Chapter Thirty-Five

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     The next month of school was very chaotic for Sebastian and his friends. The Ministry officials who were sitting through the classes were clearly unimpressed with many of the classes and teachers. The Official who was sitting through History of Magic practically fell asleep, apparently the Official who sat through Divination left halfway through because Trelawney kept predicting her tragic death. And lastly the Official who sat through the Muggle Studies apparently kept correcting the professor because almost everything the professor said was wrong. Apparently Professor Burbage understood practically nothing about the muggle world, and wasn't qualified to teach the subject at all.

     Rumours spread quickly about how Professor Burbage was being replaced by someone in the Ministry because she was entirely unqualified to teach, and nobody knew how she was hired in the first place. Well, they knew Dumbledore hired her, but they didn't understand why he would hire her in the first place, she was absolutely awful at teaching.

     The Ministry employee who was covering the class temporarily, worked in muggle relations, and knew much more about the muggle word, and was much better than Burbage at teaching about muggles. Everyone in the class enjoyed it much more, and figured if Minister Slytherin was already making Hogwarts better, they were certainly looking forward to all the other changes he would make.

     It was a few weeks into March when Sebastian decided it was high time to start a club. He knew a bunch of older years would like the club more than younger years, but he was determined to start a club on basic warding. He had already asked Professor Babbling, the runes professor, to oversee their meetings, and had put up a few flyers to advertise the club.

     Sebastian decided the club would meet Thursday at four, and go until dinner. All years were welcome, but he figured it would appeal more to third years and up. Sebastian himself knew lots about warding, so he would initially lead the meetings and help others learn the basics, but a lot of it would be self taught and working together to learn new wards and warding techniques.

     He knew Sam, who loved spell creation, was going to be joining the club in hopes to learn about creating spells. He knew the basics, but was hoping with more structure, it would be easier to learn.

     Adrian would be joining the club too, mainly because Sebastian was leading it, but also because he wanted to get a head start on learning runes and a bit of basic warding. The Hogwarts curriculum was too slow in his opinion, so he wanted to add a bit of extra work to his workload. He also wanted to be prepared if they added a warding class to Hogwarts in the future, and with the way everything was changing, he was almost certain a warding class would be added to the curriculum.

     Sebastian knew Dumbledore wasn't too happy about him starting the warding club, but there was nothing the old man could do to stop him without causing a big ruckus. He would be surprised if Dumbledore was still the Headmaster next year. Marvolo planned to get him out of the position before the end of the summer, and was easily building a case to get him removed as Headmaster. From leaving Sebastian with his abusive relatives and not checking in on him, even though he was his magical guardian, to not providing proper professors, it all added up very quickly, and Marvolo was certain he would be stripped of his titles.

     The first club meeting was a big success. Almost thirty people showed up, and Sebastian taught everyone the very basics of warding. A lot of the higher years knew some of the basics, and were able to test out some basic wards, like a basic protection ward and silencing ward.

     The younger years were just taught how different wards work, either through a spell, runes, or both. Sebastian was very happy with how the meeting went, and was complimented on his skills as everyone left the classroom they were meeting in. Adrian was particularly adamant on complementing how good he was at leading the club. Sebastian would never admit that he blushed at all the praise, particularly from Adrian, so he kept his head down to prevent people from noticing.

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