Chapter Seven

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

A week later was Draco's sixth birthday and he had his friends over and they celebrated. Draco ended up covered in cake somehow and decided that Sebastian needed to be covered in cake as well. Sebastian was out of the room so fast, all the adults around laughed. When Sebastian came back ten minutes later to get a slice of cake, Draco really wanted to throw cake at him but his mum said no. That's when Lucius snuck up behind Sebastian with a slice of cake in hand, being the mature adult he was, he called Sebastian's name so he would turn around and pushed the plate of cake in his face. All the kids around started laughing as well as most of the adults.
Sebastian looked down for a moment before looking at his papa in pure fury. "Papa, I am very disappointed in you, I thought there were only two children in this family, but apparently there are three." Sebastian said his voice deathly calm. Everyone was tense to see what would happen next. Sebastian then stood up, tucked in his chair and picked up his piece of cake, he then stood in front of his papa and smashed the cake in his face. "Let's not have a repeat of this, shall we?" Sebastian said calmly with a straight face, then walked out.
All the adults except Lucius burst into laughter as well as the kids. "That was so Slytherin Lucius, that kid is hilarious. He played the disappointment card on you too, and he called you a kid. This is definitely going to be a memory I show to my wife. He was so calm through it too, he threw your joke right back at you." David Greengrass said through laughter. Lucius had to admit that it was funny what his eldest son did, but he could not admit that out loud.
"Daddy now you're covered in cake now too! Now we only need mummy covered in cake and then our entire family is covered in cake. You should go hug mummy, then she will be covered in cake too!" Draco exclaimed happily. Lucius as per his sons request wiped some cake on his wife's face, much to her disgust. Draco laughed at them being covered in cake as well as every other person in the room.
Ten minutes later everyone had calmed down and was eating their cake when Sebastian entered, he was changed and showered, his hair still wet as evidence. "If anyone so much as tries to put cake on me I will not be responsible for my actions. And Papa if you try putting cake on me again, you can try putting Draco to sleep next time mum is busy." Sebastian smirked as his papas complexion paled slightly. He then sat down beside his brother and ate his piece of cake.
"Yes, Princess Daphne?" Sebastian asked while Daphne giggled at the name.
"Next time we come over will you play tea party with us again and dress in your fancy robes?" she asked.
"Hmm, I don't think I could say no to a princess, now could I?" Daphne giggle and shook her head. "Maybe we could get the boys to play as prince's too? Then they could dance with you, and play tea party. What do you say boys, you can't turn down a princess, especially princesses as pretty as Daphne and Astoria."
"Fine I will play tea party once, but we get to have biscuits with our tea." Draco said, the other two boys nodded they will do the same.
"Deal, next Thursday when you come over to play with Draco wear your dress robes boys, and girls wear a dress, then you will all come over and play tea party with each other." Sebastian said, a chorus of okays were heard and Sebastian decided to excuse himself from the party in favour of going to the library.

When everyone came over to have their tea party it went well. The boys didn't really enjoy it but the girls certainly did, Sebastian even taught the boys how to twirl the girls around. The girls wore there pretty dresses and the boys were put into fancy dress robes. You could see that the boys couldn't wait to take their dress robes off though. When David Greengrass showed up he was very happy to see his girls so happy, as they didn't normally like going over to the Malfoy's too much because it was boring playing with the boys. He thanked Sebastian for playing with the girls and getting the other boys to play as well. When everyone finally left Draco ripped off his dress robes and put on his pajamas, stating that he would never wear dress robes again, claiming they were too tight and itchy. Both Lucius and Sebastian laughed at his antics.

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