(48) - "Look on channel 5"

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Today is one of my best friends Harm18Rma birthday! Happy Birthday girl!! You are like one of my older sister and one of my closest friends on here. I love you so much! Sending so much love!!  xx Here is a imagine for you!


I was so proud of Shawn. 

He just recently released his fourth album which made it's way to #1! 

But, ever since the holidays were over, Shawn was back to work and he had to go on a promo tour. I wouldn't be seeing him for a month. 

He is living the dream, and I am so happy I am living it with him. 

But, that does come with pros and cons. 

A pro:  traveling the world with him (sometimes) 

A con: Not being able to be home for special occasions. 

Like today. Today was my birthday, and Shawn was on a promo tour for his latest album Wonder. He had to stop in the middle of it since Christmas came around. 

But now Shawn was back to work, and I was back to school. 

I was laying down on the couch, waiting for a Facetime call from Shawn. 

The phone rang, and I was quick to pick it up. Butterflies entered my stomach as the call was connecting. He wasn't able to call yesterday since he was filming a music video, but at least we communicated through text.

The call went through and Shawn popped up on my screen. 

"Happy Birthday Babe!"  Shawn exclaimed, with a huge smile plastered across his face. 

"Thank you!!"  I smiled softly, and Shawn's face fell. 

"I'm sorry I can't be there for your birthday."  Shawn's smile turned into a frown. 

"It's ok, really."  I assured him. 

"No it's not, I- I should of convinced Andrew to let me take a day off."  He ran his fingers through his hair. 

"Shawn, it's ok." 

"I promise I'll make it up to you when I get home." He stated, earning a smile from me. 

"Did you drink water yet?"  He asked me. Shawn didn't like the amount of water I drank each day, so he always tried to remind me to drink more water. He said it was healthy for our body, so I listened to him. 

"Oh shit I didn't."  I get up from the couch, and sauntered over to the kitchen with my phone still in my hands. 

"What would you do without me?"  He teases while I fill up a water bottle. 

"Drink less water."  I joked before taking a huge sip of my water. Shawn chuckles. 

"They are ready for you."  A voice from the background says as Shawn looks back. He nods before looking back at me. 

"I have to go Harmita."  He smiled softly. 

"Ok, I love you."  I said, disappointed that Shawn had to leave so soon. 

"I love you too, oh and look on channel 5He said before ending the call. 

Thinking it was just a interview, I grabbed the remote and switched the channels to get the channel 5. The drank the rest of my water as the ads kept on going on. 

"And now here is a live message from Shawn Mendes."  The reporter said. 

Shawn appeared on TV and the butterflies in my stomach came right back. 

"I would just like to say happy birthday to my girlfriend Harmita. Thank you for being the most amazing girlfriend ever. You are so beautiful and sweet. I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you birthday, but I hope you do know I love you so much. You are always there for me and don't forget that I'm always here for you. I can't wait to come home, and happy birthday love."  Shawn smiled through the TV, leaving tears to run down my cheeks. Some news report started and I turned off the TV, smiling through my tears. 

My phone rings again and I see it's Shawn face timing again.  

"Shut up Shawn, why did you do that?"  I wipe the tears off my face, but they keep on falling. 

"Because it your birthday."  He smirked. 

"You just wished me happy birthday on national tv."  I laughed, still in shock. 

"Oh yes I did."  He smiled. 

"I love you so much loser."  I smiled softly. 

"I love you too." 

Shawn Mendes Imagines [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now