Chapter Fourty

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling does.

     Sebastian had been acting off for the last couple weeks, and he knew it. Luckily for him all of his friends were oblivious to it, unfortunately for him, Severus Snape was not.  So when Sebastian's potion bubbled over the edge of his cauldron, and Severus gave him detention for 7pm that evening he knew he was screwed.

     As dinner time came around Adrian was giving him weird looks, and he couldn't even tell him what was bothering him. So Sebastian brushed him off saying he was fine, just upset about his potion failing earlier.

     When Sebastian finally made it to Severus' classroom for his detention his stomach felt sick from how anxious he felt. He wasn't even sure why he felt so anxious about the whole thing. It's not like Adrian would ever force him to do anything he didn't want to, but he was more worried he wouldn't want to wait and would break up with him.

     The door swung open as his knuckles hit the door, and Severus stood there wearing casual clothes, although his outfit was still all black.

     "Hey Bast, come in, we need to talk. And Remus is around too if you would like to talk to him as well, but you're going to tell me what has made you so distracted as of late." Severus said as Sebastian walked into the room, and followed him through the door to his office, then to his personal quarters.

     "It's nothing, I'm fine, really." Sebastian answered, not even sure what he would tell Severus or Remus.

     "Clearly there is something or you wouldn't have messed up such a simple potion. I can't force you to talk, but if this continues I will not hesitate to tell your father, as it's affecting your school work."

     They both took a seat on the couches in the small living room, Sebastian greeting Remus with a hug and sitting down beside him.

     "Severus said somethings been bothering you, pup. What's wrong? Are you having issues with your classes or with anyone?" Remus asked with his arm around Sebastian's shoulders tucking him against his side.

     Sebastian sighed, he knew if he told Severus and Remus they would reassure him that Adrian would never hurt him, so he decided to suck it up and tell them. "Nothing is really wrong, Well, Adrian and I are in a relationship I guess. We never really said we were but we kissed on my birthday, and I think that's what that meant. But I heard Adrian and my other dormmates talking about Adrian and I and our relationship, saying stuff about having sex. It just got me worried that Adrian would want stuff like that soon, 'cause I don't. And I couldn't help but worry that he would break up with me if I didn't want to do stuff with him when he wants to, I just really like him and I don't even know why I feel like this. All the other guys seem like they want sex and stuff, and I just don't, so I just kept overthinking everything."

     Remus pulled Sebastian closer to him into a hug. "You know Adrian would never pressure you into anything, that boy thinks the world of you. At some point when you're much, much older and both ready you will know when it's the right time. And if he even thinks of pressuring you into anything before then he will have a lot of angry men to deal with. Unfortunately you're at an age where boys think a lot less with their brains, and more with, well, let's say with what they find attractive"

     "I know, I was just overthinking it. Adrian and I haven't even kissed since my birthday or anything, I guess I should probably just talk to him, huh?" Sebastian said, really happy to finally have everything off his chest.

     Severus gave him a nod. "Does your papa know about any of this?"

     "Not exactly. He knows Adrian and I are close, but I didn't know how to tell him, or if there really was anything to tell."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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