Chapter Thirty-Six

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     As the weather got warmer, the thought of summer was on everyone's mind. April faded into may, and may into June. With the end of classes approaching lots of studying had to be done. Sebastian was determined to be top of the class, and spent many days reading in the library ignoring his friends. Of course he still planned the occasional prank with Cedric and the twins, and had late night conversations with Sam, Jacob, and Adrian, but he was always seen carrying a book or two around with him. He read while he ate, practiced wand movements in the library, and studied incantations with his friends. He was going to nail the exams, and nothing would stop him.

     One warm, Sunday afternoon found the 4 second year Slytherin boys out by the black lake. Adrian and Jacob were doing flips off the dock, while Sam prefered to swim under the water to see if he could find the giant squid. Sebastian decided that it was still too cold to swim, therefore was sitting under a tree near the shore reading a book. This was all well and good until Sebastian got so into his book that he didn't notice Adrian carrying a bucket of water, until it was dumped right on him.

     Sebastian let out a yelp and dropped his book. Adrian burst out laughing, quickly followed by Jacob and Sam. Sebastian just glared at Adrian, stood up while picking up his wet book. He handed the book to Adrian while looking furious.

     "Fix it." Sebastian said before he walked off in his wet clothes to the castle.

     Adrian had stopped laughing after he realized just how mad Sebastian was at him. Maybe he shouldn't have got his book wet.

     "Good luck, mate. You've officially made Bast mad." Jacob said laughing.

     "I'm really screwed, aren't I?" Adrian groaned.

     "Absolutely. I don't know if I've ever seen him that mad before." Sam exclaimed.

     "I guess I should probably head inside, any idea if I can just use a drying spell on this?" Adrian asked while holding the soggy book.

     "I'd wait until you're dry so you don't make it wet again after you dry it" Sam laughed.

     "Ha ha, very funny." Adrian said as he grabbed his towel and put a warming spell on it, realizing he was actually rather cold.

     Adrian made his way up to the castle and when he made it to the dorms he realized Sebastian wasn't there, so he changed into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, both of which he knew Sebastian liked. He dried the book with a spell, and it looked like new, well, slightly crumpled, so he used the spell for ironing shirts on it, then it really looked new. He left the book on Sebastian's nightstand and went off to go find him.

     Adrian was sure he'd looked around the entire castle and still no sign of him. He looked in the library, the Great Hall, and the astronomy tower. He went back to the common room and signed in defeat, how was he supposed to apologize if he couldn't even find the boy. He went up to his dorm to take a hot shower, he was still a little chilly after his swimming, he grabbed a towel and made his way to the showers.

     The hot water cascading down on him made him realize that he really hoped Sebastian had a hot shower when he went into the castle. Adrian knew if Sebastian caught a cold and it was his fault he wouldn't forgive himself for his prank. Adrian turned off the water and dried off, shaking the water off his hair. He threw on his sweats and looked at himself in the mirror. All that Quidditch practice was actually paying off, he was finally growing into himself, he actually really liked how he looked. With his dark hair sticking up in every direction, and his body finally filling in, he smiled when he looked at himself.

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