Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     The next month went by quickly for Sebastian. With going to Diagon Alley to get his school supplies and new robes, as he had finally grown a couple more inches, even if he was only the same height as Draco, something he was constantly teased about. And hanging out with his friends and Adrian. Adrian and him hadn't done anything since they kissed on his birthday, which confused him a little, as they had plenty of time together.
     He did take Draco to Diagon Alley one time by himself, as his father finally trusted him to go without a parent. And he got Draco lots of sweets, and a couple books for himself. He enjoyed the alone time with his brother, as he hadn't spent too much time with him recently, and missed always reading his bedtime stories and playing with him. They also both picked out dress robes, as they were finally bringing back dances to the school, and they required dress robes. So they both got simple black ones, as neither was a fan of dressing up too much.
     September first finally came around and Draco was practically jumping up and down with excitement. He was up early for once, and was ready to leave by 8 in the morning, which was far too early. So Lucius decided to take his boys out for breakfast to a restaurant not too far from their manor. It was a muggle establishment, but their breakfast pastries were amazing. Lucius apparated them to the edge of their grounds, and then walked the 10 minutes down the road to the restaurant.
     By the end of breakfast both Lucius and Sebastian realized they probably shouldn't have let Draco eat whatever he wanted for breakfast as he was super hyper now, and was about to get on a long train ride, with no way to get his energy out. So Lucius made Draco run all the way home to burn some of his energy, while he and Sebastian walked behind him.

     At 10:30 Lucius, Sebastian, and Draco all arrived at King's Cross Station. Sebastian could tell his dad as having a hard time with sending Draco off to Hogwarts, just as he had with Sebastian three years ago. Draco gave his dad a tight hug and told him he would be put into Slytherin and make him proud, and would write often before getting on the express to go find his friends. Sebastian stayed behind though and told his dad that he would look after Draco, and that he would make sure they both wrote to him often, and would visit when they could.
     "You can also spend all your time with Arthur now, I still don't see a wedding band, so you should hop to it." Sebastian said with a cheeky grin.
     Lucius looked around briefly and leaned down to Sebastian's height. "If you must know, I was planning on popping the question over winter break, and I already have a ring picked out."
     Sebastian's mouth almost fell open, then smiled and hugged his dad. "That's awesome, I'm so happy for you. Does that mean they will move in with us soon?"
     "We have been talking about it, but we can all discuss it over break. We don't want Viktor to be upset about anything, so we aren't gonna do anything fast, as he still has all his friends in Bulgaria."
     "That makes sense. I love you so much Papa, and I'm happy to see you finally doing what you want." The train whistle blew for the five minute warning. "I gotta go, but remember you can always come visit Severus and Remus on weekends and come see me."
     "I forgot about that. I will see you soon then Bast. I love you too, keep me up to date with your latest pranks."
     And with that Sebastian pulled away from his father and climbed aboard the express with both his and Draco's trunks shrunken in his pocket. He quickly found his brother in a compartment with his friends, and moved on to find his friends. He found every single one of them squeezed into a compartment, there was Sam, Jacob, Adrian and another girl he couldn't remember the name of on one side, and Fred, George, Cedric, and Julie on the other. He wasn't even sure how they all fit, but he took a seat beside Adrian.
     "Why are we all in one compartment, there is no way everyone is comfortable, Julies basically on the floor and I'm half on Sam and Adrian's lap, and you" he said looking at the girl he didn't know. "are on Jacob's lap. So what the heck?" Sebastian exclaimed. "Not that I don't like all of you, but this is weird."
     "We thought it would be funny." Jacob said. "And this is my new girlfriend Emily, she's a year below us."
     "Okay, you guys are all strange. How was all of your summers?" Sebastian asked. The whole group started going on about their summers, and then started playing some exploding snap, which was quite crazy with so many people.
     For once Sebastian stayed awake the whole train ride and talked to Sam mostly about his trip to Africa and the creatures he saw. Jacob didn't shut up about the roller coasters he went on for at least half an hour until Emily brought up another topic, as she could tell no one was interested about hearing the names of every coaster he went on.
     By the time the train rolled into Hogsmeade station the group had put on their robes and were very ready to stretch their legs. They made their way to the carriages and split into two groups to make their way to the castle. It was Sebastian, Adrian, Sam, and Jacob in one carriage, and Fred, George, Cedric, and Julie in the other. Emily opted to go find her other friends in her year to ride with. Sam and Adrian teased Jacob about having a new girlfriend already, joking how he just had a different one. Sebastian didn't really understand how he already had a new girlfriend, as he could never see a girl that way, or want to date people just to say you're dating.

     The sorting was an interesting affair, with not that many first years because of the war. There were only 8 people sorted into Slytherin, with Draco and his friends plus one other girl and two other boys being the only ones sorted there. Draco sat beside Sebastian during dinner and went on about how cool everything was, and how happy he was to finally be here. A couple people commented on how cute they were and how similar they looked, their hair colours being the main difference.
     Sebastian was a little surprised to see Dumbledore still Headmaster, as he was sure Marvolo was trying to get him fired, but wasn't surprised at how many new teachers there were. He knew that they were adding lots of new extra curricular activities and new classes for the N.E.W.T level students.
     As the feast was coming to an end Dumbledore finally stood up to make an announcement. "Welcome back everyone. I'm sure most of you have noticed that we have many new faces this year. With the election of Mr. Slytherin last fall there have been many new things implemented here. First, there will be many extra curricular activities this year, but in order to attend these you must be staying on top of your school work, and your head of house can pull you from them if they feel you are more focused on them than your term work. Secondly, there will be a few more elective classes this year for N.E.W.T level students, including warding, combat and dueling, and spell crafting. And lastly, let me introduce you to the new professors. For warding class we have Professor Jones, for combat and dueling, we will have Professor Thomas, and for spell crafting we have Professor Black. There will also be clubs supervised by these professors for younger years wanting to learn. Please talk to your head of house if you are interested in attending these classes. That will be all for tonight. Prefects, please lead your houses to the common rooms. Classes will start tomorrow morning, goodnight."
     Sebastian was a little disappointed he wouldn't be able to attend the classes, but he knew he was going to be in as many clubs as he could. He was a little shocked to see his godfather teaching spell crafting, but he was excited that he would get to see him more, and assumed he would get to see his other godfather more too.
     Sebastian and his dorm mates all chatted about their excitement over the new clubs, especially Sam, who couldn't wait for the spell crafting club. Sebastian was getting rather tired and was almost asleep when he heard his dorm mates start talking about him.
     "Did you ask him out yet? It's been forever, and I don't believe you guys would have had a sleepover and not done anything." Jacob said.
     "We kissed on his birthday. But we haven't done anything else." Adrian said with a small grin.
     "Finally! You guys were taking forever. Just invite me to the bonding. And no sex while we are in the room, yuck." Sam said.
     Adrian blushed a little, and said that wouldn't be happening any time soon anyways. "I'm gonna go put him to bed." He said as he lifted Sebastian up and placed him in his bed, placing a warming charm on the blankets as it was a little cold in the dungeons tonight. 
     Sebastian wondered if sex was gonna be something Adrian wanted soon, because he knew it would be a while before he would even think about wanting it, it just seemed like something he would have to worry about when he was older. But now he was kinda worried, because as much as he liked, loved even, kissing Adrian, he didn't want anything more. With all these thoughts going through his head he hardly noticed Adrian climb in beside him and kiss his forehead before he fell into a restless sleep.

A/N: Sorry about the like year long delay for this chapter. I promise I will upload at least 1 or 2 more chapters this week.

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