(40) - Canadian Christmas (Mini-Series: Part 2)

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"All done,"  I said as help Shawn put the last of the baggage into the back of Cez's car. Cez was driving us to the airport today. 

"Thanks for helping."  Shawn grinned as he bent down to give me a kiss. 

"Get in the car you two."  Cez looked back from the front seat. I picked up Tarzan, who was chasing his tail and went into the back seat. Shawn followed. 

"Aren't you going to sit in the front?"  I ask. 

"Why wouldn't I want to sit next to my beautiful girlfriend?"   Shawn's comment makes me blush. A panicked look falls on the face while he pats his pockets. He looks in his back pack and his panic goes way. 

I ignore the move he made. Shawn can be weird sometimes.  

Tarzan falls asleep on the lap, and my head was resting on Shawn's shoulder. I was just about to fall asleep when Cez pulled up to the airport.  

I grab my mask out of my pocket and put it on. Shawn does too. 

Shawn runs out to the back and Cez follows, probably to help him with the luggage. 

I put a leash on Tarzan, and helped him out of the car. Compared to me, Tarzan was a giant dog.

I walk to the back of the car where Shawn and Cez were taking out all the baggage. 

"Have a safe trip you guys."  Cez hugs Shawn.

"Bye Cez." I say as he comes over to hug me. 

"Good luck dude."  Cez pats Shawn on the back. 

Confusion struck me. Why would Cez be wishing Shawn good luck? We are only going to Canada. 

"Why is he wishing you good luck?" I ask him, watching Cez drive away. 

"I- I don't know."  He pauses for a second. "Maybe because we spent the entire year in Miami and now we are going to Toronto and it's fucking cold over there." 

"Mhm." I say, grabbing a bag in one hand, and Tarzan's leash in the other. 

We walk in the airport, with crowds forming. Shawn gets his sunglasses and puts them on, but it was too late. 

Everyone had recognized him. 

"Jake's not here yet."  Shawn whispered in my ear. Shawn called Jake to meet us here, but he hasn't arrived yet. He didn't want to take pictures with fans because of COVID. 

"Just take pictures with them, but still be socially distanced."

"That's sounds like a good idea, but what if we miss out flight?" 

"Shawn, it's 12 PM. We have a lot of time. Just make sure your done by 2."  

"Thanks babe."  He kisses my forehead before running off to the fans. 

I find a Starbucks and bought my self a hot-chocolate. I would of bought coffee, but I can catch up on sleep on the plane, right?


Shawn finds me and Tarzan a little after two. 

"Let's go get checked in."  Shawn got Tarzan and we walk over to the line. 

The line was HUGE since it was Christmas time. Everyone, including us, wanting to go home to our families. 

"Wow, long line. Do you think we will make it in time?" I talk to Shawn while being at awe at the long line. 

"I don't think so."  Shawn said making my heart race. I woke up at 6 AM for nothing? 

"Hmm, maybe I can use my pop star perks."  Shawn grins at me, taking his sunglasses off.  

The lady behind the desk recognized Shawn and called us forward.  

She finished with her, and she took our baggage. I still had my bag and Tarzan with me. Shawn also had his bag. 


For some reason, Shawn had booked first-class seats. He said and I quote "I want the trip to Canada to be special." 

"You didn't have to get first-class. It's only a 3 hour trip."  I tell him for the 100th time.

"Anything for you."  He said, sitting down on his seat. He looked at the border and frowned. 

"Shit, how do I get this down?" He asked, pushing down on it. 

"I don't think you can."  Sitting down in the seat next to his, with Tarzan on my lap.  

I look around and found a button. I pressed it, curious what it would do. The button made a window go up between Shawn and I. 

"Hey! Get this thing down!"  Shawn yelled playfully. I pressed the button again and the window went down. 

"I missed you."  Shawn put his arm around me.

"Please put your seat belts on as we prepare for flight."  The flight attendant informs. Shawn and I both put our seat belts on. 

"What do I do with Tarzan?"  I look down at my lap.

"Here, give him to me."  I hand over Tarzan to him. Shawn holds Tarzan with one hand, the other around my shoulder. 

The plane takes off and we are in the air, headed to Toronto!

"Um, Y/N?"  Shawn turned to me. 

"What?"  I said, stroking Tarzan's fur. 

"What if Tarzan needs to go?"  Shawn's eyes widen. I haven't thought of that. Shawn and I take Tarzan out to use the bathroom every 2 hours, even during the nighttime. The flight to Toronto was 3 hours, and we were already 30 minutes in. 

"We'll just take him to the bathroom?"  I tell him and Shawn laughs.

"He's going to use the toilet?"

"No! Just let him poop on the floor and then pick it up." 

"Wise girl."  

"I'll take him now."  I grab Tarzan from Shawn. 

"I'll call someone to help me get this thing down."  Shawn pressed the button to call a flight attendant. 

As I took Tarzan to the bathroom, everyone gave me weird looks, probably confused why I'm bring a dog to the bathroom. 

I came back minutes later and Shawn got the border down. 

"Yay! You got it down."  I exclaim. 

"Yep, and now we can cuddle."   Shawn said. 

I put my head in Shawn's lap and cuddle with Tarzan.

"Of course him."  Shawn grinned. 

"Hey! I'm cuddling with both of you" I smile. 

(A/N) - sorry this seems rushed, it was.

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