Place? - Chapter 13. EDIT

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It's been at least a month since you'd been admitted to the hospital, Kylo had returned about 2 weeks ago and guess what? He's extremely busy again, you had a tiny bit of time with him luckily since he's been back, but you still felt lonely, you didn't like the idea of being stuck in the hospital anymore. Snoke was taking his time deciding whether or not to release you and keep you under surveillance or just let you get on with it, obviously even though your powers had been activated you still didn't have any control of them.

One minute the lights are going crazy then next things are either setting on fire or freezing. You could tell Hux was getting onto his last nerve with all your destruction on the ship, obviously attacking his baby uncontrollably wasn't something Hux liked, not that you were intentionally doing it, but it still made you chuckle when he wasn't looking.

You, yourself have begun to consider if you're actually helpful upon the Star Killer, you know Snoke and Kylo are keeping you on the Star Killer because your powers are unique whatever they are but what if you couldn't control them at all? How were you going to be around Kylo or even the head nurse while completely in fear that you were going to hurt them?

Every so often your mind would wonder, now and then the head nurse would have to prompt you out of your trances, which you were thankful for. She kept you out of the horrid thoughts that now roamed your mind, had Kylo gotten sick of you? You hadn't seen him in 2 weeks and normally he'd see you every day, obviously he's busy chasing down the droid in which has the information about Luke Skywalker.

Yes, Kylo finally told you what was going on, apparently Kylo was a training to be a Jedi under his uncle "Luke Skywalker" until he turned to the dark side known as the Sith, you technically already knew about the whole Jedi and Sith kind of thing it wasn't old news on your planet either.

(this can either be up to you on how you take it? It can be from the movies you've seen on the planet or actual Jedi's and Sith roam your universe as well).

What you didn't know was Kylo was now looking for the key that would lead back to his uncle the last surviving Jedi or so he thought. Apparently, his last meeting his Snoke made it known that another had awoken to the force and their power was strong, extremely strong. This had a slight pang within you, how strong could they be if Snoke and Kylo wanted them? Either to turn them over to the Sith side or kill them if they decided not to follow, it only had you think longer and harder about your own situation about your powers if you couldn't control them Kylo and Snoke wouldn't need you anymore. Literally, the only reason you were still alive at the moment was because Snoke thought your uncontrollable powers were of some use and Kylo conditionally agreed.

Kylo didn't know yet which gender they were and who had awoken to the force, you prayed a little in the back of your mind that I wasn't a girl, an amazingly strong and powerful women would fit Kylo's image perfectly, they'd fit together like two pee's in a pod and you?

Probably on the side curb while the women laugh and waves her hand behind her.

That image would wake you up, continuously throughout the night. The only good thing about Kylo not showing up regularly was that he couldn't see your memories or hear your thoughts. At the moment you were becoming someone that you hated the most, someone completely and utterly useless. Hey, you knew you were hopeless beforehand when you didn't have any powers but what about now? You had your powers and were about to use them, not be able to control them when you pleased even after almost a month of awakening, what right did you have been abroad the ship?

As you continuously rolled over this thought again and again in your mind, you punched the mattress of the bed. Tightly closing your eyes and biting down on your bottom lip. How humiliating.

You wanted to help and be out of this blasted bed but no. You weren't allowed to leave, you couldn't explore the ship anymore, talk to any Troopers or even see Kylo when you wanted. What could possibly go wrong now?!

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