Chapter Eleven

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

In June Sebastian was reading a potions text in his favourite armchair in the library when he came across the exact thing he was looking for. For months Sebastian had been trying to figure out a cure for lycanthropy. The current Wolfsbane potion was only something to help the werewolf keep their minds during their change, Sebastian wanted them to never have to change at the full moon. He figured out originally if he added fairy wings and dragon scales it would give you the desired result, the only problem was those ingredients together would blow up the potion. He needed to get the infected cells out of a werewolf's bloodstream and he figured this potion would only kill those cells, and not important cells. He thinks that after taking the potion at the beginning of the lunar cycle and continuing for a month it should prevent the werewolf from ever changing again. In the text he found a potion that used both fairy wings and dragon scales together, but in between used porcupine quills to mellow the explosion and stirred counterclockwise twice then clockwise five times and it prevented an explosion. 'Now,' Sebastian thought, 'I just need Severus to watch me brew because I wouldn't be allowed otherwise.'
The next day Sebastian had all the instructions written out on his parchment in his nice calligraphy. He just had to get his papa to ask Severus to watch him brew it. It would take a total of five hours to brew with an hour break at the halfway point to let it brew. So he went to his papa and he agreed to invite Severus over, Sebastian was excited to show Severus his recipe because he was almost certain it would work. When Severus arrived he showed him his idea but Severus put him down immediately by saying it was impossible to cure lycanthropy, and wouldn't even let Sebastian explain his reasoning to why it would work. So Severus left without another word.
Sebastian was quite upset that his brothers godfather wouldn't listen to him, although he wasn't too surprised, he rarely did. He always preferred Draco to his just like his mother which was incredibly frustrating. So even though he knew he would get in loads of trouble he decided to brew the potion by himself when his parents and brother went to the Greengrass' tomorrow.
The next day came too fast for Sebastian because he was worried about what would happen if his papa caught him brewing by himself because he was told specifically not to when he started his potion lessons with Professor Jeremy. But he wanted to prove he could do it, so when his family left he told them he would be good, even though he wouldn't, and went down to the potions lab. He stated the brewing process and after the five hours were up he had forty bottles of his new potion complete and labeled and looking how they should. He found the potion quite tricky to make, but in the end it was perfect and he was very proud of himself. He brought the box of his new potion which he called 'werewolf cure,' to his bedroom and took out nine vials because you only needed to drink it for thirty days, but would give an extra one for Severus to run his tests on, and put the rest in the box. He placed unbreakable charms on the vials and cushioning charms on the box with his practice wand, and wrote a letter to Severus. The letter was short and to the point but he figured Severus would get the message. The letter read 'Dear Severus, nothing is impossible. Give these to your favourite werewolf and have them drink it every evening after the full moon for thirty days and they will no longer transform. There is an extra one for you to check and make sure it's not poison. Let me know the results.' Sebastian didn't sign the letter but knew Severus would know who it was from, he then went off to the owlery to send it off to him with the family owl. After returning he went to the library to read for a while before his parents and brother came home so if they asked what he did it would only be a tiny lie to say he read.

Later that evening Severus was in his quarters in the dungeons of Hogwarts when the Malfoy family owl swooped in with a package and letter. He was surprised as he wasn't expecting anything from them and they normally would just floo call him to tell him to come over. Severus opened the letter first and knew exactly what was in the box. He opened the box and found thirty one vials with a shimmering blue potion inside, he noted the extra one and took it out to run some tests. What shocked him was that the potion seemed like it would work, he didn't think there would be anyway for Sebastian to figure something out this difficult, that's why he didn't listen to the boy about it. Once he was satisfied if someone drank the potion they wouldn't die he figured he would call the only friendly werewolf he knew, Remus Lupin. He was one of the boys who tormented him in school, he never actually attacked him, but was a supporter of James Potter and Sirius Black, his two school rivals. He figured no one deserves to live with lycanthropy so he went to his fireplace and floo called him.
When Remus answered his fire call he was looking worse for wear, him having to transform tomorrow night was obviously taking his toll on him. "Severus? I haven't heard from you in ages. What has you calling me?" Remus asked. He hadn't heard from Severus since James and Lily died and was shocked to see him calling him.
"Lupin, I have a potion that is supposed to cure you of your lycanthropy. I cannot guarantee it will work, all I know is that it can't hurt you if you try. If you come through my fireplace I will give you the potions. The address is 'Professor Snape's Quarters.'" Severus then stepped away from his fireplace and waited for Remus to come through.
