Chapter Twenty

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

      Sebastian woke up early the next morning so that he could shower and have his father braid his hair before the others were awake. He found his father in the sitting room drinking a cup of coffee, while reading the newspaper. Lucius quickly braided Sebastian's hair, and the pair went to the informal sitting room to have breakfast. Arthur arrived a few minutes after they sat down, and they all began to eat breakfast, not bothering to wait for Draco or Viktor as they both liked to sleep in.
     After breakfast, Sebastian went to go work on his homework that he was assigned for the holiday break. He decided to get a chunk of it done now, so Viktor and him could go flying later. He also wanted to have some free time in the evening so he could write letters to his friends.

     Lunch eventually rolled around and Sebastian found everyone in the informal dining room waiting for him. He sat down next to Draco, before they all began eating.
     They talked on trivial matters, and Sebastian finished his lunch quickly so he could go fly on the Quidditch pitch. Eventually Viktor and Sebastian headed out to the Quidditch pitch, and were told to stay on the pitch and fly safely.
     The boys ran up to their rooms to get their brooms before meeting each other on the pitch.
     Both boys were pulling their best tricks to try and out due the other. They pulled feints and daring dives that they were sure neither of their fathers would like them doing, but they didn't really notice how risky their tricks had gotten.
     After a while Viktor got a little bored so he decided he wanted to go fly down over to a clearing he had seen in the forest. He was told not to go into the forest, but the clearing looked safe, so he yelled for Sebastian to follow him. "C'mon Bast! There's a clearing in the forest over there, let's go check it out!" Viktor yelled.
     "We aren't allowed in the forest! We will get in trouble. It's dangerous!" Sebastian exclaimed.
     "It'll be fine, we're just going to stay in the clearing over there. It's not dangerous!"
     "It is! I'm not going with you. You shouldn't go either, you will get in trouble!"
     "You're just a scaredy-cat." Viktor yelled before going to fly over to the clearing.
     Sebastian was at a loss of what to do. He watched Viktor fly lower into the trees, until he could no longer see him. He knew he should go get his father immediately, but he was worried if something happened to Viktor while he was gone. Sebastian saw an owl, and quickly conjured a quill and a piece of parchment, thankful that in the manor wards underage magic couldn't be detected. He wrote a short letter to his father that said where Viktor was, and he apologized in advance for breaking his rule and going into the forest.
     He sent the message off with the owl to his father and went to find Viktor in the clearing.
     Sebastian flew down into the clearing, but didn't see Viktor. He yelled Viktor's name a few times before he heard his name shouted in response.
     "Come back this way Viktor! It's not safe!" Sebastian yelled.
     "I'm fine, there's nothing dangerous, it's just a forest." Viktor replied.
     Before Sebastian could respond he heard a scream.
     "Viktor!" Sebastian yelled, before pulling out his wand and running after him. Leaving a line of lights in his path so his father could find them.
     He found Viktor on the ground with two large snakes squeezing him. "Stop!" Sebastian yelled in parseltongue. "Don't kill him!"
     The snakes immediately froze. "A speaker!" One of the snakes said. "We need food, the boy would make a good meal." The other snake said.
     "He isn't good food, he is too bony, there is a rabbit nest not too far away, they would make a much better meal." Sebastian said, trying to get them to get off Viktor.
     The snakes reluctantly agreed that Viktor wouldn't make a good meal, and slithered away.
     "Are you okay, Viktor? Did they hurt you?"
     "No, I'm fine. Let's not tell our fathers about this. I don't need to get in trouble." Viktor replied.
     Before Sebastian could respond, his father and Arthur showed up behind them. "Trust me Viktor, you're in plenty of trouble." Arthur said.
     Sebastian ran to his father and hugged his middle, "I'm sorry, I'm so glad you got my letter, I didn't know what else to do." Sebastian said, finally calming down a bit knowing his father could protect him now.
     "You told them we came here! Why did you have to tattle, nothing wrong would have happened." Viktor yelled.
     "You were almost killed by a pair of snakes. If I wasn't a parselmouth you would be dead right now. I was only trying to help." Sebastian yelled back.
