(6) - First Big Fight

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Shawn comes home from the studio late each night. You would try to stay awake, but end up falling asleep. He would already be at the studio when you woke up. You missed him. You missed him singing you to sleep. You missed his laugh. You missed his smile. You missed his everything. After a week of this, you decided to confront him about it. He wasn't spending enough time with you and you were starting to feel lonely. You call him.

"Hey Babe"  His voice sounded raspy from all that singing.

"Can you come home early tonight? I miss you!" 

"Baby, the album needs a lot of work and it's not even close to done." 

Anger boiled through your veins

"Seriously babe? You never spend time with me anymore!"

"Stop being so clingy"

"I'm not being clingy! Your the one who never spends time with me!"

"What about when I'm on tour!? You never act like this!"

"Your making your new album Shawn! Your not on tour now! Your in town! "

"Babe, I'm exhausted. Just please let me work on my album. I need to finish this." 

"Fine, but don't expect me to be home. I'm gonna stay at my friends"

"Y/N wait-"

You hang up the phone. You had enough. You call your best friend to ask her to stay for a few days. 

"Hey Y/N! What's up?"

"Hey, can i stay over at your place for a few days?"

"Why? Something happened with Shawn?"

"Yeah, we had our first scream fest over the phone"

"Sure you can stay over."

"I'll be there soon"

You pack a few clothes in a mini suitcase. A tiny part of you was hoping that Shawn would come to apologize.  You went out to your car and put the suitcase in the passengers side. You couldn't help but let a few tears fall. Ever since you started dating Shawn, he had been your first priority. Turns out you weren't his. 

You arrive at your friend, Lauren's condo. She hugged you when she opened the door. 

"So, here's your room"  She pointed to a small room "Sorry it's small."

"It's fine, I really don't have a lot of stuff"

"Hey, I hope things with Shawn go well." She said with a slight smile. I give her a sad smile. 

You put your suitcase on top of the dresser and you lay on your bed. You couldn't help but cry. Shawn was your everything, and that was your first fight. While you were thinking about Shawn, you phone goes off. It was the last person you wanted it to be, Shawn. Since he was still your boyfriend, you decided to pick up the phone. 

"What?!"  You yell into the phone. 

"Babe, come back home."



"You really hurt my feelings. You don't know how lonely I was Shawn."


"You were my number one priority. I cared about you. You were my everything"

"Y/N listen to me-"

"I thought I was your number on priority. I thought you cared about me. I guess you album is all you care about."


"It's like you have nothing else in your life."


"Shawn, no, leave me the alone." 

"babe, lis-" 

You hang up the phone. You throw your phone across the bed and cry into your pillow. You hear the knock on the door, it was Lauren. You whip your tears on your hands and go to open the door. 

"Hey! We ordered some Taco bell for you! "  Lauren says as she hands me a chicken burrito and a large diet coke. 


"You wanna talk about it?"

You stay quiet for a moment. "Sure"  you say. You needed some company. 

Lauren comes in and sits on the bed. I open the wrapper on my burrito and take a huge bite. 

"So, what happened?"  she breaks the silence between us. 

"Well, Shawn has been coming home really late and going to the studio really early. We never get to spend time together. He doesn't even have the time to talk to me Lauren!"  I state while sipping my coke. 

"How long has this been going on for?"

"About a week now. Today was the first time in a week we had a conversation, even though it was a fight." 

"You should talk to him Y/N"  She says while leaving the room. 

You eat the rest of the burrito and drink the rest of the diet coke while thinking about what Lauren said. "You should talk to him Y/N"   You work up the courage to call Shawn. 

"Hey Y/N"  He sounded like he had been crying. 

"Hey babe, come over. We need to talk"

"Oh, ok!"  he hangs up the phone surprised you even wanted to talk to you. 

A few minutes later, you were a knock on your door.

"Must be Shawn"  you mumble as you go open the door. 

When you open the door, it was Shawn, just like you thought. You both stood there. not knowing what to do. If you were not fighting, you would already be hugging or kissing. You turn around and sit on the bed. He does the same. 

"So..you were you gonna say when you called me"  you awkwardly say. Things have never been awkward with you to. 

"I'm so sorry, y/n. I got to caught up writing the album"  

"i know"

"I'm so sorry! Can we please not be fighting?"

"It isn't so easy to heal from a fight Shawn. Sorry is not enough."

Shawn turned quiet for a second. 

"How about I make reasonable hours at the studio. I'll talk with Andrew and I'll make time so I can spend more time with you."

You smile at him. "That sounds good"  You plant a kiss on his lips.

"Are you still staying here?"  he asked. 

"Only if Lauren says that you can stay here."  I smile. 

He gets up and before going out the door he says "Well, I'm gonna go ask her." 

A minute later he comes back with a huge smile on his face. 

"She said yes, didn't she?" 

He nods while a huge grin on his face. You put your arms in front of you. "Cuddle with me please?"

"Of course darling" 

(A/N) - Wow, I did more than 1k words! Request are open!! 

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