him. "You can talk? But you're a sssnake!" Sebastian said. "A ssspeaker!" The snake hissed. "How can I understand you?"  "Because you're a parsselmouth, they can ssspeak to sssnakes. I haven't met a parssselmouth before, they're rare." "Sso I can talk to all sssnakes?"
     "Sebastian Cygnus James, what do you think you are doing?" Lucius almost yelled as he came to stand in front of Sebastian.
     Sebastian stood up and kept his eyes at his toes. "There was a voice coming from inside the forest and I wanted to know what it was so I followed it." Sebastian knew this was one of the rules and he broke it.
     "A voice? you thought it would be a good idea to follow a voice, what if it had been a person and they had killed you?" Lucius asked loudly.
     "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." Sebastian said sheepishly.
     "No, clearly not. My study now!" Lucius said sternly.
     "But-" Sebastian started.
     "No buts young man, you knew very well that you weren't allowed to go in that forest but you decided to anyways." Lucius said as he walked towards the house, Sebastian trailing behind him.
     When they got to Lucius' study Lucius sat behind the desk and Sebastian in front of it. "I am assuming you don't have a good reason for being in the forest, Sebastian, other than you heard a voice?" Sebastian shook his head negatively. "What happened to the Sebastian that never got in trouble, and thought before he did things, I expected better of you."
     "Just shut up! I have been here for over a month and a half and this is the first time I have gotten in trouble. I try to be perfect but it's not possible, I already tried." Sebastian said dejectedly. "I let my curiosity get the better of me, so what? I am an eight year old boy who spends most of his time in the library reading, I have no friends, never have, and I get bored." Sebastian yelled, he knew he wasn't supposed to yell but he didn't care.
     "Sebastian," Lucius sighs, as he rubs his face. "I sometimes forget how old you are because of how mature you act, I didn't realize that you were never socializing with anyone your age and the effects that would cause. We can discuss having you meet people your age another time though. You know you have broken three of the rules we agreed on, the first when you went into the forest, the next when you yelled at me, and the third by being disrespectful by telling me to shut up. I believe twenty swats is fair for the forest, another ten for yelling and you will hold soap in your mouth for a minute for telling me to shut up. Which first, spanking or soap?" Lucius had to agree that he would have been bored himself with no one to talk to his age for a month and a half, but that didn't mean what Sebastian did was acceptable.
     A shrug was Sebastian's reply, so Lucius got up, and went to the bathroom and got a bar of soap that would fit easily in Sebastian's mouth. When he came back he picked Sebastian up and placed him on his desk.
     "Open your mouth and when the soap is in your mouth the clock starts." Sebastian didn't open his mouth, "Sebastian, you have the count of three before I double the punishment. One, two," after two Sebastian reluctantly opened his mouth and lucius placed the soap in his mouth and looked at his pocket watch.
     Sebastian decided he hated the taste of soap, and hated that his eyes water. He hadn't cried since he was three and wasn't about to let any tears fall. After the minute was up Sebastian opened his mouth and his papa took the bar of soap out of his mouth and allowed his to rinse his mouth in the bathroom. Sebastian came back a minute later with no soap suds in his mouth but the taste remained, and he knew it would be a while until he couldn't taste soap any longer.
     "Now that that's done come stand over here." Lucius said, he was sitting on the loveseat against the left wall. Sebastian walked over, his eyes glued to the floor. "Trousers down, and then come sit over my lap." Sebastian figured this was one of the most humiliating things ever. He slowly placed himself over his papas lap, and wiggled uncomfortably. "Sit still, You will get thirty swats and then you are forgiven, okay?" Sebastian nodded and tried not to yelp as the first swat came down, he promised himself he wouldn't cry, by the twenty fifth swat it was difficult not to cry out because his bottom was on fire, but he just sat there stiffly with his eyes clenched shut. After the thirtieth his papa pulled him up and sat him on his lap and hugged him and rubbed his back, he quickly melted into the embrace and returned the hug. "You know you are allowed to cry, I know your bottom is on fire right now." His papa whispered into his ear. Sebastian shook his head. "You're allowed to cry when you're in pain, I know you should be crying right now, I can't get more than five swats in before Draco starts to cry. I don't care what the Dursleys told you, but you can cry." His papa whispered. "I'd prefer if you didn't whine all the time, but when you're feeling too much of an emotion you're allowed to cry. It's not good to keep all your emotions bottled up." Sebastian just nodded because he didn't want to argue with his papa. "Bast, are you nodding because you know it's alright to cry, and will do so in the future, or are you nodding just to agree with me?" He received a shrug in response. "Bast, listen, when was the last time you cried, like properly cried?"
