Chapter Twenty-two

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     The two weeks after Christmas passed very quickly for Sebastian. Viktor and him spent plenty of time playing Quidditch with each other and Draco, and they learned a lot about one another.
     Too soon for anyone's liking Viktor and Arthur had to go back to Bulgaria, because school was going to begin in two days. Luckily, Sebastian had finished all his homework so he could relax for his last two days before heading back to Hogwarts. He made sure to spend time with Draco and his father, as he knew he would miss them both when he returned to Hogwarts.

     Two days later, Sebastian was saying goodbye to his brother and father at the train station, and boarding the Hogwarts Express. He found Adrian, Sam, and Jacob all in a compartment together, and the four of them talked about their holidays. Even though they had been writing back and forth over the holidays they still found plenty of things to talk about. A few minutes later the Twins and Cedric walked in and Sam moved to the other bench so they could all sit opposite the four Slytherins. The bench was a fight fit for four people, so Sebastian was practically sitting in Adrian's lap, much to the amusement of the others.
     Cedric and the Twins didn't particularly like Sebastian's Slytherin friends, but put up with them because they knew Sebastian liked their company.
     Halfway through the ride everyone got some sweets off the trolley, and shortly after Sebastian fell asleep in Adrian's lap. Sebastian hadn't slept well last night as he was excited to see his friends, so he was quite tired. Adrian didn't mind though as it was such a common occurrence that it didn't even faze him.
     The rest of the train ride passed, and Sebastian woke up shortly to get his robes on, but fell asleep again in Adrian's lap, only really waking when the train stopped and they had to get off the train.

     The feast was a loud affair, and Sebastian spoke with some upper year Slytherin's about their holidays. Many spoke about their struggles studying for their OWLs or NEWTs, and how difficult their homework over the break was. The topics they were studying sparked Sebastian's interest and spoke with them about the topics until it was time to head back to their dormitories for bed.
     The four Slytherin fourth year boys stayed up late that night talking about nothing and everything. Sebastian eventually got up and flopped into bed, hardly pulling his covers over him before falling asleep.

     The next few months passed by in a flash. Sebastian was doing well in all his course work, and was top of his class in every subject. He found most of the stuff really easy, as he had read about the work they were doing when he was eight, and was onto more advanced stuff. The Dragon's had played plenty more pranks, and Sebastian was having an amazing time. His Slytherin friends and him were growing closer everyday, and the four of them were always seen with one another, and never alone.
     May dawned and exams were right around the corner. Sebastian wasn't nervous, but was still studying a lot with his friends, and some older students. He really liked studying with the older students as he got to study harder and more interesting things. He especially liked runes, so he made sure to help all the older students with their Ancient runes homework so he could get extra practice, and help others.

     It was late in May when Sebastian got a letter from his father. It wasn't particularly long but the contents spoke volumes. It read,

     Dear Sebastian,

     I hope this letter finds you well. I write to you over a matter of great importance. Some news has come my way, and I need you to come home this evening and stay for a few days. I apologize for such formality in my letter, but I must express how important the matter at hand is. I promise it is nothing bad, but the news may be upsetting to you. Draco will be staying at the Nott's house for the night, so you will not need to worry about having him around.
     Do not tell people why you are leaving except that I wanted you home for a few days.
     See you soon,

     The letter worried Sebastian, but he was a Slytherin and didn't show any emotion while reading the letter. Adrian looked at him with concern, Sebastian knew Adrian was very good at picking up on his emotions, so he just subtly shook his head. Adrian nodded back and continued eating lunch.
     After lunch Adrian pulled Sebastian up to their dorms before they had to go to their next class.
     "Are you okay, Bast?" Adrian asked, his voice filled with concern.
     "Yeah. My father's letter is a little unsettling that's all." Sebastian replied softly.
     "Alright, you're sure you're good?" Adrian asked not really believing Sebastian was okay. Normally Sebastian was always smiley, but now he was a little pale, and had worry etched in his face.
     "I don't know, my father said I can't tell anyone, but I trust you. He said there was a really important matter that I would likely be upset about, so I have to go home for a few days. I'm just really worried about what it is." Sebastian said.
     "I'm sure everything will be okay, just wait and see. Trust me, I'm sure everything's fine." Adrian said, pulling Sebastian into a hug. Adrian really hoped everything was okay, as he never wanted to lie to Sebastian.
     When the pair pulled away from each other Sebastian looked better, and felt better about the whole situation. They then walked to their next class and went about the rest of their afternoon.

     All too soon it was time for Sebastian to head home and Sebastian thought the walk to the Headmasters office felt like a walk to his doom. Eventually he reached the gargoyle and said, "Twizzlers," before the gargoyle let him up the staircase. He kindly greeted the Headmaster, even if he didn't like him, and used the floo, he yelled out, "Malfoy Manor," and was quickly pulled through the flames to his home.
     When he exited the floo his father was there to greet him. His father looked nervous but happy to see him.
     "Hello Bast, how are you?" He asked.
     "Nervous, to be honest, your letter worried me." Sebastian replied.
     "I apologize again for worrying you, but it was important you knew how serious the situation was. Let's go sit down in my office."
     The pair walked together to Lucius' office and took a seat on the couch. "Sebastian, you know that I am loyal to the Dark Lord, and I would never do anything to harm you, right?" Lucius asked, and Sebastian just nodded, too worried about the topic of conversation to speak.
     "A few nights ago I was going through the books in my office, when I found a journal that had belonged to the Dark Lord. I wrote in it, seeing that all the pages were blank, and was surprised when it wrote back. I wrote back and forth with the journal for a while, and it turns out the Dark Lord made horcruxes, seven in fact, before you vanquished him as a baby. It turns out he slipped into insanity due to him making so many, and I was wondering your thoughts on bringing him back.
     "There were rumours that your parents were secretly on the dark side, and followed the Dark Lord before he slipped into insanity. He had brilliant ideas until about a year after you were born, when he made five horcruxes within a week, and his sanity cracked. The Potter's went into hiding after he went insane, because he wanted to kill you and the Longbottoms son, and could only explain that he had to do it because of a prophecy. I suspect there was some outside force that was compelling the Dark Lord to make the horcruxes so quickly, as he knew it wasn't safe.
     "I would like to bring him back using an ancient spell I found, but I wanted to tell you the backstory of him, so you wouldn't be frightened by him coming back. And remember son, I would never do anything to hurt you in any way. If I wasn't completely sure the Dark Lord would prefer to help you over hurt you I wouldn't even suggest bringing him back. But I knew him well, and I know he will not harm you." Lucius said.
     "If you promise he won't hurt me and I won't have to take his mark or participate in the war then you can. I don't want to fight, I never did and never will." Sebastian replied. He had been worried during his father's speech, but he did agree that if Voldemort was sane and well again, he would be a better leader than Dumbledore.
     "Thank you, Bast. I promise no harm will come to you, and I am positive that the Dark Lord will like you, you are very smart and clever. Now, go get ready for bed, I will be doing the spell tomorrow and may need your assistance." Lucius said, as he motioned for Sebastian to stand up. He pulled Sebastian in for a hug, before whispering "Good night," into his soft black hair.
     Sebastian went up to his room, and quickly wrote a letter to Adrian saying he was okay, and it wasn't really bad news. He said he would write again tomorrow, and wished him a good night. Sebastian showered and got into his pajamas before crawling into bed, thinking about what tomorrow would bring.

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