Chapter Twenty-Five

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

The rest of the school year went over very quickly for Sebastian. He breezed through his exams, just like he thought he would, and was able to plan a few more pranks with his friends.

Sebastian was looking forward to summer, because he wanted to see Arthur and Viktor again, and he knew he would be able to hang out with his friends. He was also looking forward to his birthday because Cedric, the Twins, and Adrain would go to his house and they would be able to eat cake, and hangout with each other.

He hadn't received any letters from Marvolo yet, and he wasn't sure whether to be worried or not. On one hand, it meant that he was still laying low, and was safe, but on the other hand, it meant he wasn't making any progress yet on running the Ministry.


On the last day of school Sebastian, Cedric, and the Twins set up their final prank of the year. The plan was to make everyone in the hall sound, and look like an animal. The potion Sebastian and Fred brewed made it so the consumer's hair colour would change to match the animal, and they would make the sounds the animal made when they tried to speak.

They had brewed two variations of the potion, so all the professors would look like lions, with golden hair, and they would roar. All the students on the other hand would have pink hair and oink like a pig. Sebastian was a little amused by the thought of the students all sounding like pigs, and from what he remembered about his cousin, Dudley wouldn't have even needed to use the potion. That made him laugh particularly hard, he knew it wasn't exactly nice to think about, but after all Dudley did to him, one mean thought was nothing.

The best part of the potion was that there was a fifteen minute time delay to when it started working, so everyone would think everything was fine, but fifteen minutes into dinner they would start oinking or roaring.


Dinner was absolutely hilarious. The prank went perfectly, and even most of the professors thought it was amusing. The potion wore off after ten minutes, and George discreetly sent their sign into the air. Sebastian would have normally sent their sign into the air, but he thought Adrian might be onto him, so he taught George how to do it. Everyone clapped, and Dumbledore stood up after everyone was finished eating and congratulated The Dragons on a good end of year prank.

After dinner Sebastian could hear everyone talking about the prank and who they thought The Dragons were. Sebastian, the Twins and Cedric decided they wouldn't tell the school who they were until they were graduating, so they couldn't get in trouble.

After dinner Sebastian, Adrian, Sam, and Jacob all sat together in their dorm talking long into the night. They spoke about what they were going to do over the summer, and made plans about visiting each other. Sam and Sebastian spoke a lot about a spell Sam was going to try and design over the summer, and Sebastian was giving him tips on how to do it.

Eventually, Sebastian fell asleep against Adrian like normal, and Adrian carried him over and tucked him in his bed. The three other boys continued talking until they couldn't keep their eyes open any longer and crawled into bed.


The next morning was a little hectic. The four boys were rushing around packing everything into their trunks, and looking for anything they had lost. Sebastian sat with Cedric, Fred, and George at breakfast and spoke about their plans for the summer. Apparently Fred and George's older brother Bill was going home for the summer, and the pair were looking forward to seeing him, because he had been studying in Egypt, and they hadn't seen him in a while.

Cedric was going to a Quidditch camp for two weeks, so he would be really ready to try out for seeker next year. The current Hufflepuff seeker wasn't all that great, and Cedric didn't think it would be too difficult to take his spot.

Sebastian spoke about him spending the summer with Viktor and Arthur, and getting to research more in their library. The Twins called him an undercover Ravenclaw, and Sebastian just laughed and said, "It's a very Slytherin thing to do, to hide in a different house than you belong, am I right? The hat said I could go to the other houses, but they wouldn't be good for me, and that Slytherin would be best."

The twins laughed, "Of course, it all makes sense now."

"I'm gonna go finish packing, somehow my stuff ended up in the most bizarre places, and I am still trying to find it all. Like how did some of my pajama bottoms end up in Jacob's trunk, I'll never know." Sebastian said as he stood up. "I'll talk to you guys later."

"Bye, Sebby." Fred said as the other two waved.

Sebastian then left the Gryffindor table where the three had been eating breakfast and went back to his dorm to finish packing before it was time to board the train.


The train ride home was fun for Sebastian. He sat in a compartment with Fred, George, Cedric, Lee, and Julie, Cedric's friend, for the first half, and with Adrian, Sam, and Jacob for the second half. They all ate sweets and laughed together, all enjoying their last bit of time together before summer break.

When the train pulled into Kings Cross Station Sebastian was getting a little tired as it was getting dark, and was leaning against Sam as he was sitting next to him, with Adrian and Jacob sitting across from them.

"Getting a little tired there, Bast?" Adrian said with a laugh.

"Shut up." Sebastian mumbled, not removing himself from Sam as he was pretty tired.

"Well, you have to get up, we're just pulling into Kings Cross now." Jacob said.

"Ugh, fine, at least I can go home and sleep in my comfortable bed." Sebastian replied as he sat up so his weight was no longer on Sam.

The four boys stood up as the train slowed to a stop. Sebastian hugged Sam and Jacob and wished them a good summer, and told them to write often. Once the two boys left Sebastian turned to Adrian, and hugged him. "See you in a while, you will come over soon, right?"

Adrian hugged back, "Of course. Bye, Bast."

"Bye, Rian." Sebastian said then released Adrian and the pair walked out of the compartment.

Sebastian found his brother and father immediately, and hugged them both tightly. When they let go they three apparated to Malfoy Manor, and Sebastian told the pair all about his last few weeks at Hogwarts, and the end of school prank. Draco was definitely looking forward to going to hogwarts himself in two years, and you could see in his eyes when Sebastian spoke about it that Draco was just itching to go.

That night Sebastian and his father sat in the library that night and read in comfortable silence. Both were reading books on creating and improving laws, knowing that Marvolo might need help in taking over the Ministry and becoming Minister of Magic.

When Sebastian finally fell asleep that night he dreamed of the future. A world where Marvolo was Minister, and the magical world was almost perfect. Arthur and Viktor were in his dream too, with Arthur's arm wrapped around his father's waist and Viktor, him, and Draco were all sitting around the room playing games together. This was all he wanted in life, to be happy, and have a family, and with the Dursleys he never thought he'd have it, but now he did, and he was pretty sure he couldn't be happier.

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