Solo Storm - Chapter 20. EDIT

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Just under a week had gone by and you've never felt so hollow and tired before in your life, of course you studied and trained within the institute but never like this. But 25 books, 3 scrolls and 500 different martial arts later you had finished and Kylo had mentioned this was an easy exercise?! What kind of Spartan training did he go through!

Of course, now you felt like you were invincible but of course you also knew that wasn't true at all since you've been staying on the most heavily armed spaceship in the whole universe and everyone on board was crazy good at possibly everything, it was enough to make you depressed.

You had just finished your rounds of training with one of the stormtroopers, you bowed showing respect for your opponent who left in quite a hurry though this was no news to you, since Hux was informed by Snoke that you were going to be training under him and him alone you've become somewhat of a celebrity upon the Star Destroyer, of course you were somewhat popular beforehand because of how you were able to handle Kylo in situations in which even Hux would be frightened to go near him but you were fine, he did nothing to you other than that time you remember him throwing you against the wall in one of his rages but soon came around when he noticed he had hurt you, both of you never bring it up but Kylo now doesn't have any more "tantrums" on the ship when you're in close range.

You sighed, thinking of how long would you and Kylo be under Snokes training and how long will it take to control your powers completely. Completely lost in thought you hadn't noticed someone approach you from behind.

"Everything okay, Ma'am?" A rough high-pitched voice muttered behind you, startling you out of your trance, you turned to see a solo Stormtrooper which was odd, you always see them in twos.

"I'm fine, thank you" you nodded, not thinking of the problem at hand too much and carried on, on your way.

However, because of this... This became your downfall.

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