Chapter Nineteen

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     The ride home on the Hogwarts express felt like forever to Sebastian. He sat with Cedric and the Twins for the first half of the ride, and with Adrian, Sam, and Jacob for the rest. He played exploding snap with the Twins and Cedric, and just chatted with the Slytherins.
     When they arrived at Kings Cross Station Sebastian went to go find his father and brother. He hugged them both in greeting before going to find Adrian to say goodbye. He found Adrian with his mother and father, Sebastian greeted them both before hugging Adrian goodbye. Adrian hugged him back and they stood like that a while before they both pulled back and smiled at each other. "Bye Adrian, see you next year." Sebastian joked.
     "Bast, it's only three weeks surely- oh, you mean- ha ha, very funny, see you next year then." Adrian said as Sebastian laughed at him. Adrian shoved him playfully before Sebastian walked away laughing.
     Sebastian turned around to grin at him before Adrian's parents apparated away with him.
Sebastian walked back over to his father and brother so they could apparate home.

     When they arrived back at the manor Sebastian and Draco went to Sebastian's room to unpack his trunk. The boys talked with each other about how they'd been. Draco talked plenty about his life without having Narcissa around. He said it was weird not having her around at first, but he found it much calmer in the house without her. He also said that their father had spent more time with him which he enjoyed.
     As Draco talked Sebastian realized how mature he was getting, for a nine year old he talked well, 'his tutors are doing a good job,' Sebastian thought briefly. He also realized that he wasn't a little kid anymore, and that he was maturing into a good person. The way he spoke about his mother was in a mature way, and he also thought about how other people felt.
     Draco also confessed that he did occasionally miss having his mother around, particularly when his father was doing work in his office, and he didn't have anyone to talk with. Sebastian wasn't really sure how to respond to that, so he just listened to Draco talk, and nodded or hummed when necessary.
    Sebastian brought up the subject of Arthur and Viktor, and Draco seemed to like the idea of having them come over for Christmas. Sebastian was thankful for that, because he was almost certain the pair would become a permanent fixture in their life.
     Once they had unpacked Sebastian's trunk, the pair went down for dinner. Sebastian told his father and brother about the firework display Cedric, the Twins, and him pulled off, and the pair were quite impressed. The three talked until they were all finished their dinner, and decided to go sit in the sitting room.
     Draco and Sebastian sat down on a loveseat across from their father, and Sebastian pulled a soft throw blanket across their laps.
     "So," Their father started, which caused them to both face him, "Arthur and Viktor will be coming over tomorrow afternoon, and I'm sure I don't need to remind you both to be on your best behavior."
     "No, we will be good, Papa." Sebastian replied.
     "Yeah, we will be very good." Draco replied with a smile.
     "That's good, thank you boys. Now, Victor will be staying in the room beside yours Bast, so if he ever needs you, you will be right there. His father will only be a few doors down, a little closer to my room. Even though we have guests, neither of you should feel afraid to come get me if you need me, day or night. Okay?" Lucius asked.
    Sebastian nodded, but knowing his father prefered a verbal answer said, "Yes, Papa." To which Draco said the same.
     Their father nodded, "Good. Draco, you are going to Blaise's house early tomorrow morning, so I would like you to go put your PJs on please."
     Draco pouted but nodded, he hated having to go to bed early. "I'll come tuck you into bed in a bit." Their father said. Draco left the room and went upstairs to his bedroom. When Draco left Lucius turned back to Sebastian.
     "Sebastian, I would like you to make Viktor feel welcome here, okay? He's having a bit of a tough time right now. He just lost his mother last summer, and this is his first Christmas without her. So if you have friends over if you could include him too, that would be great. And maybe tomorrow you could give him a tour around the manor. I also know he loves to fly, so you two could go flying tomorrow if you like. I know you will make him feel welcome no matter what, I just worry too much, don't I?"
     "Yes, you definitely do. Don't worry though, I will do my best to make him feel welcome here. And I know what it's like to lose my parents, so I can relate to him. I promise I'll help him have a good christmas." Sebastian replied, with a smile on his face. "All you will need to worry about is making Arthur happy, although, with how much you've been corresponding with each other, I'm sure that won't be hard." Sebastian said with a cheeky grin
     Lucius' response was to tickle him until he couldn't breathe, he also muttered "cheeky brat" under his breath before pulling Sebastian into a hug.
     After their hug they both went to say goodnight to Draco, before deciding to go to bed themselves, as they had a big day tomorrow.

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