(12) - Prank

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(A/N) - I saw this imagine somewhere, I thought I might rewrite it and add more to it. 

"SHAWN!? I'M HOME!" I say as the take my shoes off.  I get no answer. I knew he was home because his shoes where placed by the door. I walk into the kitchen to see a motion-less Shawn laying on the cold white tiles. I drop everything and run over to him. 

"SHAWN!" I cry. 

I shake him, attempting to wake him up. "Shawn, baby, please wake up."  No answer. 

I think about all the times I had with him. When he first asked me out. How he bought me a chocolate cake that had "Will you be my girlfriend?" written on it. When I got some icing on my nose, and he licked it off. Our first date. He bought me to a beach. The tides were high and he got soaked. Our first kiss. Just as the sun was setting. When I was on my period, he bought me so much food. When we watched movies, and cuddled. When I cooked, and he distracted me. When he came back from tour and he would spend every second of his day with me. When I met his family, and when he met mine. When we moved in together. We had so many memories together and wanted to make more. I started sobbing. I went on top of him and put my head on his chest and continued sobbing. Suddenly, two large hand went on my back, and Shawn sat up, I was now straddling him. 

"Oh my god baby, I'm so sorry. I was just a prank. I didn't know you would cry!"

"Shaawn!" I slap him on his chest and he pretended to be hurt. I got up and grabbed my purse that was dropped on the floor and walk over to Shawn and I's shared bedroom. My whole body was still shaking from that whole experience. I changed into one of Shawn's hoodies and some short shorts. Shawn was still in the kitchen, sitting on one the the bar stools while going on his phone. I walk right past him. Usually, I would hug him from behind and if he had his phone, I would take it. Shawn would get annoyed, but I knew he loved it. I went to go get a glass of water, when Shawn sneaks up behind me, grabs my waist, and turns me around so, I'm facing him. 

"Are you mad at me?" He asked. 


"I didn't get my kiss yet then"  

I rolled my eyes, and got out of his grip. I walk over to the couch. Shawn runs over and sits down before me, then pulls me down. Now we where in the same position we were on the kitchen floor. 

"Are you giving me the silent treatment?" 

"No, I'm not Shawn."

"Kiss me then" 

This kid.

I quickly give him a peck on his lips.

"That wasn't long enough" It took him a minute to realize I was still shaking. "Babe, your shaking."

"That's your fault"

"I already said I'm sorry, why are you so mad about it?"

"I'm not mad."  I said crossing my arms. This grip around me tightened.

"Babe, I know you. You ARE mad" 

"Fine, maybe I am." 


The thought losing him. Losing the love of my life. I started sobbing thinking about. 

"Baby, please don't cry."  He pulled me closer to his chest. 

"I don't wanna lose you"  I managed to say as I sobbed onto his shirt. 

"Don't worry, I will always be here with you." 

We sat on the couch for a few minutes, just cuddling each other in silence. 

"Hey Babe?" He broke the silence.


"I ask for a longer kiss earlier" He smirked

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