Faction Part 3 - Chapter 39. EDIT

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It had been 40 minutes in total since you, Kylo, Hux and a small group of Stormtroopers had left to hunt down the rogue Faction spreading like wildfire through the galaxy. You knew one way or another The Rebels and the Rogue Faction would cross paths eventually if they haven't already.

Thoughts circled your mind, as the wind battered your skin and body, you made sure to keep a close eye on Hux and Kylo, they hadn't been on this planet before. Even after you kept an eye on them, you had to stop and turn around to scout the surrounding areas, anything could happen, and it was all settling down on your shoulders.

As you spun around again for the hundredth time, you could see small figures in the distance. You pulled your arm up, giving the signal of "Stop". Hux and Kylo moved closer to your side.

"What is it?" Hux muttered as the cold wind slapped his face, you could see his lips had turned slightly blue from the cold air. A pang of guilt hit you, only if you knew a way to manipulate your powers to others, you could barely manage to transfer them onto objects, and even that took too much effort and energy out of you.

"Look" you pointed into the distance at the black figures "Either those are the Rogues, or someone else has beaten us to the finish line" you answered, answering over the howling winds.

Kylo stayed silent, you couldn't quite get a grasp of what he was thinking, but you'd leave that aside for now. You turned back to Hux "What do you think, General?" you asked curiously "Do you want to take the leap?".

Hux, had a surprised expression on his face "Isn't this your mission?" He answered, you nodded but answered him back "It is but it's not just my own life I have to take into consideration" you stated "You may have bred these Stormtroopers to die at any minute, but I don't discard lives so easily" you stated.

Hux smirked, "Well, you still have that soft spot in you then after training with Supreme Leader Snoke?". You could feel the energy it took to keep talking to Hux draining, sighing you answered his question. "Just because I wanted to gain more power doesn't mean I need to lose my humanity to do so, I'll do my job properly don't you worry about that, but I don't like useless loss of life, especially our own people". You stared hard at Hux, your eyes burning into his.

Kylo stayed silent; his eyes were solemnly attached to the dark figures in the distance.

Hux shrugged "Let's get this over and done with. It's freezing here" He muttered. You chuckled at the statement "sure" you answered. Giving the Troopers the signal to go again, you began to pace forward towards the figures in the distance.


As you all approached the area to where the figures were hustling about, footprints were scattered about, as if they didn't care who saw them. Everyone was now crouching behind giant Ice shards, perfect cover you do say so yourself. There were still plenty of people still pacing about, you couldn't quite see what they were doing, but you could feel the tension building up in Kylo, the sudden need to kill was building up within him, and to his dismay, everyone could feel it.

You began to shuffle over to his side "Calm down" you whispered, "You'll get your turn soon enough" He nodded, knowing fully well what he needed to do but it didn't mean he enjoyed it. You rolled your eyes, turning away from his view. Your eyes scanned the area until they fell onto a familiar silhouette, one of the Stormtroopers were slightly closer to the group now, you'd given three Stormtroopers the task of infiltration hopefully without getting noticed, but you also had a plan just in case they did.

Five more Stormtroopers moved ever so closer to the three troopers ahead of them, their distance was considerable but even so they needed to stay as close as possible without detection so they could intervene if need be.

You turned to your left where Hux was crouching down behind his own Ice shard; you could see he was also getting restless. You scanned the area in front and took the chance to sprint over to Hux; it was quick, you slid underneath the cover of the Ice shard a loud sliding motion behind you. Staying down into a crouching position with one hand upon one of your daggers and listened to the surroundings just to see if the group of people heard your movements. Thankfully, they hadn't noticed or from what you could hear they hadn't.

Hux looked at you slightly confused "What are you doing?" He questioned. You moved to his left and peered around the side of the shard "Just getting a better perceptive" you muttered. That was a lie, just like Hux and Kylo you desperately wanted to move in, keep a few alive for interrogation and then get the hell off this damn Planet but you knew all too well that wouldn't be a good idea.

Your eyes widened at the sudden sound of gunfire "Shit!" you shouted, one of the Stormtroopers must have been spotted, as you moved around the shard of ice you could now see the Stormtroopers that were slightly out of sight, were now in full view firing into their line of sight. You moved back to Hux as quick as the wind and shouted: "GO!".

Both you and Hux leapt from each side of the Ice shard and began to move forward towards the group of people; words were being shouted back and forth from the group up ahead, Kylo had already released his Lightsaber, the red glowing light melted the ice underneath its gaze. How you didn't want to get caught in the crossfire of that thing "Nope, Nope and Nope!" you thought.

You pointed to an area beside you and Hux moved accordingly, he began to shout at you "We need to get up in front and we need to do it now!" you nodded, agreeing. Kylo had already reached the group, the white ground that had been glittering elegantly now was stained red. You could see his Lightsaber rising up and then a fraction of a second later raining down, literally through the people. Hux had already joined a small group of Stormtroopers barking out orders, as you watched what was going on. Everything began to slow down as if time had been slowed down it was a strange feeling, but Snoke had mentioned it to you before when you were in the heat of battle everything begins to slow down so you can get a good grip of the situation, not that it always worked.

A rasping scream knocked you out of your concentration, one of the people had separated from the group and was now charging towards you with what looks like a knife, you smirked as you stood up, facing towards the man currently running at you. Without a thought, your hands grasped around the hilts of your daggers and with great force you pulled them out of their sheaths. The blades were longer than a traditional designed Dagger; you liked the style of Otano katanas' that were used by Samurais. However, your dagger handles were curved, you liked the idea of the handles 'hugging' your hands. They also helped you defend when needed be.

Without a seconds warning, you sprinted towards the man, both blades behind you. Your sudden burst of movement startled the man as he tried to move backwards clumsily, but his footing couldn't grip.

You smirked again; victory was yours.

As your left foot slid in front of you, allowing you to glid slightly on the ice, your right foot behind you gripped and balanced your weight evenly, swiftly you span the blade within your left hand, the sword now danced towards the gentlemen screaming for his life. You kept your other dagger behind your back just in case you need to defend. Your blade connected with a loud, ear-piercing screech as metal met metal.

The man had successfully counteracted your attack, but that wasn't going to stop you. You pulled your blade back and span the blade around your hand, giving yourself, another shot at attack. This time the blade connected, a dark red liquid oozed out of his body as your blade sliced across his torso, large puddles of blood danced frantically across the snow, curdling screams erupted out of him, as his body slammed harshly into the hard ground.

You panted as your lungs tried to adjust to the physical workout you had just performed, you turned your head to your left and noticed Hux was staring at you, you smirked at his stare and shrugged. "He shouldn't have given himself away that easily" you pointed at the body lying on the floor.

Hux's body shuddered, you didn't know whether it was from the sheer cold or his own imagination.

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