(25) - First TIFF Tribute Awards

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(A/N) - Shawn's performing at the TIFF Tribute Awards tomorrow! The performance is pre-recorded but at least we will be getting some content! So, that inspired me to write a imagine about it! 

"Hey babe! I heard about you and the TIFF tribute awards!" I said to Shawn as I walked into his studio. 

"Yeah! I was just about to get started." He said removing the headphone. My eyes moved to him by the piano and the camera set in front of him. 

"Oh, sorry." I apologized, turning to exit the studio. 

"No no! You can stay. I'm not filming just yet." He said making me turn around. 

"Yay!" I smiled skipping over to him and sitting on his lap. His hands made their way to my waist. 

"So, the performance is pre-recorded, eh? " I asked. (A/N) - Shawn saying "eh" is the hottest thing ever. 

"Yeah, the awards are on Liyah's birthday so, since I'm at home, I'm hosting the party."  He told. 

"How's the planning going?" I asked, knowing he knows that I love to plan parties. 

"Actually, I haven't started planning, and I was going to ask you to pla-" 

"YES YES YES!" I exclaimed as he laughed. 

"Why don't you start planning? I have to sing." He said. 

"Sure!" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

"I'm gonna start now, so do not disturb for 5 minutes." He said seriously. 

"Ok Mr.Mendes." I laughed. He winked at me as I left the room. 

I grabbed my "party planning" notebook and some colorful pens. On the top of the page I wrote "Aaliyah's 17th Birthday Party"  Right when I finished writing the title, I heard some very angelic singing from Shawn's studio. He was singing "Love's in need of love today" by Stevie Wonder. (A/N) - That's the actual song he's singing for the awards. He's not singing one of his songs. I get up from my spot on the chair and walk over to the studio. I lean towards the door so, my ear is touching the door. I hear clear singing coming from inside. The songs was already over and the door opened, making me fall. But, before I hit the ground, Shawn saved me. 

"Y/N, were you listening to me sing?"He asked as my face turned red and hot. 

"Um, no."  I lied. 

"That was very cute." He said wrapping his arms around me. 

(A/N) - I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry this was very short, but I have a imagine coming for Aaliyah's birthday! 

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