Shampoo and kisses - Chapter 47. EDIT

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Closing your eyes as tightly as you could, you opened the shower, Kylo had his back to you, thankfully! As you slowly moved closer to the jet steamed water, you slid the towel off exposing your bare-naked skin to the elements.

It hot and in the sense that the water was so god damn hot! "How hot does Kylo need his shower water to be?!" you thought. Kylo chuckled, his back still towards you. He could sense the uneasiness within you and how you didn't feel too comfortable with him seeing you completely naked, I mean no one else but your parents had seen you naked and that was when you were a toddler, you really, really didn't need them to see you naked now.

He allowed you to get comfortable and to let him know when you were ready, obviously, that would take time, he'd even mentioned about not turning around at all and allowing you to get used to the whole "Naked" shower time before he did anything but something within you nibbled at the thought of allowing him to see you. You knew it was highly embarrassing the only other person you knew who had seen you naked other than your parents were Phasma and damn honey was she hot and no not hot like the boiling water...

So Kylo carried on tending to his needs of cleaning and washing away from you, it didn't make you feel like an arse since he'd made it pretty clear that he didn't want to pressure you at all in the slightest. You didn't feel lonely in the shower despite the considerable size of the god damn thing; it felt nice. You were together but not, if that makes sense?

You noticed in the corner of your eye Kylo was trying to reach for the shampoo but couldn't because it meant him having to turn around, you chuckled "Need some help?" you questioned.

He laughed "Assistance would be nice" as he shakes his head, you smiled, and finally everything settled into place.

"You can turn around Kylo" you muttered, washing your left arm with foamy soap. He froze in place "Are you sure?" he asked "I mean-" he cut himself off "I don't want to upset you" he clicked his tongue "I mean, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable".

You smiled as your thoughts ran through your mind, he listens closely 'Kylo, we're living together now. I mean it's not fair to make you look at the walls of your own shower' you could see the sides of his mouth curl "Are you sure?" He asked a final time.

You nodded "I'm fine with it, Kylo" You answered out loud, he turned around and looked at you straight in the eyes "Not so bad?" He questioned, as you smirked at him.

He walked closer to you, tapping you on the nose with a bit of soap foam "Not so fast" he tutted. Him being able to read minds is highly irritating. "Kylo, your eyes are staring at my breasts right now, I get to look as well" you stared hard into his eyes. He sighed, with a slight pink blush to his cheeks "You really don't beat around the bush, do you?" he answered. He'd known from day one after hearing your little dirty thoughts that you wanted to get a 'quick' peak at what lies underneath the hood but kept quiet about it.

He couldn't really deny it either since you could feel his eyes scanning and looking at every inch of your body, they would settle briefly upon your breasts before moving further downwards before you flicked soapy foam at him "If I can't look, neither can you!" you squeaked.

He rolled his eyes at you "You're really going to use that against me?" He shook his head "You know I could just search through your mind for images, right?" You instantly smacked his arm "Don't you fucking dare, Kylo!" you shouted, he could feel the anger in your words "It's unfair that you can feel, see and understand my thoughts and feelings just by doing your weird Jedi mind tricks and I can't!".

He chuckled "That's what you're angry about?" he flicked a bit of hair out from his eyes, making him look even hotter than he already was. "yes, Kylo. I'm angry that I can't scan through your brain and see dirty images" you rolled your eyes "You know why I'm angry, so stop" as you grabbed the shampoo from the side rail and began squirting it into your hand "Do you want me to wash your hair or not?" You questioned.

He smiled sweetly "I thought you'd never ask" you rolled your eyes at him again "Kylo..." He nodded "Okay, no more. Yes please" as he bent down on one of the showering stalls within the shower and began leaning his head forward towards you "I'm in your care" he muttered. You sighed 'Only if you could be this tame and easy all the time' you thought. He chuckled "I heard that" you plopped the hand full of shampoo onto the back of his head and began rubbing "I know that, Kylo," you said monotoned.

"But that wouldn't be as fun, right?" he questioned, slightly joking. You smiled, feeling his playful side coming out "Yes, Kylo. It would completely ruin my whole day!" you joked. As you rubbed in the shampoo into his hair, he placed his hands upon your hips and pulled you closer, at the touch of his hands you jumped slightly, taken back "What's wrong?" You asked, feeling slightly worried you'd gotten shampoo in his eyes, thankfully he answered almost immediately.

"Nothing I just thought it would be better for you to be closer" His voice was calm and collected, not his playful, joking voice. Instead of answering back you just moved closer to the guiding of his hands, it didn't feel uncomfortable or even made you feel worried. He wasn't going to do anything and even if he did he'd only get Shampoo actually in his eyes.

A couple of minutes went by as you played with his hair as you ran your fingers through it, making silly little shapes and sculptures with his hair. He could tell you were having fun because you were humming but he had to cut your fun short "Darling, my necks starting to hurt" he chuckled, nervously. Instantly you were brought back to the whole reason why you were putting Shampoo in his hair in the first place; you moved away slowly "Sorry~" you smiled, innocently "Couldn't help it". Kylo chuckled as he stood up facing towards the shower head, allowing the water to run through his hair, guiding the shampoo perfectly out of his jet-black locks.

You gulped. 'Never thought washing out shampoo from his hair would look so... Sexy...' your thoughts trailed as you moved slightly away from him to grab the shampoo bottle again but instead Kylo's hand gently grabbed your wrist, you looked up, questioning his approach "Hm?" you answered.

"I'll do it" Kylo answered, smiling towards you. You smiled back 'Never thought you'd shampoo my hair for me, Kylo?' you thought. He smirked and planted a sneaky kiss on the back of your neck "No, but I can do this as well" the sensation ran throughout your whole body, leaving small pulses of electricity, it felt pleasant but also dangerous, you really didn't know what you were capable of when Kylo kissed you.

Kylo could sense the change in your body by the way you were standing close to him, normally you'd keep a slight distance between you both, allowing an easy movement but you were closer to him now, this indeed made him happy.

He smirked; he could play it either one of two ways. Just ignore his impulse to move closer to you, or he could try and make a move?

As He placed the shampoo that was resting in his hands on the top of your head and began gently rubbing the shampoo in, the clock kept ticking around and around in his mind, he wanted to make a move, but would it be the best move for you? He didn't want to destroy all of the work you'd made for yourself as well as him to be even in the same shower as him naked.

He sighed slightly, bumping his head into your now shampooed locks, you could feel the tension "What's wrong?" you questioned, looking up at him as his eyes looking into yours. You could see a strained thinking expression on his face, so you turned around to face him "Kylo?" you muttered, "What is it?".

He sighed again, allowing the air trapped inside his lungs to escape, he took your hands within his and finally answered "I don't want to make a move, just-just in case it makes you feel uncomfortable" He muttered, looking downwards at his feet.

The heat rose to your face, but it wasn't uncomfortable or unpleasant, it was a sudden rush of happiness that he thought about you and what you may or may not like. You tugged at his hands that were gently grasping your fingertips and smiled up at him, as the water rained down on the back of his head and down his body. You could feel it, that you would be fine if it were Kylo.

A smile returned to his face, as he moved his hands away from your fingers and around your now naked waist as he leaned in for a kiss, you closed your eyes.

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