Chapter Thirteen

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     When Sebastian's birthday finally rolled around he didn't sit still for a moment. He sat at the dining room table anxiously awaiting his Hogwarts letter. His father and mother told him multiple times to sit still, but he couldn't. Waiting for what felt like forever, Sebastian finally heard a hoot and jumped up from his seat to look for the owl. Just as he did so a brown tawny owl swooped in and gave him his letter.
     He quickly opened the letter, being careful to not rip it and read it multiple times before running over to his Papa.
     "It came! Look Papa!" Sebastian said as he held the letter out to his father.
     "Congratulations, Bast. It seems we will need to go to Diagon alley tomorrow for your school supplies." Lucius said, smiling at his son.
     "Can we invite Fred and George? I promise we will be really good." Sebastian said, giving his father his best puppy dog eyes.
     "You can invite them another time, tomorrow I would like to do your shopping without your twin terrors. But they can come over the day after along with Adrian and Cedric if you wish."
     "Okay, thanks. Can we have cake with them to celebrate my birthday?"
     "I believe I can make that happen." Lucius replied.
     "Thanks, Papa, you're awesome!" Sebastian said, he then hugged his father before darting out of the room.

     The next morning Sebastian was up and dressed by seven thirty and finished his breakfast incredibly fast. Unfortunately for him the shops wouldn't open until nine, so he had to wait an hour until they could leave.
     An hour later Lucius and Sebastian we're dressed in their robes, wearing dark blue and green, respectively, and floo'd to Diagon Alley. They stepped out of the fireplace and walked through the busy pub quickly. Since Sebastian looked much different than when he was Harry Potter, people didn't immediately recognize him, and they didn't want to give them the time to. Even though the public knew about the adoption and about how the Dursley's had treated him, Sebastian tried to keep out of the public eye. When Lucius and Narcissa had adopted him, all books written about him that weren't strictly factual were banned because no one had ever got the rights to do so. So now, even though the odd person would come up and thank him for vanquishing The Dark Lord, or yell at him for joining the Dark Side, Sebastian got to enjoy being a regular eleven year old.
     The pair walked briskly through the Alley and up to the large, white building that was Gringotts. When they entered Lucius and Sebastian both bowed to the goblins in a sign of respect, and were quickly ushered into a cart down to the Malfoy's vault.
     Lucius took a small, bottomless bag out of his pocket and filled it with galleons. He took enough to get all of Sebastian's school supplies, as well as some extra for a pet and ice cream.
     After leaving the bank the duo went to Madame Malkins where Sebastian was fitted for his school robes. They spent a while there before heading out and buying his other supplies.
     Lucius and Sebastian had bought everything but his wand and a pet when Lucius ran into a person he thought he would never see again. In front of them stood a man Lucius would have given his life for back in his school days. He suddenly was overwhelmed with memories of his fifth and sixth year at Hogwarts. The man standing in front of him was his ex boyfriend, Arthur Amell.
     Before his parents had forced him into a loveless marriage with Narcissa, he dated Arthur, the man he thought he would spend the rest of his life with. When his parents had signed the contract between Narcissa and himself he had been heartbroken, and telling Arthur he couldn't be with him anymore was the hardest thing he had ever had to do. After that, Arthur had switched to Durmstrang for his seventh year, and they had never talked again.
     Until now it seemed, as he was brought out of his musings by Sebastian gently tugging at the sleeve of his robe.
     "Papa?" Sebastian questioned.
     "Sorry. Yes, this is, ahh, old friend of mine I haven't seen in years. Why don't you go along to the pet shop and pick out a pet for Hogwarts." Lucius said, Sebastian quickly took his father's advice and walked away after giving him a small hug.
     Once Sebastian was out hearing range Lucius spoke, "Arthur, long time no see. How have you been?"
     "I've been well, Lucius. I thought you only had one son, and that was certainly not Draco." Arthur replied in a thick accent.
     "Always straight to the point, Arthur, not that I could blame you. If you came up with a child in tow I would ask the same question. Anyways, I adopted him a few years back, and we are just doing our shopping for his first year at Hogwarts. His name is Sebastian, although he used to be called Harry Potter." Lucius replied, feeling slightly weird at seeing him again after so long.
     "Of course, I believe I read an article in the Prophet a few years back about the adoption. Well, it was nice seeing you Lucius, but I should be going now."
     "Wait, um... have tea with me sometime? I hate that we parted the way we did and I never wanted to hurt you. Please allow me to explain myself." Lucius said, his voice had a slight edge of desperation in it.
     "I believe I would be amenable to that. I work at Durmstrang as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, so I will be heading back to Bulgaria next week, but I am free until then. Send an owl with the date and time. Goodbye, Lucius." Arthur said, he watched Lucius nod before turning away and heading off into the busy street.
     Lucius stood there a minute before heading to the pet shop to find Sebastian.

     It was two hours later when the pair returned home, quite a few galleons lighter, and a new wand and snake in hand. Sebastian ran up to his room to unpack his things, and show Draco his new pet, who he had named Aries.
     An hour later both boys were exhausted and went down stairs for dinner. The pair ate their dinner quite slowly due to their tired state, and their manners were lacking. Lucius though, was happy to see them tired as he wanted to go to bed early as well to think about the day's events.
     When both boys were tucked in and asleep, Lucius went to his own bed to think for many hours on many things.

A/N: Thanks to InquisitorBeals for the ideas for the OC, Arthur, and his place in the story.

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