(13) - First Period

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"Uh....dad?"  My daughter, Leah, taps on my shoulder. I was scrolling carelessly through my phone.

"Yes sweetheart?" I said, still on my phone. 

"I think I got my period..."  I quickly turn my head back to look at her. 

"What?! Did you find a pad?" 

"No, even if I did, I wouldn't know how to put it on" 

"Shit" I mutter. "Uh, honey. You go to the bathroom. I'm going to the drug store. I'll pick some stuff up. Just hang in there" I pat her shoulder. "I'll be back in 10 minutes." 

I quickly got up from the couch, grabbed the keys to my range rover, and ran out the door. I didn't want my daughter in the bathroom waiting for me. I started my car and made my way to the drug store. On the radio, my song "Senorita" came on the radio. I smiled. It still made me feel really emotional when my songs came on the radio. Every single person listening to that radio station, was listening to my song. Before I knew it, I was at the store. I turn off the engine, and walk in the store. The store was pretty empty, so it made it way more easier to find the items I was looking for. I grabbed some pads, painkiller because I saw Y/N with her cramps, and I grabbed some treats for her. I also grabbed some tampons, just in case Y/N was running out. I also added a hot bag into my cart for her cramps. I walk to the cash register and checkout. 

"Cash or credit?" The cashier smiled.

"Credit."  I said 

"By any chance, are you Shawn Mendes?"

"Yeah. I am" I blushed.

"Can I have a selfie then?" 

"Sure!" We took the selfie and she handed me a plastic bag.

"Have a good day and it was really nice meeting you!" I waved back.

I raced to my car and drove back home. 


Once I got back home, I raced to the front door. Y/N wasn't home yet. I rush over to the bathroom and knock.

"Leah, you still in there honey?" 


"I got your pads. I also got some other things, but Mom will go over that with you."  She opens the door and grabs the box of pads from me. 

"How do you put them on?" 

"The box has the directions hun. But, if you need more help."  I take a deep breath. "Just call me." 

"Ok" She shuts the bathroom door. 

I place the plastic bag on the floor next to the couch and sit back down. Just as I was about to get my phone out of my pocket, Y/N walks through the front door. She walks towards me and gives me a kiss.

"Hey Babe" I place a tot of hair behind her ear. 

She notices the bags. "Did you go somewhere?" 

"Oh, um. Leah got her period and I went to the drug store to get some shit. Can you like go over it with her?  

"What?! Leah got her period?!?" 

"Oh yeah"

Her eyes filled up with tears, threatening to spill.

"Baby. Why are you crying?" I asked her. 

"It's just that, she's growing up so fast." 

I pull her in for a hug. She quickly pulls out of it, and wipes a tear. 

"Well, I better go explain everything to her."

"You go do that, I'm waiting"

(A/N) - I just realized "Baby tell me when your ready, I'm waiting" Cool. I used a pun. Great. 

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