(26) - Aaliyah's Birthday Party Bet

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"This party is awesome!" Aaliyah exclaimed as we made our way to the rooftop. Today was Aaliyah's birthday and Shawn decided to throw a party. Turns out that being a pop star can have you throwing the best parties. My jaw dropped when I saw the all the decorations. 

"Anything for my sister." Shawn said ruffling her hair. 

"Anything?" Aaliyah has a grin on her face while fixing her hair.

"Yeah." Shawn said nervously, his grip on my hand become tighter. 

"Well then. I have a bet for you and Y/N." She said.

"What is it?" I responded sounding confident. 

"You and Shawn cannot kiss or make out at my party, and if you do, you have to take me on a shopping spree. But if you don't ,I will buy you both Starbucks." Aaliyah smiled. Shawn's eyes went wide for a second.

"S-Sure." Shawn responded.

"Enjoy your party Liyah." I plastered a smile across my face. Aaliyah walked away and starting talking with some of her friends. Shawn quickly pulled me to the side.

"I wanna kiss you." Shawn smirked.

"Shawn! If Aaliyah sees us, she'll make us take her on a shopping spree! She'll probably make you tag along!" I slap his arm playfully. 

"Y/N" He whined. 

"It's only 5 hours long, Shawn." 

"5 HOURS?! That's so long!" Shawn pouted. 

"You have gone a few months without kissing me when you were on tour." I crossed my arms. 

"But you here!" He said dragging out the "e"  I rolled my eyes and walked away. I went to the table to grab some punch. I look to my side and see Shawn chatting with Brian and some other friends. He catches me looking at him, I bit my lip and looked away. I quickly look back before walking away. The expression on his face was priceless. 

"Y/N!" I look to see Camila Cabello running towards me.

"Hey Camila! I haven't seen you in such a long time!"  I said as I hugged her. 

"Yeah, I have been writing the album." 

"I can't wait to hear it! Can I have a sneak peak?" I said nudging her shoulder.

"Sorry girl, no."  Camila and I talked for a bit before Shawn came, already a little bit drunk. 

"Baaaaby." Shawn said after Camila walked away to talk to a person I could not name. 

"Shawn, your drunk."  I said.

"They are bringing out the cake."  He said, completely ignoring my comment. Before I knew it, everyone started singing happy birthday as Karen and Manny came out with the cake. 

"Happy Birthday dear Aaliyah! Happy Birthday to you!" Shawn and I sang along with the others. Aaliyah smiled and blew out the candles. Shawn went away from me and helped Aaliyah cut the cake. I just stood there and watched. 

"Fuck" Shawn cursed as he cut the cake awfully bad while Aaliyah just stood there and laughed. We all ate the cake after they cut the cake into slices. Shawn grabbed 2 plates and came over to me.

"Here." He said, handing the cake to me. He leaned in to kiss me but I dodge it.

"Did I do something wrong?" Shawn said sounding depressed. 

"Babe, remember the bet with Liyah?" I try reminding him.

"Oh" He remembered while I took a big bite of the cake. We both finished our cake and returned the plates. I wanted to go to talk to Aaliyah, but a hand grabbed me and pulled me into a corner. 

"Shawn wha-"  I was cut off by Shawn closing the grab between our lips. Shawn's hands wandered all around my body, then settled on my waist. The kiss turned into a make out session. The party was almost finished. I actually thought we were going to win the bet and I would have a free latte tomorrow morning. 

"AH HA!" Someone said. We both pulled out and looked to our side.


"I CAUGHT YOU GUYS!" Aaliyah laughed.

"Darn it." I said looking down to my feet, slightly embarrassed. 

"YOU guys have to take ME on a shopping spree!" Aaliyah jumped up and down. 

"Do I have to come? I'll still pay for it" Shawn said. I knew how much he hated something. 

"You have to come Shawn. See you guys tomorrow at the mall." Aaliyah had a evil grin on her face before walking away.

"You buy yourself something too." Shawn said as he brought me closer.

"No no. It's fine." I declined.

"I'm the one who had to kiss you, so, I'll buy you something." Shawn said.

"It's really fine Shawn."  I said, still declining. 

"If you don't buy anything Y/N, I'm buying something for you."  He gave me a warm smile. 

(A/N) - Ew, this was really bad. Anyways. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AALIYAH! Your growing up and becoming such a beautiful young women! I can't believe your 17! Your 4 years older than me! :) 

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