Chapter Twenty-three

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

When Sebastian awoke and went down stairs the next morning to eat breakfast he was intercepted on the stairs by a house elf. The elf told him his father wanted him to put on his black pair of dress robes with green stitching with a green tie. Sebastian thanked the elf and returned to his room to change out of his pajamas and change into his dress robes.
Once he was finally changed, he made the trek down the stairs again and joined his father in the informal dining room. They ate pancakes and fruit for breakfast and Lucius was explaining how the spell and runes were going to work. He explained that the Diary would have a large part in the ritual, and needed Sebastian to help stabilize the magic that would be flowing through the runes.
The pair went down to the ritual room; the same room Sebastian had been blood adopted in over three years ago. Lucius began to mark the runes on the floor. He drew them in a circle and drew two runes in the middle. He then placed the diary on one of the runes in the middle before stepping out of the circle. He then took hold of one of Sebastian's hands to ground the magic for the ritual, and the pair each stepped on one of the runes in the circle. Lucius looked at Sebastian and asked if he was ready, to which Sebastian nodded his head in affirmative. Lucius then began chanting. He spoke a long string of Latin which Sebastian didn't fully understand, and continued to repeat the phrase over and over again. The spell was supposed to bring all horcruxes to the original one, and once the soul was complete the person's body would be created out of magic.
Slowly magic started crackling around the room, and Sebastian was almost overwhelmed by how much magic was flowing through the runes, himself, and his father. The magic all went towards the diary and the center two runes, and the magic was forming a ball of bright light. The diary's pages flipped open as the light grew brighter, and the magic was becoming heavy in the room, almost making Sebastian feel as if he was drowning. Suddenly, the magic all pushed inwards and the light flashed before disappearing all together.
Where the light used to be stood a tall man who appeared to be in his late thirties, with dark brown hair, and brown, almost red eyes. Lucius fell to his knees in both exhaustion and respect to his Lord. Sebastian though, just stared at the man, the man who had killed his birth parents, and left him an orphan. Lucius mumbled a "My Lord." and then returned to his feet to check if his son was okay after the ritual. What Lucius hadn't told his son was that he was more than just a grounder in the ritual, he was also a horcrux, and had slipped a potion in his drink at breakfast for him not to feel any pain as it left his body, and into Voldemort's.
Speaking of Voldemort, the man stood staring at Sebastian without saying a word. He then did something very unexpected, he lowered his head, and put his right arm across his chest in a fist over his heart, a pureblood gesture to show sincerity. "I must apologize for my actions towards you and killing your parents. It was not my original intention to come after you or your parents, but Dumbledore put me under a weakening curse, and the imperius curse, and due to the weakening curse I couldn't fight the imperius curse. I made too many horcruxes, something I never planned to do, I only ever planned to make one, and my sanity snapped.
"I was actually friends with your parents after I met them and spoke to them of my ideals, and never would have harmed them or you. In fact I was actually named your godfather along with Sirius Black, and I often babysat you when your parents would go out, but only a few days after your first birthday Dumbledore cursed me, and there was nothing I could do. I understand if you don't forgive me, but I still offer my apologies."
"I think I can accept your apologies, Godfather, but I expect you to tell me stories of me from when I was little and my birth parents. Also, I would like to hear what exactly your ideals are, and I would like to share some of my ideas on how you could make your army better." Sebastian replied, he definitely wasn't going to say no to more family. After living with the Dursley's and having no love, he liked to have people around him who supported and loved him.
"Thank you, Sebastian, I don't deserve your apologies, but am grateful nonetheless. You may call me Uncle Marvolo if you wish. I will tell you as many stories as you like, and I would be open to hearing your ideas, but I'm not sure how you think your ideas will be better than mine, I am many years older than you." Voldemort-Marvolo said.
"You may be surprised, Uncle Marvolo, I am told I am pretty smart. And you gave all your death eaters a one way ticket with your dark mark, so it would be pretty easy to have better ideas than you." Sebastian replied a little rudely.
"Sebastian." Lucius said warningly.
"What? I'm just stating that Uncle Marvolo could have been smarter when marking his followers. If he were to include a few extra runes into his mark, he could have made it so only other death eaters could see the mark, and their arms would appear blank to everyone else, then all of his most trusted wouldn't be in Azkaban. He said I couldn't have better ideas than him so I proved that I could." Sebastian replied, knowing he was pushing it, but wasn't too concerned about it.
"You can leave and go take a break in your room and when you are ready to talk without the attitude you can come back and talk to us. Marvolo is your godfather and neither of us will take that tone from you." Lucius said with a glare.
"Fine, but he said I couldn't have better ideas than him so I had to stand my ground 'cause I'm not stupid, I might look small, but I'm not an idiot." Sebastian said before walking out of the room.
"I apologize for my son's actions, My Lord, he normally doesn't behave like that." Lucius said.
"There is no need for the formalities, Marvolo is fine. And I'm sure Sebastian is a nice boy, I probably shouldn't have worded what I said the way I did. I think after a while he will be fine." Marvolo said. "Shall we go somewhere to talk, I have been gone a while, and I am sure you didn't tell me everything that's happened in the past ten years though the diary."
The pair then walked to the informal sitting room to catch up.

