Chapter Eighteen

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

Soon after the trial it was Halloween. Every Halloween Lucius would take Sebastian to his parents graves to bring flowers and honour their death.
This tradition started when Sebastian was nine and started to worry that he hadn't ever mourned his parents death, and got new parents, and he always worried that they wouldn't want him to have new parents. So, Lucius brought him to their graves so he could talk to them, and tell him how happy he was, and what he had been doing.
Lucius also told him how proud he was of having Sebastian as a son, and said he was sure Lily and James were just as proud as they watched over him.
This year was no different and Sebastian was allowed to go visit his parents graves. The Headmaster had allowed him to go, after Lucius had explained the situation to him. Dumbledore was never thrilled when he heard about the adoption when Sebastian was eight, but there was nothing he could do to stop it. As well, he was a little frustrated that he had to rework his plans to take down Voldemort, but he was sure he could convince Sebastian to do it nonetheless.

That evening Sebastian visited his parents' graves with his father, and lay a wreath of flowers on each of their graves. He then sat down in front of them, while his father sat on a bench nearby, not wanting to intrude on his son's conversation.
Sebastian told his parents about being sorted into Slytherin, and about the pranks he and his friends pulled off. He explained about the trial with Narcissa, and talked about how nice his father and brother have been.
After an hour of talking about everything he did in the past year, he said goodbye to his parents and went to go hug his father. Sebastian always found himself exhausted and sad after talking to his parents. He loved them, but felt sad he never knew them, and talking to their graves made him think of everything that could have happened if Voldemort hadn't killed them.
His father picked him up, which Sebastian protested weakly, but liked being in his father's arms, so he didn't fight much. Sebastian hated being short sometimes. Even after years of good food and proper nourishment, the Dursley's still had an affect on him, so he would never grow super tall.
Lucius apparated them back to Malfoy Manor and carried Sebastian up to the sitting room, where they sat together for a while. Unfortunately, Sebastian had to get back to Hogwarts so he reluctantly left his father and floo'd to Severus' quarters.
Once he arrived at Hogwarts Severus walked him to his dormitory, as it was well past nine o'clock. And Sebastian went to find Adrian, Sam, and Jacob, who were all in their dormitory. Sebastian chatted with them for a while before falling asleep, half draped across Adrian, with his head in Sam's lap.

November passed by quickly, in a flurry of class work and pranks. The Dragons were quickly becoming known to the school as pranksters, but no one could find out who they were. They pulled pranks from changing everyone's voice, to glueing everyone to their seats in the Great Hall. People talked about them in the halls, and Sebastian, Cedric, and the Twins always had to stifle their laughter at peoples guesses to who The Dragons were. Some people guessed they were a pair of older Gryffindors who frequently got in trouble, or some Ravenclaws who were known for having a few tricks up their sleeve. But no one guessed it was the sweet little Hufflepuff, or the smart little Slytherin, or the kind little Gryffindor twins. Everyone said there was no way it was a group of first years as the pranks were too advanced, but little did they know, the pranks only just got started.

The day before Christmas break Sebastian, Cedric, and the Twins were huddled together in an alcove discussing their next prank. They planned to leave for the Christmas holidays with a bang, so that's exactly what they were going to do.
Sebastian and Fred had found an old classroom no one ever went to, and set up their stations. They were planning on making indoor fireworks. They were similar to muggle fireworks look wise, but they were made entirely differently. To make them safe for indoor use, Sebastian used runes to make them look like real fireworks, but were really only colourful lights.
The pair worked for three hours before they had made enough fireworks for their display.

Meanwhile, while Sebastian and Fred were busy with the fireworks, Cedric and George were in charge of brewing the potion that would set the fireworks off. They had decided to use a potion, that on contact with the fireworks would set them off, so they wouldn't have to be near them. Sebatsian has conjured the vials, so they would vanish exactly when they needed them to.
Cedric and George worked hard, as the potion was quite advanced, but managed to successfully brew the potion.

The four met back up at four o'clock to set everything up. When no one was in the Great Hall they set up the fireworks in a corner, and put a disillusionment charm on them. They left the Hall together and went their separate ways to go pack for the break.

At dinner Sebastian, Cedric, Fred, and George were all excited to watch their firework display. It was set to go off nearing the end of dinner, so the four were slightly fidgety all through dinner.
Adrian picked up on his fidgeting though, being the Slytherin he is, and questioned him about it. Sebastian just replied he was excited to see his brother and Father. He wasn't totally lying, he was excited to see them, but was currently more excited about the fireworks.
Adrian let him off the hook but gave him a look, that said, 'I know you're lying,' which slightly worried Sebastian. Sebastian decided not to dwell on it, but he did stop his fidgeting, and ate his lamb dinner.

Sam was talking to Sebastian when the fireworks finally went off. Sebastian, Cedric, and the Twins all glanced at each other with big smiles.
Everyone in the hall was in awe of the firework display. The hall was lit up with different colours. The fireworks were all different shapes and sizes, and the show went on for several minutes.
The final firework was their dragon symbol, their signature they put after every prank.
The hall broke into applause as the dragon faded away, and Sebastian was smiling and clapping along. That was probably their best show yet, and Sebastian was very happy on how the fireworks turned out.

That night Sebastian, Adrian, Sam, and Jacob talked about their plans for the Christmas holidays. They were all going home, and promised to write to each other, and send each other a gift. Sebastian as usual was on the couch with Adrian while Sam and Jacob took the chairs across from them. Sebastian fell asleep on the couch, still in his robes, as he hadn't yet put on his pajamas. Adrian lifted him off the couch onto his bed, and spelled his favourite green silk pajamas onto him. Adrian cast a silencing spell on him, so he wouldn't be awoken by their talking, before tucking the blanket around him and closing his curtains.
The three boys stayed up chatting for a while longer before deciding to get changed and go to sleep.

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