Business - Part 55

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The atmosphere within the tent was to say the least, suffocating. The news of your childhood friend being abused, plus the idea of him witnessing something that no normal person would, brought great pain to you. But, better than anyone, you knew that things were different here, especially in this universe, you'd grown to adapt and live within this universe as if it were your own, whether you could go back wasn't really an idea to you anymore. Being with The First Order and with Kylo meant everything to you now and now that you knew that other's like yourself and those you love are being brought into this universe, was giving you a sign that something was at play.

You looked up from the warm tea that had been sitting in your hand for the last 15 minutes and spoke "We came here technically on official business" you said sternly. Rai flinched at the sudden change in your tone, you noticed and smiled faintly at him. "I understand that you, yourself, Judith are the so-called boss around here?" you questioned, not really caring for the actual answer.

She nodded, pushing away the tea she had within her lap but before speaking Kylo interrupted "Watch what you're about to say, Judith" his sentence had poison dripping over each word.

You knew for a fact that something had happened between Kylo and Judith and it didn't end, exactly well. But you knew Supreme Leader Snoke would want results and putting your feelings into something he'd want results from, wasn't going to cut it. "Kylo" you muttered, gently touching his arm "It's fine, let her speak". You glanced into her direction with a smirk on your face "She obviously has something to mention, that's worth our while?" chuckling under her breathe.

She flinched; your words held no punches back. If she wanted a fight, she would happily get one, whether it was with words or with actual action, it was completely up to her.

Judith quickly regained her confidence "Even if it's talking to your lovers, Ex?" she smirked back at you now, feeling supreme in her own words. "What was it you use to call me, Ben?... Oh, that's right, Sweetheart. You loved to play with my hair as well, Master Luke was sure of it that we would have been married, if you hadn't you know? Gone to the dark side". Her words held pain but not enough to warrant worry. Kylo flinched, knowing all too well that you had a jealous side and that, hiding it was somewhat hard for you but Kylo had only known your jealous side from before your training with Snoke and Judith thought that this little show of showing off would make you angry, let alone Jealous, she'd need to come up with something new and fast.

You chuckled, placing your hand gently across your lips, you were smiling but your eyes didn't show warmth "Oh my, you still call him, BEN?" your voice began louder as you muttered, Kylo's original birthname. "Oh my. It seems someone's still stuck in the past" you gracefully stood up and made your way over to where Kylo sat, you gently but seductively draped your hand over his right shoulder and without warning, plopped yourself onto Kylo's lap "You see" your lips curved up into a seductive smirk "I only know the man, Kylo. Who if you didn't know has a way with his hands" you winked at Judith, who by this point had gone pale "But I bet you didn't know that?" chuckling again, you wrapped your arms around Kylo's neck, happily sitting into his lap as if it was the most nature thing to do. Kylo at this point, was smirking at the thought of you trying to make yourself look seductive in his eyes, when truthfully you already were.

As the atmosphere began to become yet again, heavy, a small chuckle rippled out of the corner where Rai sat, he had covered his mouth, but tears of laughter could be seen from his eyes, as he tried all so desperately to hide his uncontrollable laughter. You sighed heavily knowing why he was laughing. Kylo bumped his head against your forehead "Maybe you should stop playing around now and get to work?" he chuckled, apparently to both Rai and Kylo, both yours and Judith's "display" of who is the better bitch, didn't work. Of course, Kylo knew Judith before he became "Kylo", but he knew she was a serious fighter, not that you weren't but he knew she could hold her own but deep down, he could feel the emotions she felt for Rai and that meant if she decided to make you, her enemy, she'd be making him hers as well. Kylo could feel it as well, Rai felt compassion and gratitude towards Judith but that's only how far his feelings went "For now either way" he thought, however, you had more of a control over his emotions then she did and Kylo knew why, the things you had done for Rai when he was little, the bond and trust you both built together isn't something so easily that someone, even if Judith did save him, would be able to break so easily.

"Maybe you should see how Judith looks at Rai, before you judge why she's challenging you" Kylo muttered into your mind. You looked up into his eyes for a second before answering "What?" you muttered back. "Look how Judith looks at Rai". He nodded forwards, towards Judith who was now a slight rose pink across her face "She likes Rai?" Mentally muttering back to Kylo, he nodded "I can feel how strong her emotions are for him, she's not challenging you because we use to date before I became, Kylo. But because you're something important to Rai, she thinks you'll take him away from her". Kylo couldn't help but chuckle out loud at this part. Judith was strong with the force, but she couldn't see or hear Kylo's thoughts like Rey or Snoke could.

Everything hit you at once, the feeling of bitter embarrassment flushed across your face as well as within your stomach "So I did something so completely and utterly stupid for nothing?" You said out loud, so everyone could hear. Judith and Rai looked at you slightly confused.

Rai spoke up "What __?" He looked confused "What do you mean?".

Kylo spoke up before you had the chance "Well, I wouldn't say it was for nothing" He smirked "I got to see something completely new, myself" He wiggled his eyebrows at you, completely throwing you off balance, at this point you'd completely forgotten about the mission at hand and how this 'meeting' was supposed to be formal business for The First Order.

You released your grip around Kylo's neck and slapped his shoulder "Will you stop?" as you rolled your eyes at him "You, sir. Are too much of a flirt!" Your flushed face had become noticed by both Rai and Judith that neither of them could hold back from laughing at the sudden change in your actions. Kylo smiled back at you "No, not when you're around, I'm afraid" He gently kissed your forhead, while gently moving your legs from across his, off back onto the floor and placing you perfectly between his legs as he wrapped on arm around your waist, he used the other to prop up his chin with the other "Shall we?" He chirped happily.

This was going to be a long and embarrassing conversation, as you sat happily within Kylo's lap, burning bright red from embarrassment. 

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