(39) - Canadian Christmas (Mini-Series: Part 1)

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(A/N) - Mini Christmas Series to celebrate the holidays!

My beauty sleep was interrupted by some gentle shaking. My eyes flutter open and Shawn was staring at me with a soft smile. 

I smile back, bringing my hands up to rub my eyes. Tarzan climbs up onto the bed, running into my arms. I cuddled him closer but him being the stubborn pup he is, he licks my cheek. 

I laugh, snuggling him close. Luckily this time, he stays put. 

"Hey man, it's my turn now." Shawn grabs Tarzan, placing him at the end of the bed.

"Whoever gets there first gets to cuddle with her."  Shawn counts down and rushes over to me. 

Tarzan got here first. 

"Everybody wants a piece of you,"  Shawn says, seriously but with a smile. 

"Don't worry, I've got room for both of you."  I turn myself around so I'm facing Shawn and Tarzan is in the middle. 

"Wait. OH MY GOD! Y/N!"  Shawn has a humongous smile plastered across his beautiful face. 

"What?" I grin, knowing exactly what he was going to say. 

"WE ARE GOING TO CANADA TODAY!"  He yells, jumping up from his spot. 

Since we have spent most of the year in America, we decided to head over to Canada for the holidays. We booked the flight a few weeks ago and Shawn hasn't been able to sleep properly this whole time. He was that excited. At least every hour he would say something about going to Canada, even if I was teetering on the edge of sleep.

"Oh, I never knew."  I grin, earning a smirk from Shawn. We both watch Tarzan run off as he spots one of his favorite toys laying across the room. 

"Is that why you woke me up at-"  I squint up at the clock, "6 AM?" 

"We'll need time to get to the airport,"  Shawn informs, reaching over to his nightstand to grab his phone. 

"Our flight is at 3 PM Shawn. 3 PM."  

"Oops."  Shawn pulls me to his chest. His arms go around my waist pulling me even closer. I feel myself doze off to sleep. 

"Shit."  Shawn curses, quickly getting off the bed. I hadn't even gotten a minute of sleep. Shawn picked up Tarzan, quietly scolding him. He probably did realize I woke up. His head turns my way and sends me a sad smile. 

"He peed,"  Shawn says, eyeing Tarzan. I pull the blanket off my body to take a look for myself. 

And it was true. Tarzan peed on the floor. 

"I'll go get a mop," I mumbled, heading off. We were staying in a house in Miami. Shawn said the "vibe" here was awesome. 

I got the mop, then slowly went up the stairs into our bedroom. It was too early for this. I clean up the mess Tarzan made while hearing Shawn opening up the back door to take Tarzan out.  

I place the mop back where it belonged and jumped right back in bed. 6 AM is too early for me. 

"HEY TARZAN! THAT'S TOO FAR." I hear Shawn yell, causing a smile to break out. 





"OH SHIT!"  He laughs loudly. 







"Finally! Got you!"  Shawn says, I could hear the smile in his voice. 

I decided since I was already up, I should get a start to my day. I make Shawn and I's bed, putting all the decorative pillows up. 

Shawn runs up the stairs into the room with his chest and shorts soaking wet. Tarzan follows Shawn, also wet. 

"What happened?"  I smile at both of them. 

"Tarzan ran into the neighbor's yard and they had their sprinklers on."  Shawn chuckles, catching a breath after each word. 

Guess this morning was off to an amazing start. 

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