     "Enough boys." Lucius said sternly. "Neither of you should have gone into the forest, when we tell you to stay on the Quidditch pitch, I expect you to stay there. We are going to go inside and discuss exactly what happened, and we shall deal with the pair of you afterwards." Lucius said, before turning around and using a path, began to walk to the manor.
     When they arrived at the manor they all walked to Lucius' study. Sebastian was told to wait outside, while Arthur and Lucius listened to Viktor's side of the story, and they would switch afterwards. Sebastian sat down, leaned back against the wall, and pulled his knees against his chest. He started to think about what he could have done differently, but honestly wasn't too sure what he could have done. If he didn't go into the forest Viktor would have likely been killed by the snakes, and he didn't think he could have stopped Viktor going, as he did try to do that, and he didn't listen.
     The biggest thing he was upset about was disappointing his father. He had promised he would never go into the forest, and he would be good while Arthur and Viktor were staying with them.
     A little while later the door opened and Viktor walked out. He looked a little upset, but didn't seem too fazed about being in trouble.
     Sebastian picked himself off the ground and walked into the office. His father was seated on the couch with Arthur, and motioned for him to sit in the chair across from them. He sat with his head down and played with the hem of his shirt.
     "Sebastian. I would like to hear your account of what happened after you arrived at the pitch. If your story lines up with Viktor's we will discuss punishment and then you will be forgiven, Understood?" Lucius said, quietly yet firmly. Sebastian nodded and began his tale of what happened.
     "When we arrived we were just doing tricks with each other like feints and barrel rolls. After a while Viktor was looking into the forest and he said he wanted to go fly to the clearing, I told him not to and that it was dangerous, but he didn't listen. I didn't know what to do, but I couldn't leave him in the forest alone, so I owled you so you could come get us. Then I flew over to the clearing and landed but I couldn't find Viktor, so I called for him to come back to the clearing, and then I heard him scream. I found him with two snakes squeezing him, and told them to stop. They eventually did, and then you showed up." Sebastian finished.
     "Bast," Sebastian looked up to his father, surprised at the use of his nickname. "I am not happy that the situation you were in led to you being in the forest, but I cannot entirely fault you for going. I am proud of you for writing to me, and only going into the forest as a last resort.
     "I was originally going to have privileges taken away as punishment, but because I don't feel I have lost your trust, so I think a short spanking will do. Alright?"
     "Yeah, I'm really sorry." Sebastian said, sadly.
     "Bast, Arthur isn't sure how to handle punishing Viktor, as he's still new to having him in his son. Do you think Arthur could watch, to show that I'm not hurting you, just enforcing our rules? If you're uncomfortable he can leave." Lucius asked.
     "He can stay, I'm sure he will become part of the family soon anyways." Sebastian said, mumbling the last part.
     Arthur laughed at that, and Lucius picked up Sebastian and lifted him across his lap. "Only fifteen alright? I'm only punishing you because going into the forest has always been one of our major rules." Lucius said before beginning.
     The spanking was over before Sebstian knew it, and his pants were pulled up and he was pulled into his father's lap. They stayed like that for a while, with Sebastian curled up against his father, who was rubbing circles on his back. It didn't take long for Sebastian to fall asleep. The drama of the day having tired him out.

     That evening at dinner Viktor apologized to Sebastian for calling him a scared-cat and a tattle tale. Sebastian forgave him, and they spent the evening playing chess and exploding snap.
     Before Sebastian went to bed that night he wrote letters to all his friends, talking about his few days of break, before sending them off with the family owl.
     Sebastian was so tired he fell asleep with his book still open and his glasses still on. A little while later Arthur and Lucius went to check and make sure all the kids were asleep, and both chuckled when they saw him. Arthur quietly went over to his bed, and gently plucked the glasses off his face, and put his book on the nightstand. He gently pulled his covers up, before blowing out the candle on his nightstand. He walked back over to Lucius and the pair walked out of the room, shutting the door behind them.
     Sebastian, who briefly awoke as his covers were being pulled up felt more happy than he thought possible. Arthur would make a brilliant second father, he thought before drifting off again.

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