Beauty for miles. - Chapter 8 EDIT

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As you continued to walk through the many corridors beside Kylo, in which now you could see all of his beautiful features.

You've seen 'beautiful' people from where you'd lived previously and as well as in the institute. You, yourself weren't exactly ugly but you also knew you were not extremely pretty, you were pretty much an average looking person...

The (LH) and the (C/H) of your hair was unique to some and to others it wasn't. Your (coloured) eyes weren't an amazing orb shape but they weren't oddly parted either. Beforehand when you use to look into the mirror as a child at the institute the other kids would make fun of you or laugh and call you names because of how your eyes were placed upon your face, but as you grew up you noticed that your features weren't that bad. Well, not as bad as some other kids in the institute.

But looking at Kylo, you knew you'd seen perfection...

Besides the horrid knot between his eyebrows, everything else was smooth, polished and amazingly perfect.

Kylo would every so often cough or mutter something under his breath. You'd forgotten that you kind of project all your thoughts out loud and have no filter in between.

But it didn't seem to make him uncomfortable, I mean you'd feel pretty uncomfortable if someone was constantly staring at your face as you walked down a long ass corridor and then proceeded to mutter every prefect and beautiful name under the sun. Yeah, you'd be so frickin' freaked out you'd probably break the guys/girls face in two. But, kylo was different, I  mean he obviously knew he was good looking anyone who said he wasn't was obviously jealous of his locks and looks but he didn't strut about it, not like some people you knew who were pretty much rubbing it in your face everytime you even directly looked in an area they were in.

When you thought of that sentence, you thought of a girl that you use to have actual fist fights with at the institute...

Just thinking about her made you fall into a bad mood, her name was Juliet she was a beautiful girl and not in the oh I'm pretty look at me kind of way, she was drop down beautiful. Diamonds look rough when compared to her but she was how to say OVERLY conscious about it, I mean the girl practically threw her words at people when she was talking about how amazingly pretty she was and then one day she thought it would be funny to start this "Conversation" with you. On how you'd only wear baggy trousers and long sleeved tops where ever you went. You were comfy and that was all that mattered to you, you were only 10 for christ sake.

She then threw a ton of insults on how ugly you looked and how her good looks were making up for it around the institute but little did she know that you could fight and you didn't stand for anyone, and you MEAN anyone talking badly about yourself even if it was true, they had no right too.

So you proceeded to punch the girl straight in her beautiful face, breaking her nose in two places and ruining her favourite dress as she put it when she cried horrifying to the head maid of the institute dorms when she was being treated. If was pretty funny how her face instantly blew up and blood went everywhere, you knew you could throw a punch but this was topped your favourite 10 punches. You thought cutting yourself on a piece of paper bled so much and hurt, you should of seen Juliet that girl practically bled for days.

Kylo chuckled loudly, knocking you out of your trance. Turning in his direction "What's so funny?" you asked with a cheeky smile on your face.

Kylo turned, looking straight into your eyes and laughed "Well, I knew you were a fight kind of person but wow" he covered his mouth with the back of his hand trying to prevent himself from breaking down into a fit of laughter.

You, yourself, however, was completely confused "What do you mean?" a tad bit concerned that Kylo had gone nuts.

He tried to calm himself down, but it wasn't happening "Juliet, really must have angered you, huh?" he yet again chuckled.

Instantly your face blew up bright red "GOD! Stop reading my thoughts!" you shouted, making every uncomfortable Trooper who was practically hugging the wall trying to get passed Kylo without dying a horrid death jump out of his armour, in which amused both you and Kylo but the trooper soon bolted without a second of hesitate. When he knew it wasn't directed at them but directed at Kylo, not wanting to see an innocent person get slaughtered in front of him/her they legged it before their nice white suit was stained red with your blood.

Kylo smiled and proceeded to answer your shouting plead "Then learn how to NOT show me and technically I wasn't reading your thoughts I was watching your memory. You were pretty short as a kid, huh?" He smirked, obviously throwing some insults your way.

"SHORT?!" you shouted, while proceeding to punch his left arm to you but his right to him. "I wasn't that short! There were tons of other kids I could of easily walked all over because of how short they were!" You were now trying to cover up your obvious hatred for being called 'Short' by calling others the word.

"Sure, Sure" he smirked "I bet you were a giant too them. Were you the Queen of the short people?" apparently not holding back now, Kylo struck at your nerves.

"QUEEN?!" you began stomping your feet while continuing to punch him "I was not short, alright?!" the whole ship by now could hear your argumentative conversation with Kylo and some bystanders, mainly Troopers admired your courage to continuously punch the scariest and most powerful person on the base. However, Kylo enjoyed your courage to stand up to him, not many did and when they did they instantly remembered who they were talking too and began begged for their lives in which bored him to death, so he killed them anyways. Being a scary person doesn't always mean you'd kill them regardless but begging was what he hated most.

So being you, meant he could release all of his unwanted tension and stress and not worry about how you'd act when you realised how important he was, of course, you. Yourself didn't really care for statues or titles not many people from where you'd come from had any so regardless they had to treat each other on how they'd like to be treated themselves.

You both had reached the end of the corridor which pinpointed the end of your playful argument in which Kylo won. Which for some reason didn't settle well with you, in which you openly declared that you'd get your own back on him one day and he gladly accepted your challenge!

"Well, now that is over and done with how about you look over there?" Kylo pointed North-west, your eyes followed his finger into the direction in which an overly large Window was placed, every ounce of your being squeaked with excitement you could see outside the ship!

With not a second thought you paced quickly over to the Window, placed your hands down upon the bottom ledge and propped yourself with your arms while you stood glaring out into the unknown the beauty on what your eyes captured, knocked you speechless.

How could such beauty be in one place?

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