About thirty seconds later Remus walked in. "How did you figure it out Severus? Everyone thought it was impossible to cure!" Remus said.
"I did as well, I didn't figure it out. Actually my Godsons brother did. I told him it wasn't possible, but he went and did it anyway. I am assuming he didn't have supervision either so I will need to go speak with Lucius about that.-" Severus was about to continue when Remus interrupted him.
"Lucius? As in Malfoy? I thought his only son was Draco, and he is only like eight."
"Where have you been staying, Lupin? Where do you live now?" Severus would have assumed he would have known about them adopting Harry Potter because Remus was best friends with his parents.
"I haven't been in England since Lily and James died. I wasn't allowed to be Harry's guardian because I am a werewolf."
"Ah, well then, I will tell you an interesting story. I am only telling you this so you aren't surprised later, let's go have a seat." Severus lead them to some nearby armchairs and had a house elf get tea. He then told Remus about Harry apparating to the Malfoys and them adopting him. Remus was mad at it being the Malfoy's, but Severus told him that Sebastian, as he was now called, seemed very happy. He explained that he was a total bookworm, and liked runes best, and potions second to his knowledge. Severus only knew what Lucius told him because he didn't really spend time with the boy. He wasn't out right mean to him, but would go out of his way to see Draco, but not him. He would say 'hello' to the boy in passing but never really talked too much with him because he didn't find it necessary. He figured if he got to know Sebastian he might like him, but Sebastian never talked to him, so he didn't try to make conversation with him.
"Wait, so a ten year old boy probably created a potion that potion masters have been trying to make for years?" Remus said after Severus finished. He was sad that Harry had been abused, but was glad that he was happy now, he wished he had checked on him though.
"Yes, I know. He doesn't even want to be a potions master to my knowledge. Lucius says Sebastian would like to be either a cursebreaker or a wards master."
"Wow, I barely knew those were job options at ten. Do you think I could meet him? He is my last connection to Lily and James, and he sounds like a brilliant child. I know he won't look like them, but I was there when he was born, and I want to make sure he is doing okay. I was his second godfather and he called me 'uncle Moony' when he was a baby, it would make me happy to know he is loved and safe." Remus said, he would love to get to know Sebastian, but would settle for knowing he is happy.
"Why don't we wait until next month to see if the potions work, and I will address the topic with Lucius. I will talk with him no matter what, but if it works, he will be happy to see the result. And just note that I am only doing this because I realised today that I have been pretty awful to him, and would like to make it up to him slightly." Severus said, 'maybe Sebastian will be more forgiving that I never really talked to him if I brought him Remus.' Severus thought. 'I really do know very little about the boy and he seems rather intelligent.'
"Thank you, Severus, that is all I ask. Now when am I supposed to take the potions?" Remus asked switching topics.
"According to the note Sebastian wrote me, after this full moon, every evening for thirty days, and then you will be cured forever, apparently. I shot down him trying to explain it to me yesterday, all I know is it's supposed to kill the infected cells in your system. I ignored everything else, I probably should have listened but I didn't think a ten year old could possibly create the potion." Severus really did think he should have listened to the kid, he would definitely next time if this worked. "I am going to go inform Lucius of his son using the lab by himself, because I know the rest of the family was at the Greengrass' and Sebastian is specifically not allowed to go in the lab alone and brew."
"I thank you again Severus for everything, I will let you know how it goes next month." Remus said before flooing home with his potions.
Severus them took the note and extra potion and floo'd to Malfoy Manor.
"What brings you here, Severus? All is well I hope?" Lucius asked as he saw his friend come through the floo.
"I received an interesting letter and package about an hour ago from your eldest son, I am to assume you didn't know?" Severus asked.
"No, I was unaware he sent you anything. What did he send you?" Lucius was surprised that his son would send something to Severus, they weren't close like Draco and Severus were.
"I received a box of potions and a note. When I came over yesterday he told me he found a cure for lycanthropy, and of course I didn't believe him so I left before he properly explained it. So my guess is while you were at the Greengrass' he brewed the potion. Mind you, I believe it actually will work and found nothing wrong with the potion and gave it to Remus Lupin to test it. We will know next full moon if it works. He should not have brewed an above N.E.W.T level potion in general though, let alone by himself."
"No, he definitely should not have brewed that potion alone, and it was one of the strictest rules I had with him because I didn't want him to get hurt. Thank you for letting me know Severus, I need to go deal with my son now." Lucius said as he stood up.
