Chapter Twenty-Six

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

The first few weeks passed in a flash for Sebastian. He had his friends over and got to see Arthur and Viktor again, which made both him and his father happy.

He really got to learn a lot about Viktor, and the two became best friends quickly. They would fly together, and Viktor would teach Sebastian some magic that they didn't teach at Hogwarts, and Sebastian would teach Viktor about runes and warding, which he was very good at. Draco liked to hang out with them too, but he didn't quite understand what they were talking about all the time, and spent most of his time at Blaise's house.

It was odd, Sebastian thought, that he hadn't heard a single thing from his uncle Marvolo. He thought he would hear planning going on, or see him over a lot, but apparently he was wrong, because he hadn't heard from him once.

It was almost his birthday by the time he saw him. It was only in passing, and apparently Marvolo was too busy to stay for any length of time. Sebastian was a little upset that his godfather didn't want to spend time with him, but was sure there had to be a reason, and hopefully a good one at that. His first thought was to go ask his father, but then thought again because he and Arthur were often wrapped up in each other when he wasn't at the Ministry. He also thought of putting an eavesdropping spell on his father's office, but figured that would just end up with him in trouble, so he reluctantly just decided to wait until he was told what was going on.


When Sebastian woke up on his birthday he was pretty excited. He knew he would get a good breakfast with his family, which definitely included Arthur and Viktor, if Viktor was awake, presents, and his friends were coming over in the afternoon.

He quickly went through his morning rituals before walking down the stairs to the dining room where he knew his father and Arthur would be. When he arrived, he was pulled into a hug by his father, and once released, Arthur hugged him as well.

"Happy birthday, Bast! How does it feel to be twelve?" His father asked.

"It feels the same as being eleven, not much of a change." Sebastian said with a grin.

"Interesting, I know I always feel ancient every year on my birthday, luckily I have yet to have any grey hair, but it's only a matter of time." Lucius said.

"Yeah, cuz you dye it blonde." Sebastian muttered, apparently loud enough for his father to hear though.

"I'll have you know this is completely natural! I would never allow a hair on my hair to be bleached. You are in for it, I'm not old enough to have grey hair!" Lucius said as he grabbed at Sebastian and started to tickle his sides.

Sebastian laughed and squirmed to get away from his father but had no such luck. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! You don't bleach your hair, and aren't that old!" Sebastian cried as he tried to get away.

Lucius stopped tickling him, "I'm definitely not old. Now, go eat your breakfast."

Once Sebastian was out of his father's reach he said, "You're really not that old, I mean wizards can live to be 150 years old, surely at 70 you're only at the halfway point of your life expectancy."

"I will have you know, I am not 70, I am 39! I will get you back for calling me 70. I can't believe you, 70. My father wouldn't be much older than seventy if he was still alive. Unbelievable." Lucius said, muttering the last word under his breath.

"Lay off your father, Bast, no need to rile him up. He's very self conscious about his age, and don't even get me started about his hair." Arthur said, humour laced in his voice, and a grin across his face.

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