Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

July passed in a blur for Sebastian. He and his friends had done so many cool things. Him and the twins worked on new pranks, having a full potions lab definitely helped with that. They ended up blowing up quite a few potions, but they had a blast doing it, and were able to adjust so many of their potions and pranks to make them better. Cedric came over a few times to help, but wasnt quite as interested in making the pranks, and more interested in executing them.

Cedric and Sebastian had hung out a few times though, and one time he even brought his friend, Julie, over, and they ended up making cupcakes and getting powdered sugar all over the kitchen. The cupcakes turned out great, but when a house elf came in and saw the mess he kicked them out of the kitchen, and the three laughed so hard at the house elf's expression. The three were all willing to clean up the mess, but the elf wouldn't allow them to, and muttered about messy children.

Viktor also had a bunch of his friends over during July, and Sebastian made friends with most of them.

One day Viktor invited 4 of his friends over, and Sebastian invited Fred, George, Cedric, and Adrian over, and they all had a big Quidditch game. It was really fun, and by the end of the game everyone was showing off their skills. Sebastians team won narrowly, but only because Sebastian was able to catch the snitch, they won by only 30 points.

The eight of them all went inside to have some water, all tired from the 3 hour Quidditch game. They all chatted, and ended up having a lot in common. They all agreed to have a rematch sometime later in the summer.

In mid July Marvolo and Sirius stopped by for a visit. Sebastian hardly saw them because they were both very busy. Sebastian was happy to spend some quality time with the pair and told them about how school was, and his friends.

Sirius talked about how he was working on all his finances because after being in Azkaban so long everything was a mess. He explained how all the properties he owned were crippling, and he had to have many people fix them all. It was quite interesting hearing about what happened after there was no Lord to a house for so long, Sebastian knew that when he turned 17 he would have his work cut out for him when he became Lord Potter, and was very intrigued at how well Sirius dealt with everything for such a silly guy.

Marvolo briefly explained how much he was dealing with after becoming the Minister of Magic. Sebastian couldnt believe how much he actually had to do, and was impressed with the new laws that were put in place to make the Wizarding World safer, and allow everyone to live their life equally no matter if you had creature blood or not.

By the time Sebastians birthday rolled around he couldn't believe the summer was already halfway done. For his birthday he planned on inviting all of his friends over to hang out and eat cake and pizza. Pizza was a rare treat in the Wizarding World for some reason, so Sebastian used every excuse to have it because he loved pizza. He also asked Adrian to stay over for a sleepover because the pair hadn't had a sleepover in a while.

The morning of his birthday he ate breakfast with everyone, Draco and Viktor both half asleep while eating their pancakes, not used to being up before ten. After breakfast Sebastian opened up the presents his family got him. Draco got him a cool quill that would produce rainbow ink, when dipped in a special ink.

Viktor got him a book on Quidditch that explained how to pull off risky tricks, and Sebastian knew he would make it his goal to be able to do every trick in the book.

His present from his dad and Arthur was by far the best. It was a gaming console and a television that they had gotten a friend of theirs to make compatible with magic, so that it could run off magic instead of electricity. A very complicated thing, Sebastian knew, so he looked at the console in awe and knew he and his friends would have lots of fun with it later. He hugged both the men hard and thanked them profusely.

It was one in the afternoon when the twins came falling out of the floo, shortly after came Cedric, then Adrian, and lastly Jacob. Sam couldn't come because he was in Africa. But Sebastian did receive a postcard from him wishing him a happy birthday.

The 6 boys all went up to Sebastians room, and Sebastian showed them all the new video game console his dad and Arthur got him. There were only 3 controllers so they all took turns playing, and competing against each other. Jacob was unsurprisingly the best, having played on them when he was younger. Adrian was also really good, which was more surprising since hed never even held a controller.

A few hours later they all went down to eat pizza and cake and told Lucius and Arthur how cool the console was. Sebastian promised Viktor and Draco they could both play on it tomorrow after them saying they wanted to try it.

After lots of pepperoni pizza that everyone enjoyed, Sebastian opened his presents from his friends. He ended up with lots of new books, candy, new quidditch gloves, and a watch. Once he had opened all his new gifts everyone went home except Adrian. The two ran up to Sebastians room so they could play more on Sebastian's new console.

The two played a shooting game, and by the time Sebastian was getting good at it he was also getting tired, so after one more round they decided to call it quits. They both changed into their pajamas and brushed their teeth.

They both sat on Sebastians bed and talked for a while, both not tired enough to sleep yet. They were both leaning back against the wall behind them, and Sebastian was leaning lightly on Adrian. The pair just chatted about nonsense, both comfortable in each others presence.

They fell into a comfortable silence until Adrian spoke words that would change everything forever.

"I think I love you."

Sebastian just turned to look at him, his face blank enough to worry Adrian. He then broke out with the biggest smile.

"I think I love you too."

Adrian smiled and said, "I think Id love to kiss you." As he pushed a stray strand of hair behind Sebastians ear.

"I know I'd love to kiss you." Sebastian said, as he leaned in and closed the distance between them.

The kiss was soft, and a little bit clumsy, as it was both their first kiss. But they both loved it nonetheless, and knew they would be doing it quite often now.

When they broke apart Adrian rested his forehead against Sebastians, their breaths mingling together, both smiling.

The pair kissed a few more times, until they laid down in Sebastians bed and just held each other.

The two were almost asleep and Sebastian whispered, "Best birthday ever."

A/N: Totally not me writing 37 chapters just to lead up to this chapter😅 I have been waiting forever to write this😂

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