"Anytime, I will see you again soon." Severus said before he stepped into the floo disappearing from Lucius' sight. Lucius went down to the library after placing the potion and note in his desk. When he found Sebastian he called his name and told him to follow.
Sebastian knew that tone, and knew that would mean his papa had found out about the potions, he winced at the thought about how much trouble he would be in.
"In." Lucius said as they arrived at his study. Sebastian went and sat down in the chair in front of his papas desk. Lucius took the seat behind his desk and pulled out the potion and letter. "Care to explain why I have this in my hand?" Lucius said in his stern, no messing around voice.
"Well, a few months ago I was reading up on lycanthropy and I noticed there was no cure. I started pouring my time into reading about them, the wolfsbane potion, and other attempts to brew a lycanthropy cure. I noticed some attempts that were close but not quite right. I had sort of put it to the back of my mind and quit searching so vigorously. I was reading a potions text yesterday and found my way to brew the potion correctly. I was so excited because if it worked I would be able to help people, and I did something that every other potions master attempted but failed. That's when I asked you to call Severus. I tried to explain it to him, but he wouldn't listen at all, so I wanted to prove I could do it. I know it was stupid of me because I could have gotten hurt, but I knew it should work, I had everything accounted for. When you were at the Greengrass' yesterday I brewed the potion, it took five hours but at the end I had the potion and it looked just the way it should. I wanted to give it to Severus so he could give it to a werewolf and so he could see that I was capable of something. Not just being Draco's brother like I get from him and mother." By the end of his speech he was looking down at his lap wringing his fingers.
"You know this was one of our rules, Sebastian, I told you no brewing alone. I know that you wanted to prove yourself, and I get that, he has never once treated you and Draco equally. But that is no reason to go and brew a very difficult potion that you created. What would have happened if the potion blew up, no one was home to help you. You could have died, how do you think I would feel to come home and find my son dead in the potions lab. I love you so much, I couldn't even stand the thought of seeing you like that. I will always support you in the things you do, but I need you to follow my rules while you live under my roof. Next time you come up with some break through potion or something, come to me, I would have watched you brew it, and we would not be having this conversation right now. You have broken one of the most important rules, therefore are going to pay the price. You are grounded for the next two weeks, meaning no time with friends, no flying, your bedtime will be at eight thirty rather than nine fifteen, and no extra time in the potions lab, you will only go in there for your lessons. Also you will be getting thirty swats, maybe next time you will think before you break the rules. Over my lap, now, trousers down." Lucius said sternly, his voice raising at some points.
Sebastian stood and walked towards his papa, he knew he deserved the spanking so wasn't even going to bother fighting it, not that it ever helped any. When he reached his papa he slowly undid his belt and pulled down his trousers. His papa then pulled him over his lap. Sebastian knew he wouldn't be able to sit comfortably for a while after this. He sucked in his breath sharply at the first smack, he hadn't done anything to warrant a spanking bare bottomed before and wasn't planning to do it again, 'this is much worse than with my pants on' he thought. By the fifteenth he had to constantly think about his breathing and put the pain behind his occlumency shields. By the twentieth he gave in and went limp over his papas legs and lent a few tears silently fall. By the thirtieth he was quietly sobbing, when his papa picked him up and pulled him into his lap without letting anything touch his red bottom he pushed his face into his papas robes and let his papa rubbing his back calm him down. After five minutes he was calm again and just liked the feeling of being held by his papa. A few minutes later his papa placed him back down on the floor and Sebastian pulled back up his trousers, he closed his eyes at the sting from his bottom when he puts on his pants.
"Would you like to show me how you figured out the potion that you made, I am not going to hold it over your head that you did it without permission now that you've been punished." Lucius said, he was actually quite shocked that his son had figured something as complicated as that out.
"Really? Your not going to still be mad at me?" Sebastian really wanted to show his papa all his work but only if he wouldn't get in trouble again.
"No, Bast. You already paid your price and I am quite interested on how you figured it all out."
He smiled a watery smile up at his papa, when his nickname was used he knew it was okay, because his papa rarely used his full name normally and saved it for when he was in trouble. "Awesome, I will go get the books from the library and then we can meet in my room, okay?"
"Sure, Bast." Lucius replied, as he turned the corner to go to Sebastian room, and Sebastian headed to the library. Sebastian made sure his room was close to the library for easy access to the books.
When Sebastian got back to his room and explained the potion to him, Lucius was very impressed. Sebastian wasn't lying when he said he had everything thought out. He had back ups for almost everything and even had times written down for how long he would have to either fix the potion or run away.

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