Chapter Five

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

On Saturday Draco was having his friends over which meant they would want to play with Sebastian. He didn't mind playing with Draco, but playing with five five year olds was not his definition of fun.
     When they guests arrived they all introduced themselves to him, the two boys were Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott, and the two girls were Daphne and Astoria Greengrass. Astoria was a year younger than Daphne but both had long blonde hair and blue eyes, and looked similar. Theodore, or Theo as he preferred had short brown hair and a thin build. Blaise had dark skin and short black hair, and a thin build. They all wanted to play with him but the boys were quickly distracted when Draco said he wanted to show them his toy dragon collection. That just left the two girls, and apparently they wanted to play tea party with him. Narcissa had two dresses for the girls and Sebastian put on his pair of black dress robes, he also asked his mum to braid his hair like his papa did when he wore fancy robes.
     They were all set and had a tea party, the girls really liked that Sebastian played the part as their prince and he twirled them both around after their tea party because they wanted to dance. After the girls finally went home he was able to change out of his dress robes and into casual clothing, and read his book.
     Narcissa and Lucius were sitting in the lounge, after the kids went home and Lucius was talking about the boys playing with the toy dragons. He then commented on the fact he didn't see the girls at all.
     "Well, they had their Prince Charming come and play tea party and dance with them. It was the most adorable thing, I could see Sebastian hated it, but he played along. He was very good with them, he even wore his dress robes and drank the tea the girls made him, it was probably gross as well. It was mostly sugar, water, and milk, but he still drank it and said it tasted good. He twirled them both around when they wanted to dance, and said they both looked pretty. He was so good with the girls, just like he is with Draco." Said Narcissa, she was trying to play the part that she really loved Sebastian, and she always knew she was a good actress.
     "Could you show me the memory, that sounds adorable. I could imagine Daphne and Astoria enjoying that." Lucius replied, he was proud of Sebastian, he was turning out to be a really great kid. After watching the memory he realized that is was past Draco's bed time and he got up to go put him to bed.
     When he got to Draco's room he was already asleep and tucked in with his dragon stuffy. He 
then went to Sebastian's room and found him in his bed reading, 'ever the bookworm' he thought. He made his way in and sat on the edge of the bed.
     "Hi, Papa." Sebastian said as he looked up from his rune book.
     "Hello, Bast. You were really good with the girls today, I wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. Your mum showed me the memory and I am impressed, you were perfect with the girls. You didn't have to play with them, but you did and played in role and everything, I have never met another eight year old as mature as you. Thank you for being so awesome today, it is always hard with the girls because they aren't as interested in dragons as the boys. I just came here to let you know that I am very proud of you, I may not say it a lot, but I mean it that I could not be prouder of you." Lucius said, he wasn't one to praise too much, but Sebastian definitely made him proud today.
     Sebastian had a large smile on his face when his Papa said he was proud of him, no one had ever been proud of him before, it made him feel good to know he did the right thing. "Thanks, it wasn't necessarily fun but I liked that the girls were really happy."
     "Yes, they most definitely were happy. Did you put Draco to bed? He was asleep when I went to put him to bed."
     "Yeah, I read him his new dragon book and he fell asleep quickly."
     "Thank you, I don't know how you do it, but you are the best at putting Draco to bed, I never learned the secret to it. I could get him to sleep but never easily, you and your mum are the only ones who can put him to sleep easily. Another thing, if you want we could have someone teach you how to properly dance, you will need to learn eventually. Dancing is a big part of formal events and you would need to learn before you turn eleven."
     "Could you teach me how to dance? I would really like to spend more time with you. I would be fine with someone else I just would really like you to teach me." Sebastian said quietly.
     "I can teach you how to dance, why don't we also go out to lunch this week, just the two of us?" Lucius asked, he sometimes forgot that Sebastian was a kid and would want to spend time with him like how he did with Draco.
     "Thanks, that would be great." Sebastian said as he put his book down and hugged his papa. Lucius kissed the top of his head and tucked him in, before blowing out the candle and leaving the room.
     The next night Sebastian woke up after a nightmare, the nightmare was about his uncle, and as much as he knew he couldn't get him here, it still scared him. This wasn't the first nightmare about his uncle he had while he was here, but he hadn't gone to his mum and papa before. He worried that they would be mad if woken up, but tonight he wanted his papa. He slowly got out of his bed and made his way down the hall to his parents bedroom, he knocked twice before quietly calling out "Mum, Papa?" a few seconds later his papa opened his door and Sebastian immediately wrapped his arms around him. Lucius was concerned as soon as he opened the door because Sebastian looked scared, an emotion he had never seen on his sons face. He lifted him up and carried him over to the bed where Narcissa sat looking somewhat concerned. He sat down on the bed and leaned his back against the headboard and started to rub Sebastian's back and ran his fingers through his hair. "Bast, what happened? Did you have a nightmare?" Lucius asked. Sebastian nodded against his papas shoulder. "What happened in the dream?" Sebastian shook his head, he didn't want to answer the question. "Okay Bast, you don't have to answer right now, can you lie down next to me and try to fall back asleep?" Sebastian nodded and climbed off his papa without letting go of him, he kept an arm around his papa as his papa laid down, and then pushed up against his side, soon his breathing evened out and he fell asleep.

     The next morning Sebastian woke up and he was still up against his papas side, he sighed happily. When he was younger all he wanted was someone to properly take care of him, and now he finally had that.
     "Bast, would you like to come and eat breakfast with me?" Lucius whispered as he pushed a stray lock of hair out of his sons face. Getting a nod and smile they both stood and walked to the dining room still wearing their pajamas. Lucius had bacon, eggs, and toast, while Sebastian had fruit and chocolate chip pancakes. They ate in silence for a while, until Lucius decided to ask about what the nightmare was about again, now that it was morning.
     "It's always the same, my uncle finds out I am here and takes me away and puts me back in the cupboard under the stairs and then he will beat me. My imagination is more creative now that I have learned about magic, which doesn't help. I know he cant get me here and that I am safe and we have wards against Muggles, it just is a lot to get over." Sebastian replied while playing with the food on his plate.
     "I know it's hard for you, I really am happy that you came to us last night, I know that you will need time to recover from their abuse, and remember that I am always here if you want to talk." Lucius said, he figured it was probably about his uncle, people don't get over abuse quickly.
     They ate and talked about unimportant things for a while before Draco and Narcissa came and sat down. "How are you this morning Sebastian?" Narcissa asked, she was the only one who didn't use the nickname for Sebastian. Sebastian wasn't sure why though as she called Lucius, Luc, and Draco, Dray.
     "Better, mum." Sebastian replied. They all finished breakfast then went and did their own things, for Lucius it was going off of the ministry, for Narcissa it meant shopping, and for the boys it meant their tutors would come soon.

     A week later, Sebastian was reading Draco his bed time story when his mum came and told him it was time for bed. He tucked Draco the rest of the way in, and wished his a good night. He walked to the door and briefly turned around to watch his mum kiss Draco's forehead.
     "Mum, could you come and tuck me in too, in a few minutes?" He really wanted his mother's love because she so freely gave it to Draco. His heart deflated when she told him he was old enough to tuck himself in. He walked to his room, took a shower, and changed into his pajamas. He picked up the book he was reading and read for a few minutes before saying 'nox' and turning out his lumos and falling into the world of sleep.

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