(16) - Fight With Dad

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I sit down on the couch of my living room, scrolling through Instagram. My boyfriend, Shawn had posted a few pictures. I liked the post and and commented a heart emoji. I find a few cute pictures I had taken with my friends earlier and posted it. Shawn was a singer. Yes, he was THE Shawn Mendes. I can't believe I'm dating the nicest and coolest guy on earth. I didn't even notice when my Dad sat down, and starting calling me. 

"Y/N!" He yelled. I looked up at him. 


"Your always on your phone!"

I ignored him. 

"Y/n, did you study for your finals today?" 

"No."  I said, immediately regret saying it. I look up at him with big eyes. He quickly snatches my phone away from me.

"Then, you are not getting this back until I see that you have gotten a good grade on all your finals." 

"But Dad! I won't know in like 2 weeks!"

"That's the point!" He walks away. Anger boiled through my veins. I was not going to let my DAD take my phone away for 2 weeks. 

"COME BACK HERE DAD!" I run after him. 

His grip on my phone tightens and he turns around to look at me. "What?"

"I want my phone back." I crossed your arms.

"Not until your final grades come back."

"I already studied yesterday. I just wanted to have a break today." 

"I'm still taking your phone away"


"Your still living under MY ROOF" 

"SO! It's MY phone" 

"Y/N! If you don't get all As on your finals, your grounded for the whole summer and you will spend it studying."  My dad screams at me. 

"Dad. It's fine if I get a B."  I calmly tell him. 

"No, it's not FINE! A B means your failing" 

(A/N) - Yes, my dad thinks when I get a B, I failed my class. Well, my dad even thinks A- is bad.

"Dad, just give me my phone back." 

"No, Y/N!"

"Why are you so...mad?!"

"If you don't get good grades, then you won't get into college, then you won't get a good job and basically your life would be ruined." 

"Dad, I studied yesterday. I just thought today was a nice day for a break." 


I quickly ran upstairs to my room. Just as I shut the door, I let the tears flow down my face. I was never good at fights, it was even harder with my dad. I needed to clear my mind. I wanted to go to Shawn's house but, I didn't have my phone to tell him I was on my way. I decided I was still going to go. I grabbed a backpack that Shawn gave me for my birthday and filled it up with some toiletries, some bras and panties. If I was going to stay at Shawn's for more than a night, I decided I would just steal his clothes. But just in case, I packed some leggings and a shirt. I didn't need my pajamas since, I could just wear his shirt. Tears were still rolling down my face. I quickly put on a denim jacket and some sneakers. I put the backpack on, and tip toe down the stairs. I did not want my dad to see I was sneaking out, that would just make him more mad. I quietly shut the front door. Since I was 18, I could drive. But, I didn't have my own car yet. Lucky for me, Shawn's condo was only a few blocks away. I start walking. I pat my pockets for my phone, but suddenly remember that my dad still has it. About 15 minutes later, I reach Shawn's condo. I ring the doorbell. Suddenly, the door opens and I see a shirtless Shawn with sweatpants on, and his messy brown curls. As soon as he sees my blotchy face and my puffy eyes, he pulls me in for a hug and kisses my forehead. He brings me inside his condo and closes the door. 

"What happened babe?"  He asked as he pulled away and put his large hands on my waist.

"I had a fight with my dad. Can I stay here?"

"Of course baby" He hugged me again. 

He pulls out of the hug. 

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

"You never have to ask." I said as I went on my tip-toes to kiss him.

"You were crying, so yeah."

He grabs my backpack and says: "Come on"  He grabs my hand. 

On our way to his bedroom I say "Hey, can I borrow one of your shirts?"  I smirk.

"Mhm. You look good in my clothes." He says.

Once we reach his bedroom, he goes to his closet and throws me a black t-shirt. I mouth him a thank you and go into his bathroom. I get out of my tight jeans and white crop top and slip into the shirt Shawn gave me. I realize that I would probably need to wear something underneath. I look around and find some Victoria Secret shorts I left. I open the door to the bathroom and see Shawn scrolling through his phone. He was waiting for him. When he hears the bathroom door open, he quickly gets up and shoves his phone in his pocket, and comes near me. 

"Movie and popcorn?" He smiles. 

"Of course" I wouldn't miss any chance to cuddle with Shawn. 

"I'll go make the popcorn" He says after kissing me. He leaves the bedroom.

I look around and find some blankets. I run over to the living room and plop down on the couch. I find the remote and start looking on Netflix to find a good movie. I finally settle on the movie "The Kissing Booth 2" 

(A/N) - My dad still has Netflix kids on my account even though I'm 13. So, I just looked up "Movies On Netflix" 

Shawn comes after a few minutes with a big bowl of popcorn and 2 bottles of diet coke. He puts them on the coffee table and sits down next to me. He pulls the blanket over him and put his arm around me. I cuddle into his chest. Just when I started the movie, Shawn's phone starting ringing. 

"Who is it?" I asked as he pulls out his phone. 

His eyes go wide and shows me his phone. The caller id said "Mike Y/L/N" 

(A/N) - Just pretend your dad's name is Mike. 

"Don't answer it!" You snatch his phone away. 

"But, your dad is going to get mad at me Y/N" 

"Please Shawn"

"Fine" He said as I gave him his phone back. He declined the call and put the phone back into his pocket, and put his arm around me again. I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and put some into my mouth. I catch Shawn staring at me. 

"What?" I say.

"Just looking at my beautiful girlfriend"  He smiles and I blush. Our attention goes back to the movie again. A few minutes later we hear banging on our door. Me and Shawn give each other a confused look. Shawn gets up, and grabs a shirt that was laying in the room, and puts it on. He goes to the front door and opens it. My mouth falls open. My dad was at the door. 

"Y/N! Why are you here?" My dad yells.

"Because I want to be here! Dad you hurt me so bad!"

"That does not mean you sneak out!"

"Dad, please!" 

"Your coming home Y/N" Just before my dad can come in Shawn quickly shuts and locks the door, and comes running towards me. 

"I'm so sorry babe" He hugs me while I cry into his chest. 


(A/N) - Wow, this is my longest imagine so far. 

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