Junior and Senior - chapter 19. EDIT

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Well things could Be going better for you.

A month ago, Kylo took you to see General Snoke about the change within you, though you, yourself couldn't feel anything different.

Let's just say Snoke was more than creepy interesting in you, apparently from his words " a spark had awoken within you" not that a spark would try to eat you from within, ya know?

But the worse thing was... Snoke wanted to train you, himself. Which took both yourself and Kylo by surprise.

"Supreme Leader Snoke, I understand that her powers are important but for yourself to come out and train her" Kylo trailed off, he had expected to train you, himself.

Snoke, snickered "And how will you train her, Kylo? Will you try and train her as I have trained you? Even though your training is not yet complete?" His words left a horrid feeling within the air, obviously Kylo had hit a nerve.

Kylo couldn't answer back, obviously being the student of Snoke he knew he could train someone who had some slight power in the force but someone who has a completely different power? Even yourself had some slight doubts, of course you'd rather have Kylo train you but how would he know where to start?

Snoke could see the clogs turning within your mind. Not that your expression gave it away or anything.

"Something on your mind, Child?" He spoke.

You shivered at the power within his words but decided to bite down on your fear "how will you know how to train me as well? I mean you said it yourself my powers are unique but for some reason are vital to the balance of this universe?".

Snoke smiled and my God was it horrifying.

Kylo turned ever so slightly into your direction, you could feel the irritation radiating off of him, you knew you were being disrespectful but Snoke quite enjoyed it.

"Well, Child. You see unlike Kylo here who's only touching the tip of his training to learn the ways of the dark side. You. My child have something even darker within you." He smirked at the thought of finding something precious.

You shrugged " I don't feel any different than before?" You questioned "definitely not the urge to start ripping people apart or anything" though the thought of ripping people apart made you shiver.

It reminded you of the film you had watched when you'd just turned 15 and your friend thought it was a good idea to watch "Aliens" no matter what anyone says that film is your complete nightmare in one whole swoop.

Snoke spoke up knocking you out of your thoughts "well how about you find out for yourself? Don't worry you won't be on your own" he smiled.

Kylo perked up "not alone?" He questioned " will you be taking another student?" He muttered feeling slightly neglected.

Snoke sighed "Do not be such a child Kylo. You have much to learn still so you'll be accompanying ___ for the training. Of course, separately but none the less you will both be trained by me".

Suddenly knowing Kylo was going to be with you whether or not all the time was a lot better than being on your own with Snoke! A smiled creep up upon your face.

Snoke could obviously see the excitement into your face.

"Do you see now, Child? That excitement inside of you" he nodded "that'll be excellent".

Confused at his remark you just nodded and smiled. Not really understanding a clue of what he meant.

Snoke's facial expression changed instantly to that of a rock "Kylo I expect both of you to be here within the week, understood?"

Kylo began to become taller than before, he must of regained his confidence again. "Understood".

Snoke had an expression on his face like he was looking through both of you "I will inform, Hux myself. Now go".

And that was that. His hologram was gone and the sudden realisation that you had been digging your nails into the balm of your hand since the beginning started to throb, shaking out your hands to allow the pain to pass you turned into Kylo's direction.

"So" you muttered "what next then? You asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the atmosphere which swam around Kylo.

Kylo didn't turn to look at you "first, we must get you prepared for visiting Snoke's planet. The clothing and attitude you present at this current time won't be acceptable. Almost, you must learn the basics of combat as well as mannerisms".

You sighed heavily within 'just great you went from one hell to another. Learning? Not one of your strongest skills and especially learning things you really won't EVER use again'.

Kylo could feel your emotions and snickered. Kylo had become your Kylo again, he trotted over to your side, releasing his helmet and pulling it off with one giant swing.

You could see his smiling expression as if he were excited for some reason.

"Well think about it" Kylo smiled "you'll be my junior" he winked.

Taken by surprised you burst out laughing "hahaha!" You grasped your stomach and tried to answer through the giggles "which means you'll be my senior!" You smiled wholeheartedly.

Kylo smiled "it's not as bad as you think" he answered "on Snoke's planet it's pretty much free to do anything and since we'll be there for training, I'll show you around".

Instantly within your head you instantly thought he was asking you out on a date, which then it hit you that you were being stupid and of course he wasn't asking you on a date but then your brain started to confuse you because that's what a date is isn't it?

Kylo amused at the thoughts running through your head, tried to hide the laughter which was now slipping through his fingers.

"What?!" You questioned strongly.

"Yes" he answered "It'll be a date" as he strutted off, leaving you flabbergasted.

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