     "I think I was three, it was the first time my uncle beat me, I promised myself that I wouldn't cry again." Sebastian whispered. In response his papa squeezed him tighter.
     "Oh Bast, next time this happens, because I know there will be a next time, I want you to know that you're allowed to cry, and it's not showing weakness. Can you promise me you won't bottle up your emotions again? I can't help you with things I don't know about, like you should have mentioned you wanted to see other people your own age. It didn't occur to me to help you make friends, it probably should have, but you're always so independent, and doing things I never thought an eight year old would do. You're reading runes that people in their fourth year at Hogwarts learn, and you've surpassed anything I thought was possible to learn by your age. I can set up a time for a boy your age to come over so you can meet and play with him, alright?"
     "Alright, thanks papa." Sebastian whispered against his papas shoulder. He stayed in the comforting warmth against his papa for a while until he decided he wanted to go to the library to read and finish his homework.

     A week later Amos Diggory and his son Cedric arrived at Malfoy manor. They were greeted by Lucius at the door and were welcomed inside. Cedric was about two inches taller than Sebastian and had short brown hair, and looked like a mini version of his father.
     "Welcome Amos and Cedric, let me introduce you to my sons Sebastian, and Draco, and I believe you know my wife Narcissa. I am sure we can talk more in the lounge, follow me." Lucius lead them to the formal lounge and everyone had a seat. "Thank you for coming, I realised recently that Sebastian hasn't been able to talk with anyone his own age since joining our family two months ago. I remembered Cedric was his age, and I thought it would be a good idea for them to get to know each other before Hogwarts." Lucius said.
     "I agree that would be a good idea, maybe push him away from being in Slytherin, although every Malfoy has been in Slytherin." Amos said, he didn't really like associating with these people but his son only had two other friends, and could use another.
     "Trust me when I say he will probably be put into Ravenclaw, I swear every time I turn around he has a book in his hands." Lucius said with a chuckle. "Even though he can be very Slytherin at times, it normally isn't his main trait, he lacks the coldness towards everyone. He even has some Hufflepuff in him too, when the Greengrass girls come over he always has tea parties and dances with them, and plays the prince, it's very sweet actually. The girls don't like to play dragons with Draco so Bast took over playing with them."
     Sebastian groaned, his papa told this story to everyone, it was so embarrassing. "Papa, could you at least have waited until I was out of the room to tell that story, you tell it to everyone and it was embarrassing the first time you told it, this is like the millionth."
     "Awe, but you are so nice to the girls and it's a cute story." His papa replied.
     "Whatever, you are going to keep telling  the story no matter what I want." Sebastian said, he then turned to face Cedric. "Would you like to come to my room, I have a Quidditch pitch model that we could build together?"
     "Sure, lead the way." Cedric replied as they stood up and left the room. The adults continued to talk about what was happening in the ministry, and such. And Draco left pretty quickly saying their conversation was boring.
     Meanwhile in Sebastian's room Sebastian and Cedric were working on building the model Quidditch pitch and talking about other things they liked to do. Cedric wasn't a huge fan of reading but was still smart, he laughed when Sebastian brought up he loved runes, and Cedric said he would worry about runes in his third year at Hogwarts. Eventually Cedric brought up his two friends named Fred and George Weasley, and said they were always pulling pranks and getting into trouble. Cedric decided that Sebastian would have to come over sometime and meet them. After they finished building the model Quidditch pitch they put it next to his model Hogwarts and talked on Sebastian's bed for a while until Narcissa came and said it was time for Cedric to go home.
     "Bye Ced, see you again soon." Sebastian said as the Diggory's left.
     "Yeah, bye Bast." Cedric said as he waved goodbye.
     Once they were out of the house Sebastion told his parents how cool it was to have a friend. On the outside the adults were smiling, but on the inside Lucius' heart broke over how excited he was to have his first friend. 'He should have had so many friends before this' His papa thought.

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