(17) - Taking some time apart

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"BABE! I'm home!" Shawn yelled as he entered our shared condo. 

"Up here babe!"  I yelled to Shawn from the bedroom. In a matter of second, I hear Shawn quickly coming up the stairs. I was sitting on our bed doing some work I had to finish. I was in Shawn's hoodie with my hair pulled into a messy bun. The bedroom door opens and I see Shawn in black jeans with a white button-up shirt with a few buttons unbuttoned. He comes over to the bed and hugs me. That causes me to fall and now I was laying on the bed with Shawn on top of me.

"Hi Shawn"  I giggle right before he leans down and kisses me. 

"Hi Baby"  He says as we both sit up. 

"So, how was the meeting?" 

"It was good. But, I have something to tell you." 

"Ok, what?"

"Well, I'm going to LA in 2 weeks to start recording the fourth album." 

"That cool! But, I'm going to miss you so much!"  I say as I put the laptop on my lap.

"Wait, what if you come with me?"

"That would be awesome, but I don't think I could afford it." 

"Mhm" He said when he pulled his phone out and went to the bathroom to privately talk with someone. After 10 minutes he came out of the bathroom.

"Baby!!" He smiled "I have a surprise!"

"What?" I looked up from the computer. 

"You could come with me. The whole trip is already payed." 

"OH MY GOD!"  I got up and jumped into the arms. He spun me around while my grip on him became tighter. 

"I can't wait to go to LA with the love of my life." He whispered in my ear. 


"BABE!" Shawn woke up from my nap. I was laying on the couch exhausted. I had not been getting sleep at night, and I slept for the first time in 2 days. 

"What?" I say as I rub my eyes.

"You wanna go on a walk?" 

"Shawn, I want to sleeep" 

"Don't be lazy Y/N! I'm leaving in a week!"  Shawn pouted

"Sorry Babe, no."

"Y/N, I guess you don't want to spend time with me."  Shawn went away.

"Shawn!" I yelled. When he didn't answer, I groaned into the pillow and once my head hit the pillow, my heavy eyes shut and I was asleep.


Basically, every day me and Shawn would keep on having arguments on little things. Yesterday, we had a huge argument on whether tea or coffee was better. 

"Babe"  Shawn barges into the bathroom while I was brushing my wet hair.

"Privacy much?" I get annoyed by his actions. He hugs me from behind. 

"I was thinking that you don't come to LA with me."

"What?" I looked at him through the bathroom mirror. 

"I think we might need some time apart."

"So, we are taking a break?"  I get out of his grip and walk into the bedroom. I sit on the bed and put my face into my hand and start crying. Did Shawn want to break up with me? Shawn rushed over to sit next to me. 

"Babe. Please-"

"Shawn, stop. You don't love me anymore."

"Babe, I love you. But, I feel like we are a lot fighting so-"

"YES! I KNOW WE ARE FIGHTING A LOT SHAWN" I yelled through my sobs. 

"Y/N, just tell me talk." He said calmly. 


"Well, I feel like we are stressed and we are taking it out on each other. You with your job and me with my album. I would go to LA, you would stay here. But, we would still talk."

I did not know how to feel about it.

"Y/N. Please answer me" He said. 

"Y/N, you know I still love you."

"Please Y/N. Answer me"

"Ok Shawn" I gave him a little smile.

"Ok what?"

"I'm fine with your plan." 

Shawn sighed with relief. I moved closer to him and kissed him. One small kiss turned into a whole 10 minute make-out session. Before it got heated, Shawn pulled out.

"I better call Andrew" He gave me one more kiss and left the room. 


He gave me a really long kiss before saying "I love you babe" 

"I'm going to miss you so much" I gave him another kiss, which I smiled into. He pulled out.

"I have to go." He looks at Andrew.

"Call me when you get there." 


(A/N) - Did you guys know Shawn and Camila are taking some time apart. They inspired me to write this imagine. Shawn is in LA recording his fourth album, and Camila is also working on some music, but she is also working on a movie. The plan was that Camila would come with Shawn when he goes to LA, but they decided that they needed some time apart to grow indivusally. They still love and talk to each other. 

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