Sebastian was laying on his bed thinking about what had happened, and felt like a bit of an idiot. He shouldn't have gotten so riled up by what his Uncle Marvolo said, he was sure the man didn't mean to imply that Sebastian wasn't smart, but Sebastian was frustrated at how dumb a smart man could act. There were a million little things he could have done better, and then maybe his parents wouldn't be dead, and Dumbledore wouldn't be in power. If Marvolo had just worked his way up the Ministry and used a smart campaign he would be ruling the wizarding world, because Sebastian knew his ideals would benefit everyone.
After a while Sebastian went to have a shower to calm himself down completely, and put on a pair of less formal robes. He then went to find his father and uncle.
When he heard chatting in the informal sitting room he quietly walked in, and his father and uncle immediately turned to face him."Are you calm now, Sebastian?" His father asked him, his voice very firm.
"Yes, I apologize Papa and Uncle Marvolo, I was just frustrated but I shouldn't have acted that way." Sebastian said quietly, his voice filled with sincerity.
"You are forgiven, Sebastian, I apologize for the way I worded my phrase, I didn't mean to imply that you aren't smart, and have now proven to me quite the opposite. Adding runes to my mark would be smart, I didn't consider doing that, although I also didn't think I would be taken down, and not have been able to protect my death eaters, I think I will do that in the future though. May I ask what had you so frustrated in particular?" Marvolo asked.
"I just thought that if you had gone about things differently, like trying to gain power by becoming Minister of Magic, because you have a good idea on how to better the wizarding world from what my father told me, my parents might still be alive. I love my new family, but if the years of abuse I suffered could have been changed, I just- I don't know, it's difficult to think about how my life would be different." Sebastian said, emotion filled his voice.
"Come here, Bast." His father said, then wrapped Sebastian in his arms. "I know it might not seem like it, but no matter what Marvolo did, Dumbledore still would have put him under the imperius curse, and your parents would still get killed. Marvolo did nothing wrong and had plenty of support, and Dumbledore had always been power hungry, and he came up with a prophecy- that turned out to be fake,- to make it seem like Marvolo was the bad guy. I'm sorry that you had to suffer the abuse you did at the Dursleys, but there is nothing that would ever regret anything because I got to watch you grow for the past three years, and had the privilege of calling you my son. I know it might be hard to not think about the what ifs, but you have lots of people that love you, Bast."
Sebastian just hugged his father hard, and Lucius sat back on the couch with him in his lap and gently ran his hands through Sebastian's long slightly damp hair. Sebastian just sat in his father's lap while his father and uncle talked. Eventually they went for lunch so Sebastian was forced to get off his father's lap, but he felt much better about everything. The three conversed over lunch and Sebastian was happy to learn more about his birth parents, and learned about his first birthday party.
That evening Draco came home from Theo's house, and the four played some exploding snap together before Draco was put to bed, and Marvolo retired to his room where he would be staying with them for the next few days until he went to Gringotts to sort out where he would be staying. That left Sebastian and his father in the sitting room to chat. Sebastian talked about school, and how he was sure he was going to do well on his exams, and talked about the next prank Cedric, the Twins, and him were going to pull. When the evening drew to a close Lucius walked Sebastian to his bedroom, tucked him into bed, and kissed his forehead before blowing out the candle at Sebastian's bedside and shutting the door behind him.
Sebastian drifted off quickly, looking forward to going back to Hogwarts the next day and telling Adrian what happened.

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