Faction - Part 2 - Chapter 38. EDIT

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Everyone huddled together, you tried your hardest to hide the funny smile on your face. Kylo and Hux were now being snuggled by two very large overcoats each with slightly different details. Hux had a black designed Coat with tiny bits of red delicately tracing around the edges of the coat, only when the coat fluttered about or the rays of the snow caught it did anyone actually notices the details, he had also added the Orders Engram on the back. Kylo's was original at best, completely jet black no delicate features added, you smirked at his lack of 'artistic skills' but neither the less it still looked good on him.

The Stormtroopers were all huddled together not really knowing what to do other than stay together for warmth. You had given them a notice that they should have brought coats' as well but apparently, the Stormtroopers had too much pride in themselves to think they'd get cold, wrong again.

You turned into the direction where everyone stood "Right, we're heading north-east. Stay with your partners, keep close eyes on each other. You'll easily get lost here" you shouted over the howling cold winds and snow flying into your face. They all weakly nodded, not really wanting to speak, you completely understood why.

You looked up at the Pilot through the Ship windows, you nodded but just in case you waved your hands over your head to give them a better visual. You could see that the Pilot saw your signal and bowed and began the procedures to set off back into orbit. You looked back down at everyone "Remember, the surface of this planet is completely unreliable we don't know when a sudden shift will happen so as I said again keep an eye on your partner, do NOT under any circumstances decide to be a hero and adventure off on your own. We will not be coming back for you" you placed your hands upon your hips "Make sure to keep your goggles on at all times, the snow can become hard without warning and leave you blind!" you shouted, pointing at your goggles in which were now safely protecting your fleshy eyeballs.

You shifted slightly and then pointed at your feet "Also, you've been given specialised footwear for this mission. Someone who I trust very well who also designed and forged my Daggers' created these, they'll help keep balance and grip through the ice and the snow. They have slight heaters at the bottom to make sure no drifting snow lands and begins to freeze your boots". You bent down adjusting your boots to give everyone a demonstration, they all noticed you were messing around with a little nob at the side of your boots "These parts here adjust your heating settings. Make sure that your boots are no more than 2 degrees any higher, and you'll melt your way through the ice" they nodded. "I know that sounds like a nice plan and all, but if you melt through the ice too much, you could cause a sudden collapse of the surface. We don't quite know exactly how thick the ice on the surface so makes sure that your boots are no more than 2 degrees at all times".

They all began muttering, checking their own boots as well as their partners. Hux and Kylo had already been briefed about the equipment you had asked to be created, and they had previously been shown what to do. So, making sure that everyone around you knew, was your only task.

One by one began to give a thumbs up, you nodded feeling a sense of relief "Good!" you shouted, holding up a thumb as well "Now, the last bit of information for you all. Sine we'll be travelling through the ice and snow your vision will become slightly obstructed, even these goggles on, you may begin to start looking vision before of the snow. All of you have black, tinted gloves, correct?" you shouted, questioning everyone. They all began checking the gloves now protecting their fleshy hands, and one by one nodded "Good. These have reflectors added into them if you notice your surrounds are starting to become bad put one hand up" you raised your right hand up into the air and began slowly rotating your hand in any direction, as you did, little rays of light bouncing off the reflectors from the snow began to show. "These will help those around you to know where you are. These will also help with giving signals and signs" they nodded again "Please make sure that all of your gloves work properly".

All the stormtroopers began holding their hands up above their heads and rotating their hands, small random shimmers from each hand began to follow through. You nodded, smiling "Good!" you turned to Hux and Kylo and nodding all was good "We're ready to head out".

As you mentioned these words, the Stormtroopers began to fall in line. You knew they were good at listening to orders or some of them were, but you weren't going to remember the oh so fun times you had with Poe, Rey and Fin, you rolled your eyes at the thought of when Fin had a hold of your hair and how Rey decided to fling you across the room. You smiled, and Kylo noticed, it wasn't a cute, little adorable smile either. It was eerie with the feeling of nothing but vengeance, you hadn't really given much thought to how you were going to do it yet, but they were going to get a few strikes back from you.

Kylo tapped your side, grabbing your attention "What's up?" you muttered, moving in closer to him as the snow began to whip into your face, it wasn't cold just annoying. He pulled up his coat from around his side, allowing your poor face some peace.

"What are you thinking about?" he muttered, leaning down, wrapping the rest of the coat around your waist. It startled you slightly, but you moved closer to the warmth of the coat and obviously the warmth of Kylo. You looked up, leaning into the crevice of his neck. "I was just thinking about the time when the lovely Rebels kidnapped me and my time with the traitor Stormtrooper called Fin and your oh so loving obsession Rey" you muttered sarcastically. Kylo snorted, you felt the chuckle flow through his body "What?" you muttered, pulling back slightly into his view, puffing out your cheeks "It's true" you said.

Even though Kylo was wearing his Mask, you could sense that he had a smile on his face. "My oh so loving obsession Rey?" he questioned. Shaking his head. "You and your words" he muttered. Pulling you in closer. After your little moment together after not seeing each other for six months you had noticed Kylo's obsession with Rey had somewhat died down, you don't know how it happened and to be honest you didn't want to ask, you knew at some point afterwards that you had won Kylo, not like some shitty little present from a fair you'd visited but you felt his heart belonged to you, but does that mean his obsession before wasn't lust or greed? Then what was it?

Kylo could sense you were thinking about something, but as usual, you had your mind closed off, this wasn't wholly new now to him though. He knew that Snoke loved to dig into people's minds especially his and he couldn't stop him from doing it so they both agreed that information that needed to stay between them or in your case just you, he would stay with you not that it made him feel any better about it. He loved hearing your inner thoughts and feelings, but now it has become more complicated.

You felt a sigh ripped through his body. "Kylo?" you questioned. He looked down at your face, as he lifted his hand up to the side of your face as he gently grazed it. You smiled, not quite sure what was going on, and without warning he pinched your cheeks, slightly pulling them outwards, erupting a small but funny screech from you. Instantly slapping his hands away as well as yourself "Ouch!" you muttered, puffing out your cheeks again "What was that for?!" you huffed, uncomfortably.

You saw his shoulders buckle under the sheer pressure that he was trying to contain, slightly muffled chuckles released from his mouthless mask. You instantly clicked; he was laughing at you! How mean!

"Not fair!" you shouted. You both hadn't noticed but Hux and every Stormtroopers eyes were glued to your hidden silhouette underneath Kylo's coat, as he stood protectively shielding you from the outside world. 

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