Chapter Three

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     The next morning Harry woke up at seven like normal at the Dursleys and decided to call a house elf. Lucius had explained that they like to serve them and aren't slaves, he also said that if Harry calls out their name they will come to him. Harry heard a pop and a house elf named Tipsy stood in front of him.
     "What can Tipsy bes doing for little Master Harry?" Tipsy asked.
     "Um, are any of your other masters awake?" Harry asked. Harry wasn't exactly sure what to call Lucius and Narcissa, they weren't his parents yet, and didn't know what they would like to be addressed by as his parents.
     "Master Lucius is in the informal dining room, Tipsy can bring yous to him if yous like?" The elf asked. Harry nodded, and quickly got dressed in a pair of Draco's clothes Narcissa had enlarged for him. Once he arrived in the dining room Lucius looked up and called him over to come sit.
     "Why are you up so early, you are always welcome to sleep until eight." Lucius said.
     "I always used to need to be up early, I don't think I will break the habit of being up early to quickly." Harry replied as a bowl of porridge and toast showed up in front of him. After he finished, he asked to be excused and went to read in the library.
     He was so engrossed in the book he didn't notice Draco come into the library until he sat on top of him. "Good morning! What are you reading? I don't really like books, they're boring. Will you play with me?" Draco said as he bounced in Harry's lap.
     Harry laughed at his antics, "How about you go pick a book and I will read it to you?" Harry asked, he didn't mind reading to him, but wasn't really in the mood to chase Draco around. Draco nodded happily and went and got a book, he then climbed into Harry's lap so he could see the pictures.
     Harry was reading a fairytale book about dragons that Draco seemed to enjoy, when Narcissa and Lucius walked into the library. It was fifteen minutes until the adoption potion and ritual and they wanted to get Harry ready. When Draco noticed them he jumped off Harry's lap and ran towards them.
     "My brother is the best at reading stories! He even does all the funny voices, and even does the sound effects! I want him to read my bed time stories now!" Draco exclaimed happily. Both parents smiled down at Draco, then at Harry.
     "Wow, you have officially won Draco over, he won't even let his godfather, Severus read his bedtime stories." Lucius told Harry with a smile on his face. Most people thought they would not show emotion at home as they were cold to everyone in the streets, but the Malfoys truly loved each other. "We came to get you for the adoption ritual, you ready?"
     "Yes." Was all Harry replied, he was very nervous that they would turn him away and laugh at him, or he would wake up and it all be a dream.
     When they made it the the room they were doing the ritual in, Severus greeted them and they began. Both older Malfoys put three drops of their blood in the potion, and shook the potion together. Then Severus started the verbal part of the ritual.
     "Do you Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, lord to the ancient house of Malfoy promise to care and love Harry James Potter, provide for his needs, and take care of him as your own son?" Severus recited.
     "I do." Replied Lucius.
     "Do you Narcissa Rose Malfoy, Lady to the ancient house of Malfoy promise to care and love Harry James Potter, provide for his needs, and take care of him as your own son?" Severus recited again.
     "I do." Replied Narcissa, even if she knew what she was saying was false.
     "Do you Draco Lucius Malfoy, Heir to the ancient house of Malfoy promise love Harry James Potter, and be his brother?" Severus asked.
     "I do." Replied Draco happily.
     "Do you Harry James Potter, Heir to the ancient and noble house of Potter accept to be the son of Narcissa Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, and brother to Draco Malfoy?"
     Harry looked at each of them quickly, seeing a smile on their faces, he said, "I do." With his own smile on his face.
     "Lord Malfoy, welcome Harry Potter into your house stating your vow and including his new full name." Severus said.
     "I, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, Lord to the ancient house of Malfoy accept Harry James Potter, now known as Sebastian Cygnus James Potter-Malfoy into the Malfoy family as my son." Lucius said, he watched as Harry-Sebastian smile at his new name.
     "Now Mr. Potter-Malfoy, you need to drink this potion and then we will be done with the adoption. Lucius you will need to fill out the papers at the ministry on Monday, but no one could interfere because it's already done by magic." Severus concluded.
     Harry then drank the potion and his looks began to change, he grimaced and grated his teeth together, the pain from the change was not pleasant.
     After a few minutes the pain finally stopped, and he looked towards his new father. The man smiled down at him, and conjured a mirror so he could look at himself. He gasped at what he saw. His always messy black hair was now almost tame and fell in waves down to his shoulder blades, it had grown about two inches, but kept the black colour, his nose changed and now looked like the one Lucius wore, his jaw sharpened slightly, his skin paled a shade, and his vibrant green eyes now swirled with silver. It also appeared he grew about half a foot and wasn't painfully short. He thought he looked much better now.
     He then walked over to Lucius and gave him a hug, then Narcissa, then Draco who he lifted up and placed on his hip, Draco was very pleased with being carried, Sebastian was thankful he had some muscles from doing chores, and that Draco was pretty light. He then walked over to Severus and thanked him for performing the ritual and brewing the potion.
     The adults then sent Sebastian and Draco to go play while the adults talked.
     "Apparently the black hair gene could not be dropped." Severus chuckled, Sebastian was probably the only Malfoy with black hair, due to the small amount of Veela in their blood, making their hair blond.
     "The black hair suits him well, I am glad he gained a few inches in height, he was painfully short. He would not have been pleased to have Draco and him so close in height. And it seems Draco likes to be carried by him, which the height helps with." Lucius replied.
     "Yes, it went from about a four inch gap to a nine inch gap. Now we just have to feed him lots to put some fat on him, he is far to thin." Narcissa replied. Both Lucius and Severus laughed at that, they both knew Narcissa would start to practically force food down his throat now that he was her son. They all went and chatted in the lounge and discussed how they should go about his education before Hogwarts. Draco had tutors in english, basic math, and magical theory. Most purebloods started teaching their kids at age five for the basics, and at age eight they would focus on the subjects closer related to what they teach at Hogwarts, and at age nine they'd get a training wand to practice spells.
     They decided they would see how fast Sebastian wanted to learn everything and plan his subjects accordingly.

     After lunch they left Draco with Severus for a while so that they could go over everything with Sebastian, including rules, and his education. When they arrived in the lounge and were sitting Sebastian asked the first question. "What would you like to be called now that you are my parents?" Sebastian's aunt and uncle preferred him not acknowledge that they were family and didn't like the aunt and uncle titles.
     "We would love it if you would call us some form of mother and father if you would feel comfortable with it. If you don't you could call us by our first names until you are ready." Narcissa replied, she didn't really want him to call her mother, but she had to do wat was necessary.
     "Are you sure, my aunt and uncle didn't like being addressed by aunt and uncle because they didn't like a reminder they were related to me." Sebastian is said.
     "Sebastian, I would like you to forget every rule or thing they said to you. We love that you are in our family now, we would love the reminder that you're our son." Lucius said, he needed to work on Sebastian's self of steam, it wasn't too high because of those muggles.
     "Could I call you mum, and papa? Because my other parents in my head have always been mom and dad, and it would really mix my head up."
     "We would love that Sebastian." Lucius said with a smile. "Now, we are going to go through rules and punishments, first off, a punishment is never going to be me beating you, or restricting meals. No matter how angry I am you are always allowed food. Some basic rules are things like no swearing, no talking back, no eating sweets without permission, no yelling at us or any adults. Also things like fighting your brother, you will obviously fight because you're siblings but I expect you as the older brother to have more control and try and not fight back too much. There are also rooms in the manor that are off limits without an adult, because they are dangerous. There is also a forest at the edge of the grounds, under no circumstances are you allowed to go in there without me, there are creatures in there that would kill you easily. Another thing is you are always allowed to come and wake us if you have a nightmare or can't sleep, I just ask that you knock first. Punishments depend on the crime, swearing will mean I will put soap in your mouth, other minor things I will make you stand in a corner for. Finally I will only spank you if you're disrespectful, or endanger yourself or someone else." Lucius finished.
     Sebastian's brain was quickly trying to memorize the list and put it against a wall in his mind so he could easily remember it. He thought the rules were very fair, and was happy he wouldn't be denied food or hit.
     Sebastian spent the rest of the afternoon in the library reading in the armchair he liked until supper. At supper he sat next to Draco and Draco told him all about his best friend Blaise Zabini that came over to their house today, and apparently he was super cool because he could speak both English and Italian. "Draco, you know I can speak two languages too, I can also speak French. Does that make me super cool?" Sebastian asked with a grin.
     "You can? That's so cool, can you teach me? I want to be super cool too!" Draco said excitedly.
     "Sure, you are going to repeat after me, okay?" Receiving a nod in response he continued. "Alright, can you say salut?" Draco repeated it back to him. "Next say je m'appelle Draco." After a few tries he got it, "Okay, now say it all together. Say salut, je m'appelle Draco."
     "Salut, je m'appelle Draco. I did it! What did I say?" Draco asked happily.
     "You said, hi, my name is Draco. Isn't that awesome?" Sebastian replied with a smile.
     "Mommy, Daddy, I can speak French now! I am so cool now too!" Draco told his parents.
     "Very good, Draco." Lucius said, he then turned to face Sebastian. "When did you learn to speak French?"
     "I got a French to English dictionary from my aunt and uncle's attic, I just sort of picked it up. My neighbour a few doors down spoke French and I would go talk with him for a while to practice." Sebastian replied.
     "I am impressed, I am assuming you learned a lot by yourself then if you taught yourself a whole language."
     "The library was my safe place, you can only read so many children's books before they get boring and you move onto older kids books. I got pretty far along in both math and science, I really liked chemistry, which is like potions."
     "I am sure Severus will be pleased if you are good at potions, Draco is still too young yet, but he may help you brew something." Lucius said.
     "That would be really awesome, thanks papa." Sebastian